경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1439

  1. 수백만명을 감동시킨 2분짜리 크리스마스 광고 VIDEO: People break down in tears over heartbreaking German Christmas ad2020.12.20
  2. VIDEO: This Basket Robot. ㅣ Scared deer gets helped off the road by a human bro ㅣ Her ball was trapped under the box lid2020.12.17
  3. 도둑들에 의해 분해된 벤츠 차량 VIDEO: Horrified couple wake up to find their £16,500 Mercedes stripped bare by 'professional' thieves overnight2020.12.16
  4. Zuckerberg and Mitch" McConnell: their commonalities....They both have Chinese wives.2020.12.16
  5. VIDEO: Washington Rally for Freedom Democracy2020.12.13
  6. 1천만 원짜리 일본 마스크 ㅣ 마스크에 뿌리는 박하유 열풍 VIDEO: Luxurious diamond-encrusted face masks on sale for $9,600 in Japan ㅣ 洗濯をするとき「アレ」を入れると「ニオイも消えて、ㅣ 洗濯をする..2020.11.28
  7. 미국 파워볼 6천억 당첨자는 어떻게 살고 있을까...감동!2020.11.26
  8. Now! The statue of liberty2020.11.25
  9. VIDEO: Michael Jordan shot a free throw with his eyes closed ㅣ James Bond ㅣ Free diving in the world's deepest pool2020.11.24
  10. VIDEO: Demolition Steel Ball l Zoom l It's a truck, it's a boat, no wait it's a redneck2020.11.23
  11. 폼페이에서 두 남성 유해 발견 VIDEO: Rendered equal in the ash of Pompei: a rich man and his slave2020.11.22
  12. VIDEO:Offshore Pipeline Transfer l Sing with me l Wild animals reacting to a mirror2020.11.20
  13. 조지 클루니의 선행...지인들 14명에게 11억 씩 VIDEO: George Clooney finally tells the story of how he once gave each of his 14 best friends a suitcase filled with $1 million2020.11.20
  14. [Cartoon} Biden and Trump..Who win?2020.11.18
  15. VIDEO: Biggest hands ㅣ Fluffy flower pastry ㅣ Black Swan Feeding Goldfish!!!2020.11.17
  16. VIDEO: How to self defen....nevermind ! ㅣThree techniques to pick a lock.ㅣ What would you call this..2020.11.16
  17. 카나리아군도 절벽 붕괴로 캠핑장 덮쳐 VIDEO: 'RUN!': Major emergency declared after Canary Islands cliff collapses alongside holidaying campers2020.11.16
  18. 라틴어 9에서 유래된 11월은 왜 9월이 아닐까? VIDEO: Why is November the 11th month, not the 9th month?2020.11.15
  19. 일제시대 직전까지 조선 최고의 기생 3인2020.11.14
  20. 나만 그런 줄 알았더니...유튜브 대란?2020.11.12