대방건설 , 충청권 올 마지막 대행개발 '내포신도시 2단계 2공구 조경공사' 수주

조경공사(설계가 347억원)+공동주택용지





LH의 대행개발사업 대상은 올해 발주계획에 반영한 설계금액 300억원 이상인 부지 조성공사 및 도로,

조경공사로 지역본부별로 현물로 지급할 토지를 검토해 집행 여부를 결정한다.



내포신도시 개막 1주년 ··· 도시 조성 어디까지 왔나





올해 충청권 마지막 대행개발사업인 '내포신도시 2단계 2공구 조경공사'가 대방건설 손에 들어갔다.


대방건설은 예정가 대비 87.58%에 낙찰자로 결정돼 내포신도시 조경공사+공동주택용지의 주인공이 됐다.

23일 한국토지주택공사, 건설업계에 따르면 내포신도시 2단계 2공구 조경공사(설계가 347억원)+공동주택용지 대행개발사업이 지난 20일 입찰을 마감해 대방건설과 혜림건설이 경쟁, 대방건설이 낙찰자로 결정됐다.

대방건설은 예정가 대비 87.58%, 혜림건설은 89.87%에 입찰해 대방건설이 우위를 차지했다. LH는 다음달 1일 실시협약을 체결하고 8일 용지매매계약 및 공사도급계약을 체결할 예정이다.

올해 대전충남에서 진행된 3건의 대행개발사업이 모두 성공했다. LH는 소기의 목적을 달성한 셈이다.
연초만 해도 내포신도시 등에 소재한 공동주택용지는 부동산시장에서 상대적으로 관심을 덜 받았다.

하지만 전국적으로 공동주택용지공급이 감소하며 건설사들이 '땅'확보 경쟁이 이어지며 시장의 분위기가 반전됐다. 건설사들이 땅을 확보하고자 전국적으로 경쟁이 이어졌고 토지판매가 줄을 이었다.


대전도 시장에 나온 택지개발지구내 공동주택용지가 모두 팔렸다. 내포신도시도 공동주택용지가 잇따라 매각되며 좋은 분위기를 이어갔다.

이같은 분위기에 대행개발사업이 시장에 나오며 건설사들의 관심이 집중됐다. 장항산업단지 대행개발사업은 강산건설, 계룡대실지구 대행개발사업은 금성백조주택이 시공사로 선정됐다.

대행개발사업은 건설사에 양날의 칼이다.

최근에는 대행개발사업이 건설사들에 높은 관심대상이었다. 이는 공동주택용지확보가 어려워진 상황에서 공사실적+공동주택용지까지 확보하며 일석이조 효과를 기대할 수 있기 때문이다. 반면 부동산경기에 따라서 현물로 확보한 공동주택용지가 자칫 짐이 될 수도 있다. 사업이 늦어지거나 미분양 등으로 고전하면 회사의 골칫거리로 전락할 수도 있는 이유다.

이같은 위험을 감수하고 건설사들이 대행개발사업에 적극 뛰어들었다. 이같은 이유는 공동주택용지공급이 지속적으로 감소하고 있고 앞으로 공급이 더 줄 것으로 전망하기 때문이다. 실제 정부는 대규모 택지개발사업 중단을 발표했다. 앞으로 건설사들이 사업성이 있는 공동주택용지를 확보하고자 더 혈안이 될 것으로 예상된다.

건설업계 관계자는 “대행개발사업은 건설사에 부담이 크다. 현물로 받은 공동주택용지 사업성공여부를 장담하기 어렵기 때문이다. 하지만 최근 토지판매가 줄을 잇고 공급이 감소하며 대행개발사업에도 건설사들의 관심이 집중되는 분위기다”고 전했다.
중도일보 조성수 기자 joseongsu@



"From past to future"
Construction News


자살 기도로 두 다리를 잃은 여자의 행복이야기 Former private schoolgirl who lost her legs in teenage suicide attempt...VIDEO

Former private schoolgirl who lost her legs in teenage suicide attempt reveals how becoming a mother has given her a reason to live

청소년 시절 자살기도로 두 다리를 잃은 여인의 행복이야기


Suicide attempt: Helen Galsworthy (above) was 18 when she walked on to the tracks close to her home in Eastleigh, Hampshire - wanting to end her life


헬렌 갈스워시는 18살에 자살을 하기 위해 철로 길 위를 걸었다.


그러나 기차가 접근하자 몸이 움직여져 철로 바깥으로 나갔지만 그만 

두 다리가 철로 위에 걸쳐진 채로 절단되고 말았다.


의식을 잃은 그녀가 오랜 시간 후에 깨어났을 땐 비로서 자신의 두다리가

철로 위에 있다는 사실을 알았다.


7년 후, 그녀는 한 아이 엄마가 되어 있었고 대학을 다니고 있다.

그녀는 가족들과 제2의 인생을 살고 있다.

[에디터 황기철]


Helen Galsworthy attempted suicide when she walked onto train tracks
But she moved just as train approached, taking off both legs below knee
Conscious for just long enough to see her detached legs lying on track
Seven years later she is a mother to boy, two, and studying at university


By Daily Mail Reporter

The day Helen Galsworthy lay down across a railway line near her home, her life was at rock bottom.

