이집트 여왕과 왕 미이라들의 대행진 VIDEO:Egyptian Mummies Paraded Through Cairo on Way to New Museum


Egyptian Mummies Paraded Through Cairo on Way to New Museum

Vehicles are seen during a parade at a ceremony of a transfer of royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, in Cairo, Egypt, April 3, 2021, in this screen grab taken from a video.


   토요일 성대한 퍼레이드는 카이로 전역에 걸쳐 특별한 캡슐에 담긴 22개의 고대 이집트 왕실의 미라를 더 화려하게 전시할 수 있는 새로운 박물관 집으로 옮겼다


호송차는 카이로 중심부의 타흐리르 광장에 있는 이집트 박물관에서 남동쪽으로 약 5킬로미터(3마일) 떨어진 푸스타트에 있는 이집트 문명의 국립 박물관으로 18명의 왕과 4명의 여왕을 운반했다.



당국은 이집트의 풍부한 고대 유물에 대한 관심을 고조시키기 위해 마련된 이 기념행진을 위해 나일강을 따라 도로를 봉쇄했다. COVID-19 관련 제한 때문에 관광 사업은 거의 완전히 중단되었다.


왕실의 미라가 토요일 공식 출범한 박물관에 도착하자, 대포들이 21발의 예포를 발사됐다. 


이집트 고고학자 자히 하와스는 각각의 미이라 보호를 위해 질소로 가득 찬 특별한 캡슐 안에 놓여 있었다고 말했다. 이 차량은 안전성을 제공된 특수 설계된 차량으로 운반되었다.


이집트 카이로 3일, 고대 이집트 왕족 미라 22구 새로운 박물관 이송 호화 퍼레이드 거행. 람세스 2세 등 실은 황금 차량 행진


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


CAIRO - A grand parade Saturday conveyed 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies in special capsules across Cairo to a new museum home where they can be displayed in greater splendor.



The convoy transported 18 kings and four queens, mostly from the New Kingdom, from the Egyptian Museum in central Cairo's Tahrir Square to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, about 5 kilometers (3 miles) to the southeast.


FILE - The entrance to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo is pictured Oct. 1, 2019. The mummies of 18 ancient Egyptian kings and four queens were paraded through the streets of Cairo to the National Museum on April 3, 2021.


Authorities shut down roads along the Nile for the elaborate ceremony, designed to drum up interest in Egypt's rich collections of antiquities. Tourism has almost entirely stalled because of COVID-19 related restrictions.



As the royal mummies arrived at the museum, which was officially inaugurated Saturday, cannons fired a 21-gun salute. President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi stood by as the mummies filed past on vehicles bedecked with golden pharaonic motifs.


The heads of the U.N. cultural agency UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization were also present at the ceremony.


Each mummy had been placed in a special capsule filled with nitrogen to ensure protection, Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass said. They were carried on vehicles designed to cradle them and provide stability.



via youtube


"We chose the Civilization Museum because we want, for the first time, to display the mummies in a civilized manner, an educated manner, and not for amusement as they were in the Egyptian Museum," Hawass said.




Archaeologists discovered the mummies in two batches at the complex of mortuary temples of Deir Al Bahari in Luxor and at the nearby Valley of the Kings beginning in 1871.


The oldest is that of Seqenenre Tao, the last king of the 17th Dynasty, who reigned in the 16th century B.C. and is thought to have met a violent death.


Workers prepare for the transfer of 22 mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, in Cairo, Egypt, April 1, 2021. 'Civilized' display


The parade also included the mummies of Ramses II, Seti I and Ahmose-Nefertari.


Fustat, the home of the new museum, was the site of Egypt's capital under the Umayyad dynasty after the Arab conquest.



"By doing it like this, with great pomp and circumstance, the mummies are getting their due," said Salima Ikram, an Egyptologist at the American University in Cairo. "These are the kings of Egypt, these are the pharaohs. And so, it is a way of showing respect."




Egypt puts mummies on parade with move to new museum






