블레이드 없는 무풍력 터빈 VIDEO:Good vibrations: bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home


Good vibrations: bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home

‘Skybrators’ generate clean energy without environmental impact of large windfarms, say green pioneers


A 3-metre Vortex Bladeless wind power turbine.


The giant windfarms that line hills and coastlines are not the only way to harness the power of the wind, say green energy pioneers who plan to reinvent wind power by forgoing the need for turbine towers, blades – and even wind.


'Skybrator': bladeless wind turbine creates quite a buzz before rollout 



노르웨이 국영 에너지 회사 에퀴노르 승인 받아


  좋은 진동력: 무광 터빈이 가정에 풍력 발전을 가져올 수 있다.


'스카이브레이터'는 대형 풍력발전소의 환경 영향 없이 깨끗한 에너지를 발생시킨다고 녹색 개척자들은 말한다. 이것은 3미터 소용돌이 무풍력 터빈이다.


터빈 타워, 칼날, 심지어 바람의 필요성을 잊음으로써 풍력을 재창조하려는 녹색 에너지 개척자들은 언덕과 해안선을 따라 늘어선 거대한 풍력발전만이 바람의 힘을 이용하는 유일한 방법은 아니라고 말한다.


"우리는 전통적인 풍력 농장에 반대하지 않는다,"라고 Vortex Bladless의 발명가 David Yáèz는 말한다. 스페인 마드리드 외곽에 본부를 둔 그의 6인조 스타트업은 풍력과 동의어로 여겨지는 하얀 칼날 없이도 바람의 에너지를 활용할 수 있는 터빈 설계를 개척했다.



이 디자인은 최근 노르웨이 국영 에너지 회사인 에퀴노르의 승인을 받았으며, 에퀴노르는 Vortex를 에너지 분야에서 가장 흥미로운 10대 스타트업 명단에 이름을 올렸다. Equinor는 또한 기술 가속기 프로그램을 통해 시동 개발 지원을 제공할 것이다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


“We are not against traditional windfarms,” says David Yáñez, the inventor of Vortex Bladeless. His six-person startup, based just outside Madrid, has pioneered a turbine design that can harness energy from winds without the sweeping white blades considered synonymous with wind power.


The design recently won the approval of Norway’s state energy company, Equinor, which named Vortex on a list of the 10 most exciting startups in the energy sector. Equinor will also offer the startup development support through its tech accelerator programme.


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The bladeless turbines stand at 3 metres high, a curve-topped cylinder fixed vertically with an elastic rod. To the untrained eye it appears to waggle back and forth, not unlike a car dashboard toy. In reality, it is designed to oscillate within the wind range and generate electricity from the vibration.



It has already raised eyebrows on the forum site Reddit, where the turbine was likened to a giant vibrating sex toy, or “skybrator”. The unmistakably phallic design attracted more than 94,000 ratings and 3,500 comments on the site. The top rated comment suggested a similar device might be found in your mother’s dresser drawer. It received 20,000 positive ratings from Reddit users.


“Our technology has different characteristics which can help to fill the gaps where traditional windfarms might not be appropriate,” says Yáñez.


These gaps could include urban and residential areas where the impact of a windfarm would be too great, and the space to build one would be too small. It plugs into the same trend for installing small-scale, on-site energy generation, which has helped homes and companies across the country save on their energy bills.



View full text https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/16/good-vibrations-bladeless-turbines-could-bring-wind-power-to-your-home


