우즈베키스탄 , 36억불 규모 신재생에너지 프로젝트 추진 VIDEO: Uzbekistan to build 12 large renewable energy facilities


Uzbekistan to build 12 large renewable energy facilities

Uzbekistan in the coming years will see the implementation of 12 major projects worth some $3.56bn in the field of renewable energy sources. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy on October 9.

Uzbekistan in the coming years will see the implementation of 12 major projects worth some $3.56bn in the field of renewable energy sources. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy on October 9.


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The largest of them was initiated by ACWA Power. A $1.3bn project is currently underway for the construction of two wind power plants with a capacity of 1 thousand megawatts in Navoi and Bukhara regions.

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, it is planned to build two Koratau-2 and Koratau-3 wind farms with a total capacity of 300 MW for $300mn, another 500 MW wind power plant worth $550mn is being implemented with Masdar in the Navoi region. The same company has an intention to build a 100 MW solar power plant in Navoi region for $110mn.

In the Samarkand region, Total Eren is building a 100 MW photovoltaic plant at a cost of $100mn. Two photovoltaic plants will be built in the Samarkand and Jizzakh regions under the Skalling Solar-2 project with a capacity of 200 MW each. The total investment will amount nearly $360mn.

Moreover, it is planned to build two solar power plants (Sherabad-1 and Sherabad-2 projects) for 500 MW with a total investment of $415mn in Surkhardarya region.

우즈벡, 36억불 규모 신재생에너지 사업 추진 계획

 우즈베키스탄 에너지부는 총 사업비 35.6억불에 달하는 12건 신재생에너지 프로젝트를 추진할 계획이라고 Uzreport.uz(2020.10.10)가 보도하였다. 구체적으로 나보이, 부하라, 사마르칸드주 등에서 다음 사업이 추진될 것으로 전망된다.

미주유럽실 차류바 (Tel. 02-3406-1046), 


RE-Talk Uzbekistan: Towards Renewable Energy Excellence in Uzbekistan 


