사이토카인 폭풍(cytokine storm)이란 ㅣ '사이토카인 폭풍' 징후 진단 장치 Watch-sized device analyses SWEAT to spot signs of the deadly 'cytokine storm' caused by Covid-19 and other infections


Watch-sized device analyses SWEAT to spot signs of the deadly 'cytokine storm' caused by Covid-19 and other infections

A cytokine storm can lead to an overload of immune cells that can cause death

Researchers say an early warning system can allow doctors to treat the issue

The new device monitors passive sweat levels for a rapid increase in cytokines

If they are detected doctors can deliver steroids before it can increase further 




PUBLISHED: 10:00 BST, 16 April 2021 | UPDATED: 10:33 BST, 16 April 2021


   시계 크기의 이 장치는 땀과 코로나19와 다른 감염으로 인한 치명적인 사이토카인 폭풍의 징후를 분석할 수 있다.


*사이토카인 폭풍(cytokine storm)

사이토카인 폭풍(영어: cytokine storm)은 외부에서 침투한 바이러스에 대항하기 위한 인체 내 면역체계의 과도한 반응이 정상 세포까지 공격하여 일어나는 대규모 염증 반응이다 위키백과



이 현상은 사이토카인이라고 불리는 혈류에서 화학물질이 빠르게 증식하여 통제력을 상실할 때 발생한다.


이 작은 화학물질들은 면역 체계를 제한하고 통제하기 위해 고안되었고 그것이 어긋날 때 그것은 염증과 장기 손상을 초래할 수 있다.



COVID-19 전염병 초기에 의사들은 '사이토카인 폭풍'을 일으킨 환자들이 종종 가장 아프고 사망할 위험이 가장 높다는 것을 인식했다


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


A device the size of a watch can analyse sweat and spot signs of an impending, and deadly, cytokine storm that is caused by Covid-19 and other infections.


A device the size of a watch can analyse sweat and spot signs of an impending, and deadly, cytokine storm that is caused by Covid-19 and other infections


The phenomenon happens when chemicals in the bloodstream, called cytokines, multiply rapidly and run out of control. 



These small chemicals are designed to restrict and control the immune system and when they go awry it can lead to inflammation and organ damage. 


A cytokine storm happens when cytokines in the body rampage through the bloodstream, causing the creation of other immune cells, leading to organ damage


Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors recognised that patients who developed a 'cytokine storm' were often the sickest and at highest risk of dying. 


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