The Korean government says it will publish a special report as part of its push to raise international awareness of the sex slavery issue in light of Japan's re-examination of its landmark apology.
Officials said on Monday that Seoul will publish a white paper on the forced sexual enslavement of some 2-hundred-thousand women by the Japanese military during the World War II.
The Korean government wants Japan to acknowledge and take responsibility for its past wrongdoings. Seoul also wants to raise the international community's understanding of the sex slavery issue.
Issued back in 1993 by then-Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono, the so-called 'Kono Statement' is Japan's acknowledgement of its military's involvement in wartime sexual slavery.
Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl in adorable home video
By Daily Mail Reporter A heartwarming new video sees a dog teach a struggling baby how to crawl.
Valerie Stevens-Scott from Atlanta, Georgia, filmed the family pet, Buddy, giving her seven-month-old daughter, Allie, an impromptu how-to session after he spotted her frustratingly waving her arms and legs around on the floor.
In the clip, the concerned Jack Russell Terrier gets by the infant's side and shows how he niftily moves forward by hiking his front paws in front of him.
Scroll down for video
Best paw forward: A heartwarming new video sees a dog teach a struggling baby how to crawl
Follow me! Buddy gave seven-month-old Allie an impromptu how-to session, after he spotted her frustratingly waving her arms and legs around on the floor
Helping hand: In the clip, the concerned Jack Russell Terrier gets by the infant's side and shows how he niftily moves forward by hiking his front paws in front of him
Buddy the dog shows seven-month-old baby girl how to crawl...
South Korean construction market sees recovery from financial crisis with 3% CAGR over 2007-2012, aided by governmental intervention. With negligible exports, local production is maintained by upcoming international events and projects in the infrastructure sector. South Korean industry for construction is heavily fragmented, with top five players generating less than 11% of revenue.
Construction industry expected to grow by 22% over 2013-2018, receiving significant government attention, with growth opportunities in residential and infrastructure sectors.
서울대 정치학과를 졸업한 후 직업 외교관으로 일했으며 주 이집트 대사를 역임했다. 현재 제주 소재 유엔국제훈련센터(UNITAR)소장으로 재직 중이며, 제주특별자치도의 외국인자문위원회 위원장으로 외국인거주환경개선을 위해 활발한 활동을 하고 있다. 한라산 자락에 텃밭과 나무를 가꾸며 자연의 품에서 생활의 묘미를 찾는다.
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