최악의 사태 불러온 수에즈 운하 선박 사고...길목 막아 VIDEO:Suez Canal container ship accident is a worst- case scenario for global trade
Suez Canal container ship accident is a worst-case scenario for global trade
March 25, 2021 6.40am AEDT
It’s estimated that 90% of the world’s trade is transported by sea. As consumers, we rarely give much thought to how the things we buy make their way across the planet and into our homes. That is, until an incident like the recent grounding of a huge container ship, the Ever Given, in the Suez Canal exposes the weaknesses in this global system.
세계 무역의 90%가 바다로 운송되는 것으로 추정된다. 우리는 우리가 사는 물건들이 어떻게 지구를 가로질러 우리의 집으로 들어오는지에 대해 많은 생각을 하지 않는다.
23일 수에즈 운하에서 발생한 거대한 컨테이너선 에버 기븐 사고
컨테이너선은 지난 3월 23일 수에즈 운하에서 좌초돼 다른 선박들의 통행이 차단되고 화물선들의 교통체증이 발생했다.
컨테이너선이 지중해와 홍해를 연결하는 무역 동맥 역할을 하는 좁은 해협을 가로막는 원인으로 강풍이 지목됐다. 그러나 이러한 좁은 채널에 대한 배송 의존도가 매우 높기 때문에 이러한 사고의 가능성은 항상 존재한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
High winds have been blamed for the container ship blocking the narrow strait, which serves as a trade artery that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. But with shipping so heavily reliant on such narrow channels, the potential for these incidents is ever-present.
As researchers of maritime security, we often simulate incidents like the Ever Given grounding to understand the probable long and short-term consequences. In fact, the recent event is near identical to something we have been discussing for the last month, as it represents an almost worst-case scenario for the Suez Canal and for knock-on effects on global trade.
The Suez Canal is the gateway for the movement of goods between Europe and Asia, and it was responsible for the transit of over 19,000 ships in 2019, equating to nearly 1.25 billion tonnes of cargo. This is thought to represent around 13% of world trade so any blockage is likely to have a significant impact.
Suez Canal blocked after huge container ship wedged across it