'비브라늄'으로 제작된 최초 완성형 하이퍼루프 시스템 공개 VIDEO:REVEALED: First completed full-scale hyperloop system constructed of 'vibranium'...


REVEALED: First completed full-scale hyperloop system constructed of 'vibranium' made famous in 'Black Panther' will take passengers on Chicago-Cleveland route at speeds up to 750 miles per hour by 2028



The first full-scale hyperloop system has been revealed by Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

The firm is working on a hyperloop system that will connect Cleveland, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois 

However, it is building a porotype in Abu Dhabi that will connect to Dubai and Al Ain 

It will feature an in-line station for travelers to board capsules that will cruise down three miles of track

If testing goes well, the firm will begin construction in the US in 2023 with the first rides in 2028 




PUBLISHED: 00:33 BST, 31 March 2021 | UPDATED: 00:41 BST, 31 March 2021


   하이퍼루프 교통기술(HTT)이 시카고에서 클리블랜드까지 불과 35분 만에 승객을 태울 수 있는 최초의 완성형 하이퍼루프를 위한 디자인을 공개했다.


이 상용 시스템은 두바이와 알 아인에 연결되는 아부다비에서 처음으로 프로토타입으로 건설되고 있다.


이 꼬투리와 시스템은 '비브라늄'으로 제작되는데, 이 비브라늄은 '지구에서 가장 안전한 물질'이며 마블 만화의 외계인 요소라고 불리워지고 있다.. - '블랙 팬서'와 '캡틴 아메리카'에서도 언급


아부다비에서 테스트가 성공적이면 2023년 미국 하이퍼루프를 착공해 2028년까지 가동할 계획이다.


하이퍼루프 교통기술(HTT)의 발표는 Eron Musk의 비전을 현실로 만들기 위해 준비시키고 있다. Musk는 2013년에 처음으로 급진적인 포드 기반 운송 시스템을 제안한 바 있다.



황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) has unveiled designs for the first-ever completed full-scale hyperloop that is set to take passengers from Chicago to Cleveland in just 35 minutes.


The commercial system is first being constructed as a prototype in Abu Dhabi that will connect to Dubai and Al Ain.


HTT released a video showing the complete system with a stunning in-line station for travelers to board capsules that will cruise down three miles of track at speeds up to 750 miles per hour.


The pods and system are built with 'vibranium,' which the firm says is the 'safest material on Earth' and is an alien-made element from the Marvel comics - it is mentioned in 'Black Panther' and 'Captain America.'  


The in-line station will offer a self-boarding platform and responds to harness natural light, air flow, heating and cooling 


According to HTT, their pods will be able to carry a total of 164,000 passengers every day, departing every 40 seconds for the designated hub


If testing in Abu Dhabi proves successful, the firm plans to break ground for the US hyperloop in 2023 and have it running by 2028.


HTT's announcement puts the firm in the running to bring Elon Musk's vision into a reality - Musk first proposed the radical, pod-based transport system in 2013. 





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