경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1448건
- 신비로운 오리온 대성운 3D 영상 VIDEO: Fly Through Sparkling Orion Nebula in a New 3-D Visualization2018.01.13
- 중국의 가구 보수 장인 VIDEO: Let master teach you how to fix your furniture2018.01.10
- 오프리 윈프리, 2020년 대선 출마설 '일파만파'..."트럼프와 대결?" VIDEO: Oprah Winfrey: Who is she and what are her political beliefs?2018.01.09
- 버킹검의 공주 샬럿, 첫 유치원 등교날 VIDEO: Princess Charlotte Is a Total Ham as She Attends Her First Day of Nursery School2018.01.09
- VIDEO: He is not jungle survivor...2018.01.07
- 잘 훈련된 여전사의 자세 Good form, good grip, eye protection...2018.01.06
- 남여 평등지수 세계 1위 국가 아이슬란드 Iceland Makes It Illegal to Pay Men Higher Salaries Than Women2018.01.06
- 뉴욕주 지사, 한파로 비상사태 선언 VIDEO: ‘Bomb Cyclone’: Snow and Bitter Cold Blast the Northeast2018.01.05
- 세계 15개국의 각양각색의 교복 What school uniforms look like in 15 countries around the world2018.01.05
- 한국의 터널에서 화재가 났을 때 VIDEO: When an accident happens in N Korea, wish my country(S AFRICA) was Like this2018.01.04
- 불법 드론 잡는 일본 경찰 드론 VIDEO: Tokyo Police's drone to hunt down illegal drones2018.01.01
- VIDEO: Trying to flee from the police on the freeway.2017.12.31
- 내 얼굴? VIDEO: This is how a face forms in the womb2017.12.28
- Happy christmas!2017.12.25
- 싼타의 뺑소니 추적신 VIDEO: Santa helps arresting a hit and run driver2017.12.24
- 러시아, 1주일 자는데 4백억짜리 우주 호텔 건립 추진 VIDEO: Russia wants to build a five-star luxury HOTEL on the International Space Station by 20222017.12.24
- 부러운 일본의 교통 문화 수준 In my country I would be blamed and fired for being late2017.12.23
- VIDEO: Scanning where to put the needle2017.12.23
- "윌리엄 왕자님 저희와 말타기 한번 하실까요?" VIDEO: Prince William’s Antics Steal Show at Royal Variety Performance2017.12.21
- VIDEO: Prince William’s Antics Steal Show at Royal Variety Performance2017.12.21