말레이시아, 싱가포르에 HSR 고속철 포기 댓가로 1억 불 보상비 지급 Malaysia pays S$102.8 million in compensation for terminated KL-Singapore HSR project


Malaysia pays S$102.8 million in compensation for terminated KL-Singapore HSR project


SINGAPORE: Malaysia has paid more than S$102 million in compensation to Singapore for the terminated Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project, ministers from both countries said on Monday (Mar 29). 


HSR blueprint Malaysia station An artist's impression of a KL-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) station. (Photo: MyHSR) 

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   말레이시아가 공사를 포기한 쿠알라룸푸르-싱가포르 고속철도(HSR) 사업에 대해 싱가포르에 1억2200만 달러 이상의 보상금을 지급했다고 양국 장관이 29일(현지시간) 밝혔다.


싱가포르에 HSR 프로젝트 개발에 소요되는 비용 102,815,576달러(RM320,270,519)가 지급됐으며, 사업 중단 연장과 관련해 옹예쿵 싱가포르 교통부 장관과 말레이시아 총리부 장관(경제부 모하메드파)이 합의했다.


"양국은 말레이시아 정부의 검증 절차에 따라 그 액수에 대해 우호적인 합의를 했다. 이 금액은 양국간 협정 종료와 관련하여 완전하고 최종적인 합의를 의미한다."라고 성명서에서 언급했다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

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The payment of S$102,815,576 (RM320,270,519) has been made to Singapore for costs incurred for the development of the HSR project, and in relation to the extension of suspension of the project, Singapore's Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung and Malaysia's Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) Mustapa Mohamed said in a joint statement.


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"The two countries reached an amicable agreement on the amount following a verification process by the Government of Malaysia. This amount represents a full and final settlement in relation to the termination of the bilateral agreement," the statement read.


"Both countries remain committed to maintaining good relations and fostering close cooperation for the mutual benefit of the peoples of the two countries."