She’d been bullied at school, become addicted to cocaine and sunk into such a deep depression she could think of only one way out.


But as she waited for a train to end her life, fate took a twist.


Scroll down for video 


The then 18-year-old moved slightly which meant as the thundering loco hit her it took only her legs below the knee.

Now, seven years on, she is happy to tell how her suicide ploy failed and why she has found a whole new reason to live life to the full – her little boy, Thomas.


Incredibly, Helen was conscious for just long enough to see her severed legs lying on the track.

Thankfully, a passing dog walker found her and she was rushed to hospital.


Today, 25-year-old Helen says she can finally talk about the ordeal and coming to terms with being an amputee.


Miss Galsworthy aged 18 Now she has started university again, studying for a degree in criminology

Doing best: Miss Galsworthy (left, aged 18; and right, now) was suffering from depression and addicted to cocaine when she tried to take her life

And she is moving on with her life after giving birth to a boy. 


Helen, who now lives in Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire, said: ‘When I lost my legs I thought my life was over, but now I have so much to live for.


‘Thomas has made me realise that I’m here for a reason.’

Helen had a respectable, middle class upbringing at a private school in Hampshire.


But schoolyard bullying left her self-esteem in tatters, and when she was 18 she became involved with drugs and dropped out of university – where she was studying for a degree in media.



At the end of her tether, she felt that suicide was the only way out. 

She said: ‘Strangely I felt really happy. I was more at peace than I had been for a long time. 

Baby Thomas: Miss Galsworthy said her son 'has made me realise that I’m here for a reason'

Baby Thomas: Miss Galsworthy said her son 'has made me realise that I’m here for a reason'

'I just lay down and shut my eyes and put some music on waiting for when I got hit by the train but it didn’t go to plan.

'I moved slightly at the last minute and ended up with just my legs across the tracks.


‘I just remember thinking, “Oh god, I’ve really messed this up”. 

'I could see a lot of blood and the end of my jeans were cut off. It was agonising.


Moving on: Miss Galsworthy, a criminology student, with her prosthetic legs at her home in Eastleigh

Moving on: Miss Galsworthy, a criminology student, with her prosthetic legs at her home in Eastleigh

Family: Miss Galsworthy with her son Thomas, two, and boyfriend William Ryves, 31, at home in Eastleigh

Family: Miss Galsworthy with her son Thomas, two, and boyfriend William Ryves, 31, at home in Eastleigh

‘I couldn’t believe what had happened, I lay down there to die, not to end up disabled.’

After six weeks in hospital Helen was discharged, but she struggled to cope without her legs. 


She said: ‘I didn’t think anyone would want me and I thought I’d never be able to achieve the things I had wanted in life like getting married and having children.


‘For a long time life was unbearable until 2011 when I fell pregnant with Thomas. Thomas wasn’t planned and I thought I had put my body through too much to ever be able to conceive.


‘But I had always wanted to be a mum. His dad and I split not long after he was born but Thomas is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.’


Changed woman: After six weeks in hospital she was discharged, but struggled to cope without her legs

Changed woman: After six weeks in hospital she was discharged, but struggled to cope without her legs

And now Helen – who gets around day to day on prosthetic legs – has started university again, studying for a degree in criminology.


She has even taken part in a skydive to raise money for an amputee charity and volunteers on the psychiatric ward where she was once a patient.


She said: ‘Losing my legs was devastating but now I’m just happy that I survived.


‘There was a time when I didn’t want to live but now I’m a mum and my life has a meaning. After I lost my legs I thought I’d be alone for ever but now I have everything I’ve ever wanted.’ 


Seven years later: Miss Galsworthy is a pictured with her two-year-old son Thomas at home in Eastleigh

Seven years later: Miss Galsworthy is a pictured with her two-year-old son Thomas at home in Eastleigh







"From past to future"
Arts & Culture


경남기업, 세종시 1천300억 규모 LH 3-3생활권 M6BL 아파트 건설공사 4공구 수주


행정중심복합도시 3-3생활권 M6BL 4공구 아파트 조감도 (출처: 경남기업)



경남기업이 한국토지주택공사(LH)에서 발주한 1천323억원 규모의 세종시 아파트 건설공사를 수주했다.


경남기업은 23일 세종시 행정중심복합도시 3-3생활권 M6BL 아파트 건설공사 4공구의 최종 낙찰자로선정됐다고 발표했다.


총 도급금액은 1천323억원 규모로 경남기업이 90%의 지분을 갖고 서대종합건설(10%)과 공동수급체를 구성해 입찰에 참여했다.


소방공사를 제외한 경남기업의 도급금액은 1천121억원 규모로 이는 전년도 매출액 대비 11.14%에 해당한다.


이번 공사는 아파트 1천522세대를 신축하는 것으로 지하2층, 지상 10층~29층 아파트 19개동 규모다. 공사기간은 착공일로부터 29개월이 소요될 예정이다.


