1. Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz
2. Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole
[오즈의 마법사 The Wizard of Oz ,1939 MGM]
감독 빅터 플레밍
도로시 게일 역 : 주디 갈런드 오즈의 마법사/ 마벨 교수 역 : 프랭크 모건 허수아비/ 헝크 역 : 레이 볼거 사자/ 지크 역 : 버트 라르 양철 나뭇꾼/ 히커리 역 : 잭 헤일리
제작비 $ 2,777,000 수익 $ 17,678,431
오즈의 마법사(The Wizard of Oz)는 L.프랭크 바움이 쓰고 W.W.덴슬로가 삽화를 그린, 총14편으로 된 아동문학 작품이다.
제1편은 오즈의 위대한 마법사(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)라는 이름으로 1900년 시카고 조지 M. 힐 출판사에서 나왔다. 이 처녀작은 1년 만에 2만 1천 부가 팔렸으며, 다음 해에 총 3만 5천 부의 초판이 매진되었다.
프랭크 바움은 제1편이 호응이 좋은데다 1903년 1편을 소재로 한 브로드웨이 뮤지컬도 성공을 거두면서 열 세 편의 후속작들을 더 쓰게 된다. 이후 수많은 판이 거듭 출판되었고, 그 중 일부는 '오즈의 마법사(The Wizard of Oz)라는 이름으로 발간되기도 했다.
이야기의 핵심은 도로시라는 한 소녀가 오즈 대륙에서 겪는 모험을 시간 순으로 서술한 것이다. 1939년 개봉된 MGM 영화 '오즈의 마법사'(The Wizard of Oz)에 힘입어 이 소설은 미국 대중 문화에서 가장 유명한 작품 중 하나가 되었고 여러 나라의 언어로 번역되었다.
오즈의 마법사는 1939년 뮤지컬 판타지로영화화되었다.
빅터 플레밍이 감독을 맡았으며 주디 갈런드가 출연하였다.
이 영화는 라이먼 프랭크 바움의 동화 《오즈의 마법사》를 영화로 옮긴 작품 중 가장 뛰어나다는 평가를 받으며 미국 영화 연구소가 선정한 100대 영화에서 6위에 올랐다.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow, Skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemon drops Way high above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?
Cow dung collars, elaborate 'squid' hairstyles and wives that can be swapped for cattle: Rare photos of Angola's tribal people
Photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Angola and met some of the fascinating tribal peoples living there Among them are the Mwila whose women spend their lives wearing thick collars made from mud and beads They also wear ornate 'squid' hairstyles which are held in place using a mixture of ochre, cow dung and butter Other tribes include the Mucubal where women are traded for cows and men can have multiple wives The Muhimba, who live in the south, are related to Namibia's Himba people and share many of the same traditions Angola recently emerged from a civil war which left people scattered and the countryside littered with land mines
By Scarlett Russell and Martha Cliff From the elaborate collars worn by the Mwila to the square hats of the Mucubal people, Angola is home to some of the most fascinating - and beautiful - people on the planet.
But thanks to a vicious civil war that ended less than a decade ago, little is known about them. Now a new set of photos by snapper Eric Lafforgue is set to offer a glimpse into their unusual lives and traditions.
In Chibia on the central plain of Lubango, he met the Mwila tribe, where women, no matter what their age, sport thick neck braces that come in different colours depending on marital status.
Stunning: A woman of the Mwila tribe in southern Angola wears a brightly-coloured headdress and beaded collar. The Mwila live in the Huila region of Angola
Spectacular: A Mwila woman wears the Vilanda necklace in the Chibia area of Angola. The necklaces, once on, are never removed
Elaborate: Mwila women are also famous for their ornate hairstyles, which are held in place using a mixture of ochre mud, cattle dung and butter
Cow dung collars, elaborate 'squid' hairstyles and wives that can be swapped for cattle: Rare photos of Angola's tribal people
The Korean government says it will publish a special report as part of its push to raise international awareness of the sex slavery issue in light of Japan's re-examination of its landmark apology.
Officials said on Monday that Seoul will publish a white paper on the forced sexual enslavement of some 2-hundred-thousand women by the Japanese military during the World War II.
The Korean government wants Japan to acknowledge and take responsibility for its past wrongdoings. Seoul also wants to raise the international community's understanding of the sex slavery issue.
Issued back in 1993 by then-Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono, the so-called 'Kono Statement' is Japan's acknowledgement of its military's involvement in wartime sexual slavery.
Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl in adorable home video
By Daily Mail Reporter A heartwarming new video sees a dog teach a struggling baby how to crawl.
Valerie Stevens-Scott from Atlanta, Georgia, filmed the family pet, Buddy, giving her seven-month-old daughter, Allie, an impromptu how-to session after he spotted her frustratingly waving her arms and legs around on the floor.
In the clip, the concerned Jack Russell Terrier gets by the infant's side and shows how he niftily moves forward by hiking his front paws in front of him.
Scroll down for video
Best paw forward: A heartwarming new video sees a dog teach a struggling baby how to crawl
Follow me! Buddy gave seven-month-old Allie an impromptu how-to session, after he spotted her frustratingly waving her arms and legs around on the floor
Helping hand: In the clip, the concerned Jack Russell Terrier gets by the infant's side and shows how he niftily moves forward by hiking his front paws in front of him
Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl...