최첨단 계란 노른자 흰자 분리기 Genius Invents Device To Separate Egg Whites And Yolks With Complete Ease (Video)

많은 양의 계란 한꺼번 분리해주는 기발한 첨단 기계



Genius Invents Device To Separate Egg Whites And Yolks With Complete Ease (Video)


Someone in Taiwan uploaded this video, which features a machine with the potential to revolutionize kitchens.
The metal device includes a flat tray, merging into a metal ramp with thin slats, which drains into a deep dish. There’s another deep dish at the end of the ramp.

The tool is used to separate eggs (which, by the way, is the most annoying task ever), and the video shows exactly how the device works.

First, the chef cracks whole eggs into the flat tray. Once the tray is full, the eggs spill down into the ramp, where the slats are thin enough to only let the egg whites drain through into the dish underneath the ramp. The yolks remain on top of the ramp, where they slide down into the second dish at the end of the device.

It’s amazing that nobody thought of anything like this before, but it’s incredible. Watch how it works and prepare to be amazed.

Chefs and bakers everywhere are crying tears of joy right now.
H/T: Huffington Post


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