삼국시대 전쟁 신 '관우'의 거대한 1,320톤짜리 조각상 VIDEO: Monumental 1,320-Ton Sculpture of Chinese War God Watches Over the City
Monumental 1,320-Ton Sculpture of Chinese War God Watches Over the City
By Stephanie Chang on July 19, 2016
삼국시대 전쟁 신 '관우'의 거대한 1,320톤짜리 조각상 주민들 감시 모습? 관우는 삼국지로 알려진 중국 역사에서 삼국이 전쟁을 치르는 혼미한 시기에 살았으며, 적들에게 휘두르며 인상적인 40파운드(18.25kg)의 무게로 전해진 '초승달 녹룡' 창을 들고 있는 모습이 자주 그려진다. 보아하니, 전체 조각품은 높이가 겨우 190피트(58미터)가 넘는데, 마치 도시와 그 주민들을 감시하는 것처럼 보인다. 4천 개가 넘는 청동 조각들이 조각 위에 붙어 있었고, 관우는 전투 준비를 하고, 함선을 본떠 만든 그의 받침대 위에서 자랑스럽게 포즈를 취한 겁 없는 전사로 묘사된다. 호기심 많은 방문객들은 받침대에 들어가 안에 있는 관우박물관을 방문할 수 있다. 관우는 계속해서 중국 남부, 대만, 홍콩 그리고 많은 동아시아 공동체들 사이에서 많은 중국인들에 의해 숭배되고 기념되고 있다. 그는 중국 민속종교, 유교, 도교, 중국 불교의 걸출한 인물로서 그를 숭상하는 사당은 중국 사관에서 흔히 볼 수 있다 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
An enormous, commanding 1,320-ton sculpture of the Chinese god of war, Guan Yu, was unveiled on July 11th in China’s Hubei province in Jingzhou city. Guan Yu, was a Chinese military general who had tremendous martial prowess during his time, and was deified as a god of war after his death. He is also an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu lived during a restless period in Chinese history known as the Three Kingdoms, and is often depicted holding his “reclining moon blade” named the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, which he wielded against his enemies and was said to weigh an impressive 40 lbs (18.25 kg).
A sight to behold, the entire sculpture stands at just over 190 feet (58 meters) tall, seeming to watch over the city and its residents. Over 4,000 strips of bronze were glued over the sculpture, and Guan Yu is portrayed as a fearless warrior who is ready for battle, proudly posed atop his pedestal which was modeled after a warship. Curious visitors can enter the pedestal and visit the Guan Yu Museum which is housed inside.
Guan Yu continues to be widely worshipped and celebrated by many Chinese people in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and amongst many other East Asia communities. He is a prominent figure in Chinese folk religion, Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and shrines dedicated to him can be commonly found in Chinese establishments.
via [CCTVNews, Design You Trust]
All images via CCTVNews.