트위터 가짜 브리트니 스피어스

트위터 가짜 브리트니 스피어스들



브리트니 스피어스가 나에게 팔로우를 하길래 이게 웬 떡이냐 하고 맞팔하려 했더니

글쎄 가짜 브리트니 스피어스가...


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팔로잉과 팔로워가 비슷하길래 의심쩍어 찾아보니 가짜 브리트니 무려 4명이나...


제가 올린 브리트니가 진짜입니다.






Arts & Culture




이것이 진정 러브 토마토 He must really love tomatoes! Gardener grows heart-shaped fruit in his greenhouse


He must really love tomatoes! Gardener grows heart-shaped fruit in his greenhouse

Rod Matless, 69, was shocked when he found the fruit in his greenhouse


69세의 농부가 그의 비닐하우스에서 발견해

자신도 놀라

The heart-shaped tomato grew naturally and was not artificially shaped
The retired dagger maker said: 'It's very sweet...people just want to hug it'
He auctioned tomato for £16 and gave proceeds to British Heart Foundation
Mr Matless, who lives near Norwich, had heart attack himself a few years ago

By Jack Crone for MailOnline



Look of love: Rod Matless lovingly holds up the heart-shaped tomato that sprouted in his greenhouse - the gardener sold the fruit for £16 and donated the cash to the British Heart Foundation


But with the tomato's freshness a key factor, enthusiastic gardener Mr Matless was up against the clock to deliver it to its new owner before rot set in The 2.26oz tomato was sold for £16 on eBay to a woman from Wales - who said she planned to give it to someone special

Good cause: Mr Matless said that 'whenever people see it they just want to hug it...I hope it will do someone somewhere a bit of a good'






Arts & Culture










황우석, 그 후 10년

작년에야 체세포 복제 인간배아줄기세포 첫 성공



미탈리포프 교수팀이 난자에서 핵을 제거하는 모습. 핵이 제거된 난자에 체세포의 핵을 넣고 전기·화학 자극을 통해 난자를 활성화하는 기술이 배아줄기세포 복제의 핵심이다. - 셀 제공

배아줄기세포는 난자와 정자가 결합해 만들어진 수정란이 세포 분열을 통해 여러 개의 세포로 이뤄진 배반포가 되고 심장, 뼈, 신경 등의 부위로 발달하기 위해 그 안에서 생성되는 줄기세포를 의미한다.

모든 신체 장기로 분화할 수 있다는 장점 때문에 난치병 치료 분야에서 특히 각광받고 있지만 배아줄기세포를 얻기 위해서는 배아를 파괴해야 하기 때문에 윤리적인 문제에서 자유롭지 못하다는 단점이 있다.

10년 전 황우석 스캔들 이후로 인간배아줄기세포 복제가 성공하기까지는 많은 시간이 걸렸다. 2005년 영국과 일본 연구팀은 줄기세포를 분화시켜 세포가 8개인 8배반포까지 얻는 데 성공했으며, 2009년 영국 연구팀은 수정란에서 얻은 배아줄기세포로 정자를 만들기도 했다. 하지만 황 박사가 성공했다고 단언했던 인간배아줄기세포 복제 수준에는 미치지 못했다.

제대로 된 체세포 복제 인간배아줄기세포는 슈크라트 미탈리포프 미국 오리건대 교수팀이 2013년 최초로 성공했다. 연구진은 태아에서 얻은 피부세포를 이용해 인간배아줄기세포를 복제하는 데 성공해 생명과학분야 권위지 ‘셀’에 발표했다.

복제 배아줄기세포를 만드는 기술 자체는 1996년 복제양 ‘돌리’를 만들어낸 기술에서 크게 달라지지 않았다. 미탈리포프 교수팀은 원숭이 실험에서 얻은 충분한 경험과 커피에 든 카페인이 난자를 활성화하는 데 도움을 줬다고 설명했다.

올해 4월에는 국내 차병원 줄기세포연구소팀이 태아가 아닌 성인의 피부세포를 이용해 줄기세포를 만드는 데 성공했다. 전문가들은 태아의 세포 대신 성인의 피부세포를 이용한 만큼 한 단계 더 진일보한 것으로 평가했다. 세포치료제를 만들 때 환자 자신의 피부세포를 그대로 사용할 수 있다는 사실이 입증됐기 때문이다.


이우상 기자 idol@donga.com




Construction News



니콜 키드먼의 파파에 대한 슬픔 'I love you Papa': Nicole Kidman breaks down in tears VIDEO



'I love you Papa': Nicole Kidman breaks down in tears as she says final goodbye to father Antony after delivering emotional eulogy and singing Amazing Grace with husband Keith Urban at his funeral


By Jade Watkins and Daniel Piotrowski and Laura Evans and Amy Croffey for Daily Mail Australia


A distraught Nicole Kidman broke down in tears as she said her final goodbye to her father Dr Antony Kidman on Friday at his funeral in Sydney.

The A-list Hollywood actress was supported by her husband Keith Urban and their two daughters Sunday Rose, six, and Faith Margaret, three, at the service held at St Francis Xavier Church on the North Shore.