경남기업 관계자는 "이번 수주는 올해 하반기 LH에서 현재까지 발주된 단일공사 물량 중 최고 낙찰금액이다"고 말했다.
(서울=연합인포맥스) 홍경표 기자





"From past to future"
Construction News




혹시 '파크 아워'라는 스포츠를 아십니까? The naked runner helps the naked chef: World champion parkour athlete... VIDEO

The naked runner helps the naked chef: World champion parkour athlete pictured leaping across London rooftops without any clothes on to raise money for Jamie Oliver foundation


'파크 아워', 도심의 구조물을 오르고, 뛰어다니며 하는 스포츠다.


대영제국 훈장에 빛나는 영국의 요리사 '제이미 올리버' 자신의 푸드재단에

기금을 모으기 위해 이 이벤트를 만들었다.


파크아워 스포츠 세계 챔피언 26살의 '팀 쉬에프'가 추운 날씨에도 불구하고

나신으로 런던 건물의 지붕과 구조물을 오가는 예술적인 포즈를 만들어냈다.


이 이벤트는 아무런 사전 허가없이 이루어졌다.


[에디터 황기철]




Free running world champion Tim Shieff pictured climbing across buildings in central London while naked 
Mr Shieff, 26, braved the cold for the shoot, leaping across rooftops and dangling from bridges in the capital
Parkour athlete and a photographer did not have permission to clamber on some of the buildings in the nude
Dangerous shoot put Mr Shieff in 'life or death' situations as his strength was put to the test, he says 
Money raised from selling the prints, which cost up to £600, will go towards Jamie Oliver Food Foundation


By Ollie Gillman for MailOnline

A parkour world champion gave 'free' running a new meaning as he clambered across central London's skyline with no clothes on for a photo shoot.


Naked Tim Shieff scaled buildings around Oxford Street and Bond Street, leaping across rooftops for the pictures which will be sold as prints to raise money for the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation charity.


Mr Shieff, a World Freerun Championship winner, bared all for the shoot which shows him leaping across buildings and dangling off bridges.


Scroll down for video 

Baring all: Free running world champion Tim Shieff stripped off for a naked series of photographs of him climbing across buildings in central London

Baring all: Free running world champion Tim Shieff stripped off for a naked series of photographs of him climbing across buildings in central London

Stripped off: The 26-year-old scaled buildings across the capital while wearing no clothes for a set of prints which will be sold for charity

Stripped off: The 26-year-old scaled buildings across the capital while wearing no clothes for a set of prints which will be sold for charity

Nude: Mr Shieff was seen running through tunnels and dangling off bridges for the shoot which took place in November last year

Nude: Mr Shieff was seen running through tunnels and dangling off bridges for the shoot which took place in November last year

Naked chef: The prints will be sold to raise money for Jamie Oliver's Food Foundation charity. Mr Shieff regularly appears on the chef's YouTube channel as he is a leading figure in the vegan and raw food movements

Naked chef: The prints will be sold to raise money for Jamie Oliver's Food Foundation charity. Mr Shieff regularly appears on the chef's YouTube channel as he is a leading figure in the vegan and raw food movements

The parkour athlete came up with the idea after holding a similar shoot in Greece, the London Evening Standard reported.
It took four days last November for fellow free running expert Jason Paul to take the pictures.
'These shots would not have been possible for a normal photographer,' Mr Shieff, 26, said. 


'Not only did he need to climb too, but he also understands body positioning and posture.

'It was dangerous at times. We couldn't get permission from a lot of the buildings, so while the reaction was great from people who spotted us, some security guards were not happy.


'There were moments when you learn you are stronger than you think. Many situations were life or death.'


The photographs were taken by fellow free running expert Jason Paul, who had to clamber up the buildings himself to take the pictures

The photographs were taken by fellow free running expert Jason Paul, who had to clamber up the buildings himself to take the pictures

Mr Shieff did not have permission to climb some of the buildings, angering security guards but entertaining members of the public who spotted him climbing up some of London's finest architecture

Mr Shieff did not have permission to climb some of the buildings, angering security guards but entertaining members of the public who spotted him climbing up some of London's finest architecture

Naked ambition: 2009 World Freerun Championship winner Mr Shieff came up with the idea after holding a similar naked shoot in Greece

Naked ambition: 2009 World Freerun Championship winner Mr Shieff came up with the idea after holding a similar naked shoot in Greece

The images can be purchased for between £100 and £600, with a proportion of the money going to the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation

The images can be purchased for between £100 and £600, with a proportion of the money going to the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation

The project aimed to compare the 'rigid and linear' structure of London's architecture with the 'curves' of the human form, Mr Paul said.  


The 2009 world free running champion often appears in Jamie Oliver's YouTube channel Food Tube as he is a leading figure in the vegan and raw food movements. 




"From past to future"
Arts & Culture





"From past to future"
Arts & Culture



영국 특공대 드론 동원하여 IS 정밀 타격 하루에만 8명 사살 SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day...VIDEO

SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day... as allies prepare to wipe IS off the map:

Daring raids by UK Special Forces leave 200 enemy dead in just four weeks

영국 SAS, 지난 4주간 IS 200명 사살해





적에 대한 타켓은 드론정찰기에 의해 탐지되면

헬리콥터가 IS  적진에 투입되어 공격한다.


그들이 나타나는 것은 'IS의 공포의 대상'이다.


