놀라운 자율주행 전기차 콘셉..다른 차량 오염 정화 + 더블베드 변신 VIDEO:The future of car travel? Incredible self-driving electric car concept....


The future of car travel? Incredible self-driving electric car concept can hoover up the pollution from other vehicles and includes a dining room-style space that can be turned into a double BED - and could go into production by 2023



PUBLISHED: 12:20 BST, 27 April 2021 | UPDATED: 13:24 BST, 27 April 2021



A driverless electric car concept is capable of hoovering up pollution left by other vehicles as it drives along, leaving clean air in its wake, its designers claim.


The vehicle will run on electric power, producing no fossil fuel pollutants as it moves around the city. But the car goes further in its environmental ambition.


The Airo is being designed by British Heatherwick Studio for the Chinese green-vehicle firm IM Motors and could go into production as soon as 2023. 



It features a dining room-style space inside the cabin that can be turned into a double bed, allowing passengers to continue to slumber during a commute to work.


The vehicle will run on electric power, producing no fossil fuel pollutants as it moves around the city. But the car goes further in its environmental ambition.


Heatherwick confirmed it would be equipped with a state-of-the-art HEPA filtering system attached to the under-carriage that can clean up pollution particles. 


London-based Heatherwick Studio has unveiled its concept for the Airo electric car for IM Motors that will 'vacuum up pollutants from other cars'



It features a dining room-style space inside the cabin that can be turned into a double bed, allowing passengers to continue to slumber during a commute to work



Scroll down for video 


  이 무인 전기 자동차 컨셉은 다른 차량이 주행 시 발생시키는 오염을 깨끗한 공기로 정화시킬 수도 있다고 설계자들은 주장한다.


에어로는 영국 헤더윅스튜디오가 중국 친환경차 기업 IM모터스를 위해 설계하고 있으며 이르면 2023년부터 생산에 들어갈 수 있다.


객실 내부에 더블베드로 탈바꿈할 수 있는 다이닝룸 형태의 공간이 마련되어 있어 출퇴근 시간에도 승객들이 계속 잠을 잘 수 있다.


이 차량은 도시 주변을 이동할 때 화석 연료 오염 물질을 생성하지 않고 전기로 운행할 것이다. 더 나아가 헤더윅은 오염 입자를 정화시킬 수 있는 최첨단 HEPA 필터링 시스템을 탑재할 것이라고 확인했다.






황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 


