북극권에서 찍은 숨막히는 순록의 싸이클론 드론 영상 VIDEO:Drone captures stunning footage of a giant reindeer ‘cyclone’ in the Arctic Circle...
Drone captures stunning footage of a giant reindeer ‘cyclone’ in the Arctic Circle that makes it impossible for predators to target an individual in the herd
Photographer Lev Fedoseyev filmed a reindeer herd stampeding in a massive spiral in northwest Russia
The deer run in a ring when threatened, putting does and fawns in the center, to confuse predators
This herd, in Murmansk, was spooked by a veterinarian trying to give them their anthrax vaccinations
Reindeer can run 50 miles per hour and, in spring, are known to form 'super-herds' of up to 500,000
PUBLISHED: 19:47 BST, 2 April 2021 | UPDATED: 19:47 BST, 2 April 2021
북극권에서 찍은 숨막히는 드론 영상은 마법에 걸린 순록 '사이클론'을 포착했다.
위협을 받을 때, 순록은 원을 그리며 움직이기 시작할 것이고, 이것은 포식자가 개별적인 표적을 찾기가 어렵게 만들 것이다.
이 동영상에서, 그 무리는 보호적인 '춤'을 추며 그들 주위를 돈다.
지난 주 러시아 무르만스크에서 한 수의사가 탄저병 예방접종을 실시하기 직전 한 사진작가에 의해 이 사슴들의 장관이 찍혔다.
돌고래, 들소, 심지어 코끼리에서도 이러한 행동은 관찰되어 왔지만, 무리의 속도와 크기가 결합된 공중 조망은 정말 최면에 빠질정도로 매력적인 시각적인 효과를 만든다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
A drone captured mesmerizing aerial footage last week of a reindeer 'cyclone' in Murmansk, a region of Russia in the Arctic Circle. The herd was frightened when a vet came to perform anthrax vaccinations
Breathtaking drone video taken in the Arctic Circle captured a spellbinding reindeer ‘cyclone.’
When threatened, reindeer will begin to stampede in a circle, making it hard for a predator to find an individual target.
In the clip, the herd's fawns and does are in the middle of the swirl with the bucks running around them in a protective 'dance.'
The deer stampede was captured by a photographer last week in Murmansk, Russia, right before a veterinarian was about to give the herd its anthrax vaccinations.
The Sami people who live in Murmansk are well-known as reindeer herders, using the animals for food, fur and to drive their sleds, called pulks
Such behavior has been observed in dolphins, bison and even elephants, but the aerial view—coupled with the herd’s speed and size—makes for a truly hypnotic visual.
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