우즈베키스탄, 공항 현대화 PPP사업 참여 시 세제혜택 준다 Uzbekistan to modernize airports on public-private partnership basis


Uzbekistan to modernize airports on public-private partnership basis

TASHKENT, March 30 (Xinhua) -- Uzbekistan will attract private investors to modernize and manage the country's airports based on the public-private partnership, the Uzbek Justice Ministry said Tuesday, citing a presidential decree.


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Investors and their subcontractors will be exempted from customs duties for imported special vehicles, construction equipment and machinery, spare parts and raw materials from the moment of signing the public-private partnership (PPP) agreement, it said.



According to the document, private partners and airports will have their income and property tax cut to 50 percent for a three-year period. Airports with PPP-based modernization and management will also have a right to introduce the Open Skies regime.


The presidential decree tasks Uzbekistan's Ministry of Transport and the Uzbekistan Airports company to take measures to attract potential investors for the reconstruction, modernization and management of the airports on the PPP model. Enditem

Source: Xinhua| 2021-03-31 00:26:51|Editor: huaxia



Tashkent International Airport by GMW MIMARLIK World Design Awards 2020 thearchitecturecommunity.com


     정부는 '공항 운영 분야의 PPP사업 활성화를 위한 조치' 대통령령에 따라 공항 현대화·운영 PPP사업을 추진하는 민간기업에 각종 세제 혜택을 부여할 계획이라고 Podrobno.uz(2021.3.30)가 보도하였다.



PPP 협정을 체결 후 3년 동안 다음 혜택이 부여된다.

교통 수단, 건설 장비, 기계, 재료, 기술 자료, 소프트 웨어 등 수입물품에 대한 관세 면제


교통 수단 및 장비에 대한 폐기 비용 면제

민간기업과 공항은 법인세 50% 감면

공항 재산세 50% 감면


또한, PPP사업이 진행되는 공항에는 항공자유화협정(Open Sky) 체결 권한을 부여하게 된다. 

미주유럽실 차류바 (Tel. 02-3406-1046), icak.or.kr




