아기에게 기는 법 가르치는 기특한 강아지 Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl VIDEO
경제문화 Economy, Culture/동물식물 Animal and Plant2014. 6. 24. 14:40
강아지 버디가 생후 7개월된 앨리에게 기는 법을 가르치고 있다.
Rrr-epeat after me!
Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl in adorable home video
By Daily Mail Reporter
A heartwarming new video sees a dog teach a struggling baby how to crawl.
Valerie Stevens-Scott from Atlanta, Georgia, filmed the family pet, Buddy, giving her seven-month-old daughter, Allie, an impromptu how-to session after he spotted her frustratingly waving her arms and legs around on the floor.
In the clip, the concerned Jack Russell Terrier gets by the infant's side and shows how he niftily moves forward by hiking his front paws in front of him.