반도체 호황오나..5대 유망 종목 ㅣ 인텔, 23조원 투자 파운드리 진출 5 Semiconductor Stocks to Buy as Supply Shortage Spurs Demand
5 Semiconductor Stocks to Buy as Supply Shortage Spurs Demand
Ritujay Ghosh
Fri, March 26, 2021, 7:04 PM·5 min read
Growing demand from carmakers and electronic goods manufacturers has resulted in a shortage of supply of semiconductors. This has resulted in many carmakers halting the production of their vehicles. At the same time, it means that the semiconductor industry is doing quite well at a time when others are still trying to bounce back from the pandemic blues.
완성차 업체와 전자제품 제조업체의 수요 증가로 반도체 공급 부족 현상이 빚어지고 있다. 이로 인해 많은 자동차 제조사들이 차량 생산을 중단하는 결과를 낳았다. 동시에, 그것은 다른 사람들이 여전히 대유행의 우울에서 회복하려고 하는 시기에 반도체 산업이 꽤 잘 되고 있다는 것을 의미한다.
반도체의 황금기가 시작되면서 인텔과 TSMC, ASML, AMD, 엔비디아 등이 수혜를 입을 것으로 관측됐다. 최근 반도체 공급 부족은 구조적 요인에 따른 것으로 업계 실적 개선을 가져올 것이란 분석이다.
edited by kcontents
The microchip industry is one of the least pandemic-ravaged industries, much like the tech sector. Needless to say, semiconductors will be in high demand in the coming days but a further supply crunch may compel automakers to go for production cuts.
Microchip Shortage Affecting Auto Industry
The automotive industry’s recovery is getting somewhat delayed due to the global microchip shortage. Carmakers have already suffered a lot with factories remaining closed for weeks and production coming to a halt following the coronavirus outbreak. Things finally started looking up for the auto industry when chip shortage started forming a roadblock for the industry.
On Mar 22, Ford Motor Company F said that it will be cutting one shift in its Kentucky plant, where its larger F-series trucks are manufactured. Also, the company is planning to temporarily shut one of its plants in Ohio.
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국내 반도체 업계 촉각
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