Targets are identified by drones operated by SAS soldiers
Who are then dropped into IS territory by helicopter to stage attacks
The surprise ambushes are said to be 'putting the fear of God into IS'
The raids are attacking IS's main supply routes across western Iraq

By Mark Nicol for The Mail on Sunday

SAS troops with sniper rifles and heavy machine guns have killed hundreds of Islamic State extremists in a series of deadly quad-bike ambushes inside Iraq, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.


Defence sources indicated last night that soldiers from the elite fighting unit have eliminated ‘up to eight terrorists per day’ in the daring raids, carried out during the past four weeks.


Until now, it had been acknowledged only that the SAS was operating in a reconnaissance role in Iraq and was not involved in combat. But The Mail on Sunday has learned that small groups of soldiers are being dropped into IS territory in RAF Chinook helicopters – to take on the enemy.


Scroll down for video 


DRONES PATROL IRAQ TO SEEK OUT TARGETS: Drone operators study footage of the terrorists’ positions which are then relayed to SAS commanders at their secret base so they can plan missions

Targets are identified by drones operated either from an SAS base or by the soldiers themselves on the ground, who use smaller devices.


The troops are also equipped with quad bikes – four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles that can have machine guns bolted on to a frame. They then seek out IS units and attack the terrorists using the element of surprise and under the cover of darkness.


The missions have taken place on a near daily basis in the past four weeks and the SAS soldiers have expended so much ammunition that regimental quartermasters have been forced to order a full replenishment of stocks of machine-gun rounds and sniper bullets.

An SAS source said: ‘Our tactics are putting the fear of God into IS as they don’t know where we’re going to strike next and there’s frankly nothing they can do to stop us.



SAS SNIPER UNITS SCRAMBLED IN CHINOOKS: The heavily equipped troops are flown deep into IS territory aboard RAF transport helicopters, their quad bikes stowed on board, before touching down 50 miles from their target


‘We’re degrading their morale. They can run and hide if they see planes in the sky but they can’t see or hear us. Using so many snipers takes the fear factor to another level too; the terrorists don’t know what’s happening. They just see their colleagues lying dead in the sand.’

The SAS’s guerrilla-style raids are targeting IS’s main supply routes across western Iraq and vehicle checkpoints set up by the terrorists to conduct kidnappings and extort money from local drivers.


The operations start with SAS commanders studying hours of footage of potential target sites recorded by drones – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – and listening to enemy communication intercepts in a bid to identify IS leaders.

Once the regiment’s senior officers have identified a target, the soldiers gather to receive their operational orders. They then leave their secret base and climb aboard a fleet of helicopters – with the quad bikes already safely secured in the cargo hold.


As the SAS soldiers strap themselves into their seats, the pilots tap in the co-ordinates for the area of desert where the Chinook will land.


As the helicopters’ engines are so loud, the Chinooks take the SAS soldiers to a laying-up point as far as 50 miles from the target. The troops disembark aboard the quad bikes and prepare their general- purpose machine guns (GPMGs) and Barrett sniper rifles.



IS PICKED OFF IN GUERILLA-STYLE RAIDS: Using precision sniper rifles, machine guns and surprise tactics, the SAS take out their IS targets before disappearing back into the desert

The SAS’s raids are intended to degrade Islamic State’s fighting capability ahead of a spring offensive by 20,000 Iraqi and Kurdish troops next year, with the UK providing additional training for these soldiers.


In the next fortnight, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon is expected to receive a report from British military planners setting out what needs to be done.


The plans could see up to 300 UK trainers leading a programme of intensive training for the Kurds and Iraqis, with an emphasis on infantry drills and techniques to defuse enemy explosive devices.


When the spring offensive starts, British trainers may remain with the Iraqi and Kurdish units but are not expected to get directly involved in the fighting.


Earlier this month, Mr Fallon held meetings with political leaders in the region, assuring them that the UK was committed to defeating IS and improving the training of their soldiers.


The Defence Secretary also visited Kuwait, where it is expected that US and British commanders will set up a spring offensive planning centre.


The mission to defeat the 200,000-strong IS forces will be led by a senior US officer, Lieutenant General James Terry. It is likely that his second in command will be a senior British officer, Lieutenant General Tom Beckett.


Next month Lieut Gen Beckett will take over as Defence Senior Adviser for the Middle East (DSAME), a post vacated by Lieutenant General Simon Mayall, who is retiring after four years in the role.


Defence sources indicated last night that soldiers from the elite fighting unit have eliminated

Defence sources indicated last night that soldiers from the elite fighting unit have eliminated ‘up to eight terrorists per day’ in the daring raids, carried out during the past four weeks

But Middle East experts are questioning whether the UK’s strategy to defeat IS stands any chance of success. Professor Gareth Stansfield from Exeter University told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Not only is the Islamic State stronger than previous organisations, it has also learned lessons from them.


‘For example, IS has few fixed operational centres and its chain of command remains mobile. British policy options at this stage are burdened with problems and complications and also bring with them a range of unintended consequences that could draw Western powers into further engagements in the region.


‘With regard to the spring offensive, the Kurds would not be able to push further south into Iraq without upsetting the Sunni tribesmen in these areas and the Iraqi army is regarded as a Shia militia. So we are a long way off a practical solution to the problem of IS.’


