세계 최초 하이퍼루프 시스템 km당 4천만 불 소요 VIDEO; The world's first hyperloop system could cost $40m per kilometre
The world's first hyperloop system could cost $40m per kilometre
Hyperloop TT chairman Bibop Gresta says Abu Dhabi project, due to open in 2020, has passed the feasibility stage
by Jack Ball17 Jan 2019
Abu Dhabi’s planned hyperloop system, set to open in the UAE capital in 2020, will cost “between $20-$40m per kilometre,” Hyperloop Transportation Technologies’ (Hyperloop TT) chairman revealed. The amount translates to roughly AED73-147m.
The world's first commerical hyperloop system is set to cost between $20m-$40m per km and will be located in the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi.
세계 최초 하이퍼루프 시스템 km당 4천만 불 소요 하이퍼루프 TTT의 비보프 그레스타 회장은 2020년 개통 예정인 아부다비 하이퍼루프 프로젝트가 실현 가능 단계를 넘어섰다고 말했다. 2020년 아랍에미리트(UAE) 수도에서 문을 열 예정인 아부다비의 계획된 하이퍼 루프 시스템은 "km당 20-40천만불"의 비용이 들 것"이라고 하이퍼루프 운송 테크놀로지 회장(하이퍼롭 TT)이 밝혔다. 아랍에미리트의 국영 통신사인 Wam과 가진 인터뷰에서, Bibop Gresta는 아부다비의 하이퍼 루프 캡슐이 스페인의 조립 시설을 떠나 프랑스의 Toulouse로 가서 시험되고 최적화되었다고 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Speaking in an interview with the UAE's state news agency, Wam, Bibop Gresta said Abu Dhabi's hyperloop capsule has left the assembly facility in Spain to Toulouse, France, where it will be tested and optimised.
He added that this first-of-its kind project in the world "can recoup the investment in 8-15 years".
The project first phase involves building 10km of the 150km between Abu Dhabi and is set to be ready next year, the UAE state-news agency reported.
“Basically, the Abu Dhabi hyperloop system is right now past the feasibility study. We have already completed the study after we partnered with Aldar Properties last year,” said Gresta. "It will be the first commercial hyperloop line in the world."
Quintero One, Hyperloop TT's planned passenger capsule.
April 2018 saw Hyperloop TT sign an agreement with Abu Dhabi's Aldar Properties, which will allow for the creation of a new Hyperloop TT centre.
Gresta added: “An average cost generically comes between $20-$40m per kilometre. When you build it in the desert, it is different from building it in Switzerland. However, the second question we need to ask is how long it takes to recoup the investment.
“This is a topical question because no one transportation system on the ground recoups its investments. They always need subsidy.
“But hyperloop [...] will be paying for itself and then it will be generating profits for the country. So, it is not only fast but also very efficient."