경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1448

  1. 신비로운 오리온 대성운 3D 영상 VIDEO: Fly Through Sparkling Orion Nebula in a New 3-D Visualization2018.01.13
  2. 중국의 가구 보수 장인 VIDEO: Let master teach you how to fix your furniture2018.01.10
  3. 오프리 윈프리, 2020년 대선 출마설 '일파만파'..."트럼프와 대결?" VIDEO: Oprah Winfrey: Who is she and what are her political beliefs?2018.01.09
  4. 버킹검의 공주 샬럿, 첫 유치원 등교날 VIDEO: Princess Charlotte Is a Total Ham as She Attends Her First Day of Nursery School2018.01.09
  5. VIDEO: He is not jungle survivor...2018.01.07
  6. 잘 훈련된 여전사의 자세 Good form, good grip, eye protection...2018.01.06
  7. 남여 평등지수 세계 1위 국가 아이슬란드 Iceland Makes It Illegal to Pay Men Higher Salaries Than Women2018.01.06
  8. 뉴욕주 지사, 한파로 비상사태 선언 VIDEO: ‘Bomb Cyclone’: Snow and Bitter Cold Blast the Northeast2018.01.05
  9. 세계 15개국의 각양각색의 교복 What school uniforms look like in 15 countries around the world2018.01.05
  10. 한국의 터널에서 화재가 났을 때 VIDEO: When an accident happens in N Korea, wish my country(S AFRICA) was Like this2018.01.04
  11. 불법 드론 잡는 일본 경찰 드론 VIDEO: Tokyo Police's drone to hunt down illegal drones2018.01.01
  12. VIDEO: Trying to flee from the police on the freeway.2017.12.31
  13. 내 얼굴? VIDEO: This is how a face forms in the womb2017.12.28
  14. Happy christmas!2017.12.25
  15. 싼타의 뺑소니 추적신 VIDEO: Santa helps arresting a hit and run driver2017.12.24
  16. 러시아, 1주일 자는데 4백억짜리 우주 호텔 건립 추진 VIDEO: Russia wants to build a five-star luxury HOTEL on the International Space Station by 20222017.12.24
  17. 부러운 일본의 교통 문화 수준 In my country I would be blamed and fired for being late2017.12.23
  18. VIDEO: Scanning where to put the needle2017.12.23
  19. "윌리엄 왕자님 저희와 말타기 한번 하실까요?" VIDEO: Prince William’s Antics Steal Show at Royal Variety Performance2017.12.21
  20. VIDEO: Prince William’s Antics Steal Show at Royal Variety Performance2017.12.21