The Mail on Sunday has learned that since IS began its campaign in Syria and Iraq, more than 35 British jihadists have lost their lives. It is believed the most recent UK citizens to die fighting for the extremists – known as Abu Abdullah al-Habashi, 21, and Abu Dharda, 20 – were from London. They are understood to have been killed in US air strikes on the Syrian border town of Kobane.



Our tactics are putting the fear of God into IS 


Al-Habashi grew up in North London in a British-Eritrean family and converted to Islam when he was 16. In August, al-Habashi told the BBC he had gone to Syria nine months earlier and had been fighting both there and in Iraq. Al-Habashi is thought to have appeared in at least two IS videos posted online.


Dharda comes from a British-Somali background and grew up in West London. He travelled to Syria in December 2013, entering via Turkey. It is believed that Dharda was questioned by counter-terrorism police at a British airport as he left but was allowed on his journey because they were satisfied with the explanation he gave for the purpose of his trip.

Intelligence sources have indicated that more than 500 Britons are currently fighting for IS, with the vast majority active in Syria.


Yesterday, the widow of murdered British aid worker Alan Henning told a memorial service he was killed ‘for being what we should be, selfless and caring’.


A video showing the beheading of the 47-year-old taxi driver was released by IS last month.

A private memorial service at Eccles parish church in Greater Manchester was held yesterday, with audio relayed outside.


His widow Barbara and daughter Lucy walked in with Bethany and Michael Haines, the daughter and brother of David Haines from Scone, Scotland, also murdered by IS.


Mrs Henning told the memorial: ‘We must never forget the reason why he went to Syria and the reason he was taken from us – for being what we all should be, selfless and caring.’


Meanwhile, IS militants have killed at least 25 members of a Sunni Muslim tribe in a village on the eastern edge of Ramadi in Iraq, in apparent revenge for tribal opposition to the radical Islamists.


Local officials said the bodies of the men from the Albu Fahd tribe were discovered by the Iraqi army when it launched a counter-offensive on Saturday against IS near Ramadi, capital of Anbar province.


'Red Cap tragedy' General set to lead offensive 


NEW MAN: Lieut General Tom Beckett


A former Parachute Regiment officer who was in charge of six Red Caps brutally killed by a mob of extremists in Iraq is in line to become the second in command of coalition operations against IS.


Lieutenant General Tom Beckett has been appointed Defence Senior Adviser for the Middle East (DSAME) and will take up his position as the UK steps up its efforts to train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to defeat Islamic State.


Softly spoken Lieut Gen Beckett first deployed to Iraq in 2003, when the tragedy of the Red Caps marked the beginning of an insurgency against the British presence in the country’s southern provinces. At the time, the Red Caps, or Royal Military Policemen, were attached to the Parachute Regiment’s 1st Battalion led by Beckett. Eleven years on, families of the Red Caps still blame senior officers for their deaths.


Lieut Gen Beckett is taking over as DSAME following the retirement of Lieutenant General Simon Mayall – an officer who was considered the British Army’s leading expert on Arab affairs. Lieut Gen Mayall served as DSAME for four years but his retirement comes only three months after the Prime Minister also appointed him to serve as his special envoy to Kurdistan – a key role during the IS crisis. Last night, Middle East expert Professor Gareth Stansfield described Lieut Gen Mayall’s retirement as a ‘blow’ because of his understanding of regional politics and jihad philosophy.





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미국 불법 체류자 5백만 구제 추진 Illegal immigration to the United States VIDEO



버락 오바마 대통령이 불법체류자를 제한적으로 구제하는 것을 포함한 이민 개혁을 조속히 추진하겠다는 입장을 밝혔다.


오바마 대통령은 17일 백악관에서 연방의회 히스패닉 코커스(CHC)의원들과 만나 빠른 시간 내에 이민개혁을 추진하겠다고 말했다. 오바마 대통령은 또 이날 캘리포니아 코스타메사를 방문, 타운홀 미팅에 참석해 불체자 구제에 대해 언급했다.


그는 “미국에 장기 체류중인 불법체류자들과 미국에서 출생한 자녀가 있는 부모의 구제를 우선하겠다”고 밝혔다.


오바마 대통령은 그러나 “불체자는 법을 어긴 만큼 무조건적인 구제는 없을 것”이라며 “따라서 벌금을 납부하고, 영어를 배우며, 범법 행위를 하지 않은 불체자들은 순서를 기다리면 추후 시민권도 신청할 수 있는 자격을 부여하겠다”고 강조했다.


오바마 대통령은 이어 “직원 채용시 체류신분을 조회하는 시스템은 필요하다”며 “단 체류신분 조회가 차별로 이어지지 않아야 한다”고 덧붙였다.


이에 대해 이민단체에서는 곧바로 환영의사를 나타냈다.


홍정화 사무국장은 “오바마 대통령의 의지를 재확인할 수 있었다”고 의미를 부여한 뒤 “현재 미국의 이민 시스템은 적합하지 못하기 때문에 하루 빨리 바뀌어야 할 것”이라고 말했다.


