베수비오스의 저주, 폼페이 15분만에 초토화 시켜 VIDEO: Vesuvius killed people of Pompeii in 15 minutes, study suggests

Vesuvius killed people of Pompeii in 15 minutes, study suggests

Cloud of ash and gas engulfed Roman city within minutes and suffocated inhabitants, research says


The snow-covered peak of Mount Vesuvius is seen from the streets of the archaeological site in Pompeii, Italy, in February.



   베수비오스 화산은 폼페이우스의 사람들을 15분만에 사망케했다고 한다.

화산재와 가스 구름이 몇 분 만에 로마 도시를 뒤덮고 주민들을 질식사시켰다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.



베수비오 산의 눈 덮인 봉우리가 2월에 이탈리아 폼페이우스의 고고학 유적지 거리에서 보인다.


서기 79년 베수비오스가 방출한 거대한 화산재와 가스 구름은 폼페이우스의 주민들을 죽이는 데 약 15분이 걸렸다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.


고대 로마의 도시에서 도망칠 여유가 없을 때 죽은 것으로 추정되는 2천 명의 사람들은 용암에 압도당하지 않고 가스와 재에 질식해 있다가 나중에 화산 잔해로 뒤덮여 수천 년 후에 그들의 육체적 존재의 흔적을 남겼다.


The closeness of Herculaneum to Vesuvius meant residents had no hope. But researchers believe the inhabitants of Pompeii, which was miles away, could have survived if the toxic cloud of volcanic ash and gases from the eruption had lasted a shorter duration  dailymail.co.uk

바리대학 지구환경과학부 연구진이 국립지질화산연구소(INGV)와 영국 에든버러 지질조사국(British Geological Survey)이 공동으로 연구한 결과, 고형화 용암의 밀도가 높고 빠르게 흐르는 시간이 밝혀졌다.


화산이 폭발한 지 몇 분 후에 고대 로마의 도시를 강타한 에세스, 화산재, 뜨거운 가스들.



아이시아는 "분화 이후 폼페이 위에 내린 라필리의 비로 수십 명이 숨졌을 개연성이 있지만 대부분 질식사로 사망했다"며 화쇄암 흐름이 폭발 후 몇 분 만에 폼페이까지 도달했을 것이라고 덧붙였다.


"주민들은 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 상상할 수 없었다. 폼페이우스 사람들은 지진을 경험하기는 했어도, 폭발은 아니었기 때문에, 그들은 놀라서 그 백열 구름 같은 재에 휩쓸려 갔다."


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents


A giant cloud of ash and gases released by Vesuvius in 79 AD took about 15 minutes to kill the inhabitants of Pompeii, research suggests.


The estimated 2,000 people who died in the ancient Roman city when they could not escape were not overwhelmed by the lava, but rather asphyxiated by the gases and ashes and later covered in volcanic debris to leave a mark of their physical presence millennia later.


The speed and timing of the pyroclastic flow meant most people in Pompeii were asphyxiated in their beds or as they huddled in their homes for safety. Pictured: Calcinated corpse in Pompeii,  dailymail.co.uk

The study by researchers from the Department of Earth and Geo-environmental Sciences of the University of Bari, in collaboration with the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh, has revealed the duration of the so-called pyroclastic flow, a dense, fast-moving flow of solidified lava pieces, volcanic ash and hot gases that hit the ancient Roman city minutes after the volcano erupted.


In 79 AD, Pompeii was submerged beneath pyroclastic flows of searing gas and volcanic ash from the eruption of Vesuvius — as depicted in John Martin's 1821 work 'Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum', pictured dailymail.co.uk

The lethal cloud had “a temperature of over 100 degrees and was composed of CO2, chlorides, particles of incandescent ash and volcanic glass”, said Roberto Isaia, senior researcher of the Vesuvius Observatory of the INGV. “The aim of the work was to develop a model to try to understand and quantify the impact of pyroclastic flows on the inhabited area of Pompeii, about 10km [6 miles] from Vesuvius,” he added.



The study confirms that the inhabitants had no escape, and most of those who died suffocated in their homes and beds, or in the streets and squares of the city. Isaia’s model estimates the gases, ash and volcanic particles would have engulfed the city for between 10 and 20 minutes.


“It is probable that dozens of people died due to the rain of lapilli that fell on Pompeii after the eruption, but most of them died of asphyxiation,” Isaia said, adding the pyroclastic flow would have reached Pompeii a few minutes after the explosion.


The peak of Mount Vesuvius is seen from the streets of the archaeological site in Pompeii, