유럽 최고 높이 러시아 오스탄키노 타워 VIDEO: Ostankino Tower in Moscow


Ostankino Tower



Ostankino Tower (Russian: Останкинская телебашня, Ostankinskaya telebashnya) is a television and radio tower in Moscow, Russia, owned by the Moscow branch of unitary enterprise Russian TV and Radio Broadcasting Network. Standing 540.1 metres (1,772 ft), Ostankino was designed by Nikolai Nikitin. It is currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe and 11th tallest in the world. Between 1967 and 1974, it was the tallest in the world. The tower was the first free-standing structure to exceed 500 m (1,600 ft) in height. Ostankino was built to mark the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. It is named after the surrounding Ostankino district of Moscow.





   오스탄키노 타워는 러시아 모스크바에 위치한 러시아 텔레비전 및 라디오 방송 네트워크가 소유중인 텔레비전-라디오 타워이다. 총높이 540.1m의 이 타워는 니콜라이 니키틴이 설계했다. 이 타워는 현재 유럽에서 가장 높은 독립형 건축물이자 세계에서 8번째로 높은 건축물이다. 위키백과