청년학교 차주범 교육부장은 “경제 이슈가 워낙 커 이민개혁은 언급된 적이 없었다”면서 “이를 계기로 꺼져가던 이민이슈의 불씨를 살릴 수 있을 것”이라고 말했다.

강이종행·장연화 기자
미주중앙일보 3월 19일자


Illegal immigration to the United States







President Obama announced an expansive new set of executive actions in a prime-time address Thursday that the White House says will give legal status and work permits to 5 million immigrants in the United States illegally.


Obama hailed the moves as leading to a “more fair and more just” system in an address that lambasted Congress for not approving legislation and warned Republicans against triggering a government shutdown.

ADVERTISEMENTIn a sharp rebuke to Republican critics, Obama challenged his political opponents to “pass a bill” if they did not like his actions, and argued his approach could not be dismissed as “amnesty.”


“Amnesty is the immigration system we have today — millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time,” Obama said.


Under the president’s plan, the parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents could apply for work permits and deferred deportation. Obama is also expanding eligibility for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which offers protections to immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.


The Department of Homeland Security will also narrow its focus to those immigrants with criminal records, gang affiliations or ties to terrorism.


“If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law,” Obama said. “If you’re a criminal, you’ll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up.”


The government will also expand the number of high-tech visas that are available, and loosen restrictions so that more would-be entrepreneurs can travel to the United States.


The proposals have garnered passionate responses from Republican critics, who have blasted it as unconstitutional overreach.


But Obama said his actions were “not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican president and every single Democratic president for the past half century.”

He invoked former President George W. Bush, who said immigrants living in the country illegally were “a part of American life.”


And he said lawmakers shouldn’t let “a disagreement over a single issue be a deal-breaker on every issue.”


Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), in a video released shortly before the president spoke, accused Obama of acting like an “emperor” and said he was spoiling an opportunity for lawmakers to reach across the aisle.


“Instead of working together to fix our broken immigration, the president says he's acting on his own. That's just not how our democracy works,” Boehner said.

But the president said that if Boehner had allowed a vote on the Senate’s bipartisan immigration bill, “it would have passed with support from both parties, and today it would be the law.”

“For a year and a half now, Republican leaders in the House have refused to allow that simple vote,” he said.


The president cast his action as in keeping with the nation’s traditions of welcoming immigrants.

“We were strangers once, too,” Obama said. “And whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in, and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship.”


The president and top administration officials will fan out across the country to promote his plan in the coming days, including a speech Friday at a Las Vegas high school where the president called for a legislative solution nearly two years ago.


Looking to humanize his approach, the president said he had met a girl there who was brought to the U.S. illegally when she was four years old, but could not attend her grandmother’s funeral without fear of deportation.


“I’ve seen the courage of students who, except for the circumstances of their birth, are as American as Malia or Sasha; students who bravely come out as undocumented in hopes they could make a difference in a country they love,” Obama said. “These people — our neighbors, our classmates, our friends — they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. They came to work, and study, and serve in our military, and above all, contribute to America’s success.”


The president faces a tough sell to the American people. While polls show large majorities support giving immigrants the chance to apply for legal status, voters also oppose the president acting unilaterally. A CNN poll released Wednesday showed just 38 percent of Americans approved of Obama acting on his own. A near-majority, 48 percent, opposed action on immigration.


The move could also bait Republicans, emboldened after their victories in the midterm elections earlier this month, into a political fight. While White House officials said it would be difficult for the GOP to launch a legal challenge of Obama’s actions or defund his efforts, many lawmakers have suggested the moves could prompt a showdown.


“Congress will act,” incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Thursday. “We’re considering a variety of options. But make no mistake. When the newly elected representatives of the people take their seats, they will act.”


Obama said he knew “the politics of this issue are tough” but that Washington needed to rise above the fray.


“We need more than politics as usual when it comes to immigration; we need reasoned, thoughtful, compassionate debate that focuses on our hopes, not our fears,” Obama said.

This story was updated at 8:49 p.m.




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'투명 망토' 현실화 되나 The First Practical Invisibility Cloak Is Here VIDEO

조셉 최 로체스터대 연구원 개발

왼쪽 눈 사라지는 투명망토 효과 나타나


‘로체스터 망토’의 렌즈 사이로 기자의 얼굴을 집어넣었더니 왼쪽

눈 주변이 사라졌다. 눈이 보여야 할 자리에는 렌즈 뒤편에 붙어

있는 모눈종이가 나타났다. - 이우상 기자 idol@donga.com 제공



지름 5cm 렌즈 뒤로 얼굴을 들이밀자 왼쪽 눈 주변이 감쪽같이 사라졌다. 눈동자와 피부가 있어야 할 자리엔 얼굴 뒤쪽 벽에 붙여 놓은 모눈종이가 나타났다. 마치 그 부위에 ‘투명망토’라도 씌워 놓은 것처럼 말이다.

19일 저녁 ‘테크플러스 2014’ 참석차 방한한 한국계 미국인 조지프 최(최성훈) 로체스터대 물리학과 박사과정 연구원은 건국대 새천년관 대공연장에서 자신이 개발한 투명망토 기술인 ‘로체스터 망토(Rochester Cloak)’를 공개했다. 

