세계 최대 핵추진 과학 탐사선 2025년 진수 VIDEO:Enormous 984-foot-long nuclear-powered exploration vessel the same size as the world's largest cruise ship ..


All aboard the Earth 300! Enormous 984-foot-long nuclear-powered exploration vessel the same size as the world's largest cruise ship could launch with 160 scientists on board by 2025

The large vessel will be able to carry 400 people including 160 scientists and 165 crew as it travels the world 

It contains 22 cutting edge laboratories that come equipped with artificial intelligence and robotics systems

It is powered by a Molten Salt Reactor, a type of nuclear power generator that operates at low pressure 

Its developers say it unites both science and exploration to take on some of the biggest challenges on Earth

These major challenges include climate change, food and water security, education and global pandemics  




PUBLISHED: 11:39 BST, 13 April 2021 | UPDATED: 14:33 BST, 13 April 2021


  배출가스 없는 984피트(295m) 길이의 과학탐사선 '핵추진 선박'이 22개 최첨단 연구소와 400여 명이 탑승한 세계에서 가장 긴 크루즈선만큼 큰 규모로 2025년 진수한다.


이 배의 제조사인 살라스 제퍼슨에 따르면, 이 '지구 300 선박'은 '지구의 가장 큰 도전에 맞서기 위해 과학과 탐험을 결합시키도록 설계되었다'고 한다. 그는 이 선박이 한 번에 약 160명의 과학자들을 수용할 것이라고 말한다.


선박에는 '과학 영역'인 녹색 기술이 탑재될 예정이며, 녹은 불소염을 냉각수로 사용하고 저압으로 작동하는 원자력 발전기의 일종인 '녹색 염 원자로'가 가동될 예정이다.


22개 연구소에 로봇공학과 인공지능(AI) 시스템이 갖춰진다는 이데스의 말이다.


이 디자인 뒤에 있는 회사는 거대한 구 안에 '과학도시'와 전망대, 그리고 과학 연구와 탐험을 전담하는 인테리어가 들어설 것이라고 말한다.



설계 단계 이 선박은 타이타닉호보다 더 크고 축구공 3개의 길이 정도 되는 거대한 떠다니는 도시로 곧 진수될 예정이다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


An emission-free 'nuclear powered' 984ft-long science exploration vessel, as large as the world's longest cruise ship will launch in 2025 with 22 cutting edge laboratories and over 400 people on board.


The Earth 300 vessel has been designed to 'unite science and exploration to confront Earth's greatest challenges,' according the founder of Iddes Yacht, manufacturer of the ship, Salas Jefferson, who says it will cater for about 160 scientists at one time.


An emission-free 'nuclear powered' 984ft-long science exploration vessel, as large as the world's longest cruise ship will launch in 2025 with 22 cutting edge laboratories and over 400 people on board


The ship will be packed with green technology, a 'science sphere', and will be powered by a Molten Salt Reactor, a type of nuclear power generator that uses molten fluoride salts as a coolant and operates at low pressure.


When launched, it will act as an 'extreme technology platform for science, exploration and innovation at sea', according to Iddes, who say its 22 laboratories will be equipped with robotics and artificial intelligence systems.


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The Iddes Yacht vessel has been designed to 'unite science and exploration to confront Earth's greatest challenges,' according founder Salas Jefferson, who says it will cater for about 160 scientists at one time


The ship will be packed with green technology, a 'science sphere', and will be powered by a Molten Salt Reactor, a type of nuclear power generator that uses molten fluoride salts as a coolant and operates at low pressure


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Earth 300 Launch Event - Gallery



