우즈벡, 셰라바드(Sherabad) 태양광발전소 PPP사업 입찰 동향...삼성물산 참여 Uzbekistan shortlists bidders in 600 MW of solar tenders

우즈벡, Sherabad 태양광발전소 PPP사업, PQ 통과 업체 발표

     에너지부(2020.12.18)는 지난 12월 3일 Sherabad 태양광발전소 PPP사업에 대한 PQ 통과한 업체를 발표한 이후 최근 11개 업체 대상으로 RFP를 발송하였다.

Energy & Utilities


Uzbekistan shortlists bidders in 600 MW of solar tenders

December 8 (Renewables Now) - The government of Uzbekistan has released the lists of shortlisted candidates in tenders seeking to award 600 MW of solar capacity.

In response to Requests for Qualifications (RfQs) for two photovoltaic (PV) projects of 200 MW each, the Ministry of Energy has selected 15 bidders, it said in a press release last week. Among the shortlisted developers are Abu Dhabi Future Energy PJSC (Masdar), Jinko Power Technology Co Ltd (SHA:601778), Japan’s Marubeni Corp (TYO:8002), Total Eren and Norway’s Scatec Solar (FRA:66T).

The solar projects sought to be awarded through this tender are located in the Kattakurgan district of Samarkand region and the Jizzakh region’s Gallaorol district, respectively. Bids for them were due by September 26.

Separately, 11 bidders have been admitted to the final phase of a competition for a 200-MW solar farm in the Sherabad district of Surkhandarya province, southeastern Uzbekistan. The list includes ACWA Power, Marubeni Corp, Total Eren, India's NTPC (BOM:532555) and Renew Power Pvt and others. 

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이번 프로젝트는 ADB 지원으로 추진되면, 우즈베키스탄의 '2020~2022년 투자 프로그램'에도 포함되어 있다. 사업계획에 따라 Surkhandarya주 Sherabad 지역에 200MW급 태양광발전소, 220kV 변전소 및 52km의 전력송전선이 건설된다. 

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프로젝트 추진 일정 : '20.2.1 EOI 공고(54개사 참여) -> '20.6.26 PQ 공고 -> '20.12.3 PQ 결과 발표(11개사) -> '20.12.14 RFP 발송 -> '21.4월 사업자 확정 -> '21.4월 ~ '21.12 계약 및 금융 협정 체결 -> '22년 착공

* PQ 통과 업체 리스트   


1. Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC (Masdar)

2. International Company for Water and Power Projects (ACWA Power)

3. Jinko Power (HK) Co., Ltd.

4. Marubeni Corporation

5. NTPC Ltd.

6. ReNew Power Private Ltd.

7. Risen Energy Co., Ltd. (Consortium Leader / Lead Sponsor), JSC “Tojikgidroelectromontaj” (Consortium member)

8. Samsung C&T Corporation (Consortium Leader / Lead Sponsor), Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (Consortium member)

9. Scatec Solar ASA

10. TBEA Xinjiang Sunoasis Co., Ltd. (Consortium Leader / Lead Sponsor), Prime Road Power Public Company Ltd. (Consortium member)

11. Total Eren S.A.

미주유럽실 차류바 (Tel. 02-3406-1046),icak.or.kr