핵심은 지름 5cm의 평범한 볼록렌즈 4개를 특정한 간격을 두고 일렬로 배열하는 것. 맨 앞의 렌즈부터 마지막 렌즈까지의 거리는 90cm다. 맨 뒤에 있는 볼록렌즈가 뒤쪽 배경이 되는 모눈종이의 시각정보를 앞으로 전달한다.

최 연구원은 “맨 뒤의 볼록렌즈와 바로 앞 볼록렌즈 사이의 중심부에 모눈종이의 상이 맺히도록 렌즈 4개의 배율과 간격을 조정하는 게 핵심”이라며 “상이 맺히는 지점을 제외한 나머지 위치에는 어떤 물체를 갖다 놔도 투명한 것처럼 보인다”고 설명했다. 하지만 이런 원리 때문에 로체스터 망토도 상이 맺히는 지점에 물체를 놓으면 투명망토 효과가 바로 사라진다. 

그간 투명망토 연구는 자연계에는 없는 ‘음의 굴절률’을 가진 메타물질을 이용한 연구가 주를 이뤘다. 하지만 메타물질로 가시광선 영역에서 투명망토 효과를 내려면 10nm(나노미터) 크기의 극도로 작은 나노 구조물로 된 메타물질을 만들어야 하는 기술적인 어려움이 있었다. 이 때문에 아직까지 메타물질을 활용한 진정한 투명망토는 나오지 않았다.

최 연구원은 “로체스터 망토는 메타물질을 대신하기 위한 여러 시도 중 하나”라면서 “환자의 수술 부위를 가리는 의사의 손이나 수술 도구를 안 보이게 만드는 등 다양한 분야에 응용할 수 있을 것”이라고 밝혔다.

로체스터 망토는 광학 분야 학술지 ‘옵틱스 익스프레스’ 18일자에 실렸다.
동아사이언스 이우상 기자 idol@donga.com



The First Practical Invisibility Cloak Is Here 


And you can make one yourself.   


At long last, a practical invisibility cloak is here. But the Rochester Cloak is not some futuristic, sci-fi belt, or a wizard's cape: it's just a clever configuration of standard lenses that bend light around an object, hiding that object in plain sight. That could not only the Rochester Cloak cheaper and easier to make than any other cloaking technology to date, but means we could see it in the real world soon.


Developed as a co-venture between the University of Rochester's Physics and Advanced Optics departments, the Rochester Cloak is a surprisingly low-tech response to what is traditionally considered a high-tech problem: making objects invisible. The project is lead by physics professor John Howell, who became interested in the possibilities of creating simple cloaking devices using off-the-shelf materials as a project to do on vacation with his 14-year-old son.


 J. Adam Fenster/University of Rochester

Although the fundamental principles of cloaking are always the same—namely, to bend light around an object—many approaches depend on complicated gadgetry or other exotic materials to make something disappear. Even then, the cloaking device only works when you're looking at it head on: move your head just an inch to the left, and the 'cloaked' object pops back into view.


Not so with the Rochester Cloak. “This is the first device that we know of that can do three-dimensional, continuously multidirectional cloaking, which works for transmitting rays in the visible spectrum,” graduate student Joseph Choi, a PhD student at Rochester’s Institute of Optics, says on the University of Rochester website. All you need is an array of four off-the-shelf lenses (and some brain power) to make the Rochester Cloak abracadabra something away.


It even scales. The Rochester Cloak could make anything invisible, as long as the lenses can cover it. Theoretically, that means it's possible to make a military base "disappear" from the visible spectrum if you surround it with big enough lenses.


While that's an implausible use case for the Rochester Cloak, the practical applications are exciting in their own right. Imagine nurses who can make their hands invisible so they don't obstruct a doctor's view during surgery, or trucks kitted with Rochester Cloaks so they can see right through their blind spots on the highway. Cloaking technology has more revolutionary applications than just turning a Klingon Bird of Prey invisible.


You can read the full scientific paper on the Rochester Cloak here.

[h/t io9.com]





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그래픽으로 보는 IEA 2050년 CO2 저감 에너지 공급시스템의 구성 IEA Graphic Shows How to Radically Reduce CO2

IEA Graphic Shows How to Radically Reduce CO2


International Energy Agency




탄소 저감 에너지

1997년 12월 일본 교토[京都]에서 개최된 UNFCCC 제3차 당사국 총회에서 채택된 쿄토의정서는 교토 기후협약이라고도 한다. 교토의정서에서 온실가스 감축목표가 구체적으로 정해짐에 따라 온실가스를 효율적으로 감축하기 위해 배출권거래제도(Emission Trading)와 공동이행제도(Joint Implementation), 청정개발제도(Clean Development Mechanism)를 도입했는데, 이를 교토메커니즘이라 한다. 이러한 제도들은 낮은 비용의 온실가스 감축사업을 통해 통해 온실가스 감축에 소요되는 사회적 비용을 최소화시킴으로써 감축목표를 달성하려는 취지 아래 강구된 것들이다


CCS(Carbon Capture & Starge)


IEA는 이산화탄소 배출 지구 온난화 방지를 위해 2050 년까지 감소해야 할 수있는 방법과 궁극적으로 

CO2 를 저감시킬 수 있는  세계의 에너지 공급 시스템 활용 그래픽을 만들어 소개했다.


