경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1443

  1. 카나리아군도 절벽 붕괴로 캠핑장 덮쳐 VIDEO: 'RUN!': Major emergency declared after Canary Islands cliff collapses alongside holidaying campers2020.11.16
  2. 라틴어 9에서 유래된 11월은 왜 9월이 아닐까? VIDEO: Why is November the 11th month, not the 9th month?2020.11.15
  3. 일제시대 직전까지 조선 최고의 기생 3인2020.11.14
  4. 나만 그런 줄 알았더니...유튜브 대란?2020.11.12
  5. 한국 유튜브 영상, 세계 첫 조회수 1위 기록? VIDEO: Youtube 700 million view..Baby Shark Dance | Sing and Dance!2020.11.09
  6. 진정한 세계 최대의 제국은 어디일까 VIDEO: What was the largest empire in the world?2020.11.08
  7. VIDEO: Every day arm day.ㅣ The tree was there first ㅣ Preventing food and drink from going to lungs2020.11.07
  8. VIDEO: It was an accident, I swear! ㅣ True animal lover ㅣ Bird migration tracked by GPS2020.10.31
  9. `225만원` 와인 주문에 2만원짜리 갖다 준 레스토랑 Grape mistake! 'Lucky' couple dining at New York City's Balthazar were mistakenly served $2,000-a-bottle Bordeaux after ordering $18 wine2020.10.28
  10. 주목받는 아빠 붕어빵 이원주, 그녀는 삼성의 딸?2020.10.27
  11. 5살 꼬마 소녀의 돌발 행동에 웃음 빵 터진 신부님 VIDEO: Priest can’t stop laughing when five-year-old girl high-fives him as he blesses her2020.10.25
  12. 중국 역대급 고속도로 휴게소 VIDEO: Not your usual pit stop: Service areas in E China's Jiangsu Province wow travelers2020.10.22
  13. VIDEO: Big scritches ㅣBrazil biggest wave ever surfed l Good design2020.10.21
  14. VIDEO: French butter being made l Seeing His Recently Deceased Owner On A Video l That FPS2020.10.20
  15. 나라를 너무너무 사랑하는 여성들2020.10.20
  16. VIDEO: How to bypass cops in Rio de Janeiro l Focus on the tattoo l Movie editing at its finest2020.10.18
  17. VIDEO:Quick ponytail with no elastic band needed l Brother helps his sister make the shot l I will end you2020.10.17
  18. ‘35세 노브라 핀란드 총리’ SNS 후끈 VIDEO: Finnish women take to social media to back their Prime Minister after she was criticised for going TOPLESS under plunging black blazer for magazine photoshoot2020.10.16
  19. 밀실 정치....그곳에 가면 술과 여자가 있다....모든 것 즉시 바꿀 수 있어2020.10.12
  20. 84살 남성, 걸어서 日 1만5천km 일주 성공 l 소프트뱅크, 요리 운반 로봇 VIDEO: 'Servi' 개발 84歳男性が日本一周 91年から1万5000キロ l ソフトバンクロボティクスが配膳ロボットに参入「Servi」2020.09.29