경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship에 해당하는 글 1439

  1. 이거 할 수 있어?/얘 좀 어떻게 해봐/달인/풍선 물대기 VIDEO: Can u do this?/Want to stroke this kitty/Forklift and Driver/Farming with weather balloons2019.03.29
  2. 완벽함! /프랑스 전 채석장 지하의 거대한 고흐 그림들/농구킹/트릭의 비밀 VIDEO: Perfect!/Projections on the massive underground.../The King/The vanishing liguid Trick2019.03.28
  3. 나두.../굿 아이디어/오 영리한 코끼리/이젠 운전할 시간 VIDEO: Royal guard being wholesome/Clever use of space with this spice rack/This is Incredible - Elephants run../Clever use of space with this spice rack2019.03.24
  4. 인간 백조/핀란드의 겨울 사우나/하이!/개구리의 건강관리 VIDEO: Graceful as a swan/Winter In Finland/Hi there!/Giant monkey frog covers itself in skin secretion to prevent drying out in the sun2019.03.23
  5. 당근인 줄 어떻게 알고/축구 달인/최고의 직업 VIDEO:Rabbit Asleep - Enticed with Carrot - Reaction Priceless/Football made in Africa/Best job ever2019.03.21
  6. 세계기록! 원더풀 !/ 현기증!/오 좋은 툴툴툴 VIDEO: He just set a world record.../Adrenaline Rush And Awe/Tool that lets you pick up stuff without putting..2019.03.20
  7. 결국 해냈다!/맥주에 얼굴 그려주는 기네스 맥주/공포의 스키 리프트 Finally someone did it/St James Gate Guinness Factory will take a picture/The ski lift of DOOM2019.03.19
  8. 물 풍선을 때리면?/물리학 기술/킹코브라와 비단뱀의 사투 VIDEO: Water balloon as much as I did./Beautiful physics tricks/King cobra bites python2019.03.17
  9. 삼국시대 전쟁 신 '관우'의 거대한 1,320톤짜리 조각상 VIDEO: Monumental 1,320-Ton Sculpture of Chinese War God Watches Over the City2019.03.17
  10. 저런!/오 맛있쪄! /터키 군인의 선행 VIDEO: Strait up theft/Baby trying chocolate milk for the first time/Turkish soldier gives chocolates to a Syrian boy2019.03.15
  11. 아빠의 사랑은 파괴할 수 없다/그녀는 전혀 놀라지 않았다/입구를 만드는 가장 좋은 방법/저런! You can destroy a country but you can’t../Shes not amused/The best way to make an entrance/What's that moved called?...2019.03.14
  12. 대륙의 톨게이트 50차선이 4차선으로/ 장갑 수세미/ 먹음직스런 팬케익/저런! VIDEO: This really bothers me/Sponge Gloves/These pancakes!!/Too chonky2019.03.13
  13. 생전 첨 만져보는 남성의 근육/안전 신발/장난감 비행기 VIDEO: Guy lets girl at the gym feel his muscles,.../The safest and toughest footwear/This toy airplane2019.03.12
  14. 깜짝이야! 장난치는 코끼리/UCLA 체조선수 케이틀린 오하시 만점 연기/달인 VIDEO:Elephant with a sense of humor/Katelyn Ohashi records perfect 10 on floor routine. WHOA!/Show off2019.03.11
  15. 파이팅!/달인/3D 프린팅 VIDEO: With perfect attitude comes perfect form/What is this guy trying to catc... Oh/3d PRINTING in almost 11 hours2019.03.08
  16. 파인애플 먹는 법/실감나는 벼락 모습/깜짝이야! VIDEO: How to eat pineapples/A rare type of lightning called anvil/spider lightning. Real-time footage/Posing for a photo2019.03.07
  17. 저런!/ 엄청 큰 토끼/자동차가 지나가면 전기 발생하는 도로 VIDEO: MI-14 struggles to generate lift during a water takeoff/Big rabbit/Enlil turbine converts the wind generated by passing cars2019.03.06
  18. 너무 착한 오빠/안티 수분 미러/ 닭들의 놀라운 균형감각 VIDEO: Such an amazing brother/Hydrophobic mirror/Didn't realize chickens had such great balance2019.03.05
  19. 저런!/내가 최고로 웃었던 장면/호신술 VIDEO: You are dirt now/Best thing I've ever seen./Some great self defense tips from Master Ken2019.03.04
  20. 야호/야호2/기다려보세요! VIDEO: Into the Sarlacc pit with you!/Cowabunga!/Just wait for it2019.03.03