경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1448건
- 사라장과 '제니퍼 유' Violinist Sarah Chang and Jennifer Yu2017.11.28
- 벌목 VIDEO: High on trees.2017.11.28
- 중국인 아기 작명해주고 6만4천불 번 16세 영국 소녀 A 16-year-old British girl earns 48,000 US dollar helping Chinese people name their babies2017.11.25
- 도대체 누가 잘못한거지? VIDEO: When you mess with the wrong person2017.11.25
- 영하 40도 이하의 강풍 속에서 등교하는 러시아 학생들 VIDEO: This is how we go to school in Yakutia (Far East of Russia) - blizzard, -40°C and lower2017.11.25
- 산악지역에서 시험보는 파키스탄 어린이들 This is how students do their exams in some areas of Balochistan.2017.11.21
- 소주잔 오기가 2천만원 짜리로2017.11.21
- 섬뜩한 인조인간의 웃음 VIDEO: That creepy smile tho...2017.11.18
- 고대 이집트인의 치아 관리법 VIDEO: Ancient Egyptian dentistry2017.11.18
- 무궁무진 변신...가면이 예술의 경지에 까지 VIDEO; Would you be fooled? Scientist reveals how masks that cost just £500 are now so realistic they trick 99% of people2017.11.17
- VIDEO: That was unexpected...2017.11.17
- 버튼 누르니...VIDEO: He probably hoped that a woman would press that button.2017.11.17
- 운전기사의 기지 VIDEO: Respect to this driver2017.11.14
- 1천억짜리 아파트 VIDEO: 432 Park Avenue, Penthouse Residence 92B2017.11.12
- 나도 VIDEO: Haters gonna hate2017.11.10
- 나름 일리가 있네2017.11.10
- This guy is living the dream!2017.11.10
- VIDEO: Conventional vs electromagnetic car suspension2017.11.10
- VIDEO; Different flame colors2017.11.09
- Mathhhhh2017.11.08