그래픽은 2°C, 4°C, 6°C 경우의 최종적으로 2050 지구 온난화 시나리오를 보여주고 있는데 2050년에

2°C의 지구온난화가 이루어지기 위해서는


End-use Energy(환경제품) 17%
CCS(탄소포집및 저장) 28%
Renewable Energy(신재생에너지) 38%
Fossil Fuel(화석연료) 10%
Nuclear(원자력) 6%
Power Gen(화력발전) 0


세계의 에너지 공급 시스템의 비율을 나타내고 있다.

[에디터 황기철]



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중국 상하이에 '채소 자판기' 등장 Shanghai Vegetable Vending Machine




중국 상하이에 길거리에서 다양한 채소를 구입할 수 있는 자동판매기

(vegetable vending machine)가 등장했다.


상하이 도심에 설치된 2대의 채소자동판매기에는 벌써부터 관심이 뜨겁다.


15종의 채소가 있으며 가격이 저렴하고 시장보는 시간이 단축돼 사람들

의 호응도가 높을 것으로 예상된다.

[에디터 황기철]


Check this out, Shanghai vegetable vending machine that is able to dispense vegetables for you when you swipe your QR code. You pay for the vegetables online before getting the QR code to use the machine, the machine keeps the vegetables at a proper temperature and humidity so the vegetables doesn’t go bad.



You may wonder why some people need this… This is for those that are too busy to keep up with the supermarket operational hours, or that cool factor, or even convenience and cleanliness. The products are already packaged and stored in proper temperature to maintain freshness and nobody is going through the vegetables with their hands. We sure wish there is more of this type of vending machines around then junk food or sugary pop machines! Although I do like junk food and pop haha :)…


She seems amazed by this feature lol.


This Chinese brother inspecting the goods to see if anything is bad it seems lol.





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"서울지하철 타기 겁난다" - 도시철도 안전점검 보고서

지하철 신호 담당 비전공자 60%

시 점검단, 인력 증원이 필요,

지하철 2호선 시스템 ATO로 조속히 일원화해야


출처 dailysecu.com



[관련자료 링크]

열차 자동정지 장치(ATS), 열차 자동제어 장치(ATC), 열차 자동운전 장치(ATO)




역에서 일정거리마다 “지상자”라는 설치시설이 있다. “지상자”를 통과 하면 역까지의 거리 정보가 “역

ATO제어 차상장치” 에 전해지게 된다.




서울의 지하철 신호시스템을 일제 점검한 결과 신호 담당 직원 10명 중 비전공자가 4명꼴인 것으로 나타났다. 또 안전시설 근로자에 대한 적격성 기준마저 없었다.


20일 ‘서울시 도시철도 신호시스템 안전점검 종합보고서’에 따르면 서울지하철 1∼4호선의 신호 담당 직원 370명 중 전공자는 221명(40.3%)뿐이었다. 5∼8호선의 신호관리자는 2008년 563명에서 올해 508명으로 55명 줄었다.


인력이 줄자 신호취급실은 44곳에서 11곳으로 축소됐고 점검 항목도 110만 6681개에서 17만 6697개로 84.1% 줄었다. 신호 관리자가 승강장 안전문과 7호선 연장선 관리 업무까지 맡으면서 지난해 5~8호선 안전문 장애는 3260건이나 있었다.

메트로 노조 관계자는 “원래 5명 1조인데 3~4명 근무조도 점차 늘고 있으며 370명이 새벽 1시부터 5시까지 서울 전역의 신호를 점검한다”면서 “윗선으로 보고하지 않은 장애가 하루에도 5~6건은 발생하기 때문에 지하철 타기 겁난다는 얘기가 나오는 것”이라고 한숨을 쉬었다.


이에 지난해 3월 철도안전관리법이 시행됐고 교통안전공단이 매년 124개 항목을 점검해 지하철 공사에 안전 승인을 하도록 했다. 교통안전공단 관계자는 “124개 항목 중에 안전시설 관련 근로자는 모두 적격성을 갖추어야 한다고 했지만 구체적인 기준은 모호하다”면서 “신호 관련 근로자는 신호취급자와 신호유지보수자로 나뉘는데 신호유지보수자는 올해 말 처음으로 자격 점검을 하게 된다”고 말했다.


이 외에 신호취급자는 전문가라는 전제하에 안전교육이 분기별 3시간뿐인데 비전문가가 늘면서 위험성이 높아지고 있다는 지적도 나왔다. 신호전문인력 양성은 현장에서 전담하는 상황이며 체계적인 교육과정도 적다


시 점검단 역시 노후설비 점검 및 초동조치를 위한 인력 증원이 필요하다고 지적했다. 특히 자동정지장치(ATS)와 자동운전장치(ATO)를 함께 사용하는 지하철 2호선의 시스템은 ATO로 조속히 일원화하라고 조언했다.


시는 ATS 시스템이 탑재된 2호선 노후차 500량을 2020년까지 ATO 차량으로 교체하고 1·3·4호선에 대해서도 교체 또는 수선 시기를 앞당기기로 한 바 있다.

서울신문 이경주 기자 kdlrudwn@seoul.co.kr



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