도둑들에 의해 분해된 벤츠 차량 VIDEO: Horrified couple wake up to find their £16,500 Mercedes stripped bare by 'professional' thieves overnight

Horrified couple wake up to find their £16,500 Mercedes stripped bare by 'professional' thieves overnight

Business owner Paul Hampton and his partner Jacqui Heeley were rudely awoken just before 5am yesterday when his neighbour told them to 'take a look at their car'

Paul Hampton, 56, had his 2018 C-Class AMG stripped bare outside his home 

Mr Hampton and partner Jacqui Heeley, 54, parked on the road West Bromwich 

The pair woke at 5am on Thursday after a neighbour told them to look at the car


PUBLISHED: 17:40 GMT, 11 December 2020 | UPDATED: 18:10 GMT, 13 December 2020


도둑들에 의해 분해된 벤츠 차량

   집 앞에 세워둔 1만6500파운드(약 2만2천불)가 전문 절도범들에 의해 분해됐다.

한 부부가  집앞에 세워둔 1만6500파운드(약 2만2천불) 짜리 벤츠를  전문 절도범들이 차 문, 보닛, 부츠, 바퀴, 좌석 등을 빼서 달아났다.

차 주인은 차에서 불과 몇 미터 떨어진 곳에서 집에서 잠을 잤다.

사업가 폴 햄튼(56)과 그의 아내인 재키 힐리(54)는 목요일 오전 5시 웨스트 미들랜드 웨스트브로미치에 있는 그들의 집 밖에 주차되어 있는 해체된 차를 본 이웃이 '차를 좀 봐'라고 들은 후 잠에서 깼다.

햄튼은 자신의 2018년형 C클래스 AMG가 절도범들에 의해 장비에 의해 분해된  것을 발견하고는 소스라치게 놀랐다.

도난을 피하기 위해 블랙박스가 장착된 이 안전한 차의 소유주는 운전석과 보조석의 문이 모두 없어진 것을 발견했고, 앞좌석과 바퀴 4개 모두 벽돌 위에 세워져 있었다.

도둑들은 중앙 콘솔에 보관해 두었던 사탕까지 가져가면서 보닛과 부츠 뚜껑을 모두 가져갔다.

범인들은 심하게 손상된 뒷좌석을 제거하려고 시도했고, 앞 범퍼와 전등을 떼어내려고 하다가 도주한 것으로 보인다.

햄튼은 "아침에 일어나 본 광경은 정말 충격적이었다. 그런 충격을 견디지 못하는 사람도 있을 것"이라며 "1만4000파운드(약 2000만원)의 피해를 입었다. 다른 사람들도 이러한 피해를 입을 수 있다는 것을 알기 바란다"고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A couple's £16,500 Mercedes has been written off after professional thieves stripped the car of it's doors, bonnet, boot, wheels and seats, whilst the owners slept just meters away in their home. 

Business owner Paul Hampton, 56, and his partner Jacqui Heeley, 54, were woken at 5am on Thursday after a neighbour told them to 'take a look at their car', parked outside their home in West Bromwich, West Midlands.

Thinking it had been 'smashed up' Mr Hampton was stunned when he discovered that his 2018 C-Class AMG had been methodically stripped bare for parts by thieves.

The Mercedes was left standing on bricks after thieves stripped off all four wheels along with the doors, bonnet, boot, wheels and seats

The safe company owner, whose car was fitted with a tracker to avoid theft, found both driver and passenger doors missing, along with both front seats and all four wheels, leaving the car stood on bricks.

Both the bonnet and boot lid were taken, with the thieves even taking some sweets Mr Hampton had stashed in his central console.

Mr Hampton was stunned to see his 2018 C-Class AMG was stripped bare when he looked out the window of his home this morning at 5am yesterday

The criminals had attempted to remove the back seats which were badly damaged, and appeared to have been disturbed whilst trying prize off the front bumper and lights.

Mr Hampton said: 'When I stepped outside the front door, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. They hadn't damaged any panels, it's just been stripped bare.

'These are professionals and appear to work in teams of five or six to cut the time down.


Couple Wake Up To Find £20k Mercedes Stripped By Thieves In West Midland


