'비운'...골프장에서 나뭇가지에 맞아 죽은 사람 Craig Bury killed by falling tree while playing golf at Mollymook

Craig Bury killed by falling tree while playing golf at Mollymook

Witnesses were in shock after a freak accident killed businessman Craig Bury at a popular golf course on the NSW south coast.

Evin Priest NCA NewsWire

JANUARY 22, 202112:48PM

Tributes are flowing for a NSW south coast man killed in a “freak accident” during his regularly Thursday game of golf at Mollymook.

Craig Bury died when a tree fell on him playing golf at Mollymook. Picture: LinkedInSource:Supplied

골프 즐기던 호주 남성의 '비운'…떨어진 나뭇가지에 '비명횡사'

   호주에서 골프를 치던 한 남성이 갑자기 공중에서 떨어진 나뭇가지에 맞아 사망했다.

22일 호주 일간 디오스트레일리안에 따르면, 21일 오후 호주 뉴사우스웨일스(NSW)주 동남부 몰리묵의 힐탑 골프장에서 골프를 치던 크레이그 베리(51)씨가 공중에서 떨어지는 나뭇가지에 머리를 맞는 사고가 발생했다.

사고 당시 그는 나무 아래에서 자신의 골프공을 찾고 있었던 것으로 알려졌다.

함께 골프를 치던 동료들과 신고 전화를 받고 출동한 응급 구조대원이 급히 심폐소생술을 시도했으나, 베리 씨는 끝내 '외상성 심정지'로 현장에서 숨을 거뒀다.

페이 스톡맨 NSW주 응급구조 조사관은 "불행하게도 그 남성은 심각한 두부 손상을 입었고, 이것이 외상성 심정지로 이어져 현상에 사망했다"고 확인했다.

주민들은 베리 씨가 인근 지역에서 신망이 높은 사업가였다며 그의 죽음에 대해 안타까움을 감추지 못했다.

한 지인은 "그의 아내와 아이들에 대해 아픔을 느낀다"면서 "그는 모든 이들에게 잘해주는 참 좋은 친구였기에 무척 그리울 것 같다"고 심경을 전했다.

몰리묵 골프 클럽은 "유가족과 현장에 있던 회원과 직원들에게 진심으로 위로와 조의를 표한다"고 밝혔다고 신문은 덧붙였다.

[연합뉴스] 정동철 통신원 


edited by kcontents

Craig Bury suffered a “traumatic cardiac arrest” when a tree branch fell on his head just before 3pm on Thursday while he was playing at the Hilltop course at Mollymook. The course closed on Friday while the club works with authorities.

Emergency services received a call at 2.45pm on Thursday and dispatched two crews following reports a man in his 50s had been severely injured by a fallen tree.

Witnesses say Mr Bury’s playing partners performed CPR on him before paramedics arrived. Once paramedics were on the scene, they described Mr Bury’s injuries as “quite critical ”.

They took over CPR efforts, but Mr Bury died at the scene. Ambulance officers called it a “freak accident” which caused the man to have a heart attack.

“It appears the man was out for a day of golf with his mates when the freak incident occurred,” NSW Ambulance Inspector Faye Stockman said.

“Unfortunately, the man suffered a significant head injury and went into traumatic cardiac arrest and died at the scene.”

A golfer in his 50s died at Mollymook Golf Club when a tree branch fell on his head. Picture: FacebookSource:Supplied

Mr Bury founded an industrial weighing business, Aussie Weighbridge Systems (AWS) in Smeaton Grange in Sydney’s southwest, in the 1990s.

A colleague who did not want to be named told News Corp, “I feel bad for his wife and kids, his whole family,” he said. “He was a really good friend and he will be well missed in the industry. Craig would do anything for you. He was a really good guy.” The colleague said he played at Mollymook Golf Club every Thursday.

Nicole Cini, who said she was a former colleague when she responded to a Facebook post about Mr Bury’s death, said: “This man was my boss at AWS back in 2012! So sad. RIP.”

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