Dr Kidman passed away at the age of 75 last week in Singapore, following a suspected heart attack.

Wearing dark sunglasses, Nicole cried and held her eldest daughter Sunday to her chest as pallbearers walked Antony's coffin to the waiting hearse.

After laying the coffin down, husband Keith then enveloped Nicole in a hug.
As churchgoers filtered out of the ceremony, Nicole held her daughters close to her knees and dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

Scroll down for video

Loving support: Keith placed a kiss on his wife's lips following the service 

The congregation looked on as the hearse drove away, with several of Antony's grandchildren, including younger daughter Antonia's six children, waving at the departing vehicle.
Sixtie's Australian anthem The Carnival Is Over by the Seekers played out to the congregation, as two priests emerged from the church first.
They were closely followed by seven pallbearers carrying the coffin, which was lead by Urban and Antonia's second husband Craig Marran.
Channel Nine news reader Peter Overton also acted as a pallbearer.



Nicole's husband Keith acted as pallbearer at the funeral along with Channel Nine news reader Peter Overton

Nicole's husband Keith acted as pallbearer at the funeral along with Channel Nine news reader Peter Overton

Nicole was comforted by Keith as they arrived for the funeral at St Francis Xavier Church in Sydney's North Shore

Nicole was comforted by Keith as they arrived for the funeral at St Francis Xavier Church in Sydney's North Shore

Flowers for grandpa: Nicole and Keith were surrounded by their two daughters and also the children of the actress's younger sister Antonia. Sunday Rose was seen carrying some white roses for her grandfather

Flowers for grandpa: Nicole and Keith were surrounded by their two daughters and also the children of the actress's younger sister Antonia. Sunday Rose was seen carrying some white roses for her grandfather

Earlier Nicole delivered a heartfelt tribute to her beloved father during the church service before she and Keith performed an emotional acoustic version of Amazing Grace.

Playing to a silent congregation, their voices rung out through the church as they harmonised.
While Keith played the guitar in accompaniment, Nicole whispered 'thank you' as the last chord was played.

In her eulogy, Nicole - who Antony affectionately called 'Niccy' - lovingly remembered his final visit to America to visit her three weeks ago, telling mourners she was so thankful he had came to see he


Antony's wife Janelle touched her husband's coffin before it was driven away 

Antony's wife Janelle touched her husband's coffin before it was driven away 

The mother-of-two 

The mother-of-two blew a kiss as the car was driven away 

Urban was one of seven pallbearers to carry Dr Kidman's coffin out of the church

Urban was one of seven pallbearers to carry Dr Kidman's coffin out of the church

Nicole eyes were etched with grief as she joined the congregation 

Nicole eyes were etched with grief as she joined the congregation 

Urban put his arm around his wife as they made their way into the church with their younger daughter Faith Margaret

Urban put his arm around his wife as they made their way into the church with their younger daughter Faith Margaret




Arts & Culture



인천 아시안 게임 구월 선수촌 사진 및 입촌 동영상
















<사진> 26년 만의 굴렁쇠 컨셉 재 등장...아시안 게임 이번엔 굴렁쇠 소녀


Arts & Culture




최첨단 계란 노른자 흰자 분리기 Genius Invents Device To Separate Egg Whites And Yolks With Complete Ease (Video)

많은 양의 계란 한꺼번 분리해주는 기발한 첨단 기계



Genius Invents Device To Separate Egg Whites And Yolks With Complete Ease (Video)


Someone in Taiwan uploaded this video, which features a machine with the potential to revolutionize kitchens.
The metal device includes a flat tray, merging into a metal ramp with thin slats, which drains into a deep dish. There’s another deep dish at the end of the ramp.

The tool is used to separate eggs (which, by the way, is the most annoying task ever), and the video shows exactly how the device works.

First, the chef cracks whole eggs into the flat tray. Once the tray is full, the eggs spill down into the ramp, where the slats are thin enough to only let the egg whites drain through into the dish underneath the ramp. The yolks remain on top of the ramp, where they slide down into the second dish at the end of the device.

It’s amazing that nobody thought of anything like this before, but it’s incredible. Watch how it works and prepare to be amazed.

Chefs and bakers everywhere are crying tears of joy right now.
H/T: Huffington Post


Arts & Culture



건설매거진 [콘페이퍼]2014년 9월호



건설매거진 [콘페이퍼]2014년 9월호

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기저효과 Base effect


기저효과 Base effect

기준 시점의 경제지표가 크게 호조를 보였거나 또는 크게 부진할 경우 비교 시점의 경제지표가 실제 경제상황보다 위축되거나 부풀려지는 현상을 말한다. 반사효과라고도 한다.



즉, 경제상황이 좋은 때를 기준시점으로 비교하면 지표는 실제 경제상황보다 위축된 것으로 산출되고,


반대로 경제상황이 나쁠때를 기준시점으로 정하면 지표는 실제 경제상황보다 부풀려지게 되는 것으로 일종의 기대효과라고도 할 수 있다. <다음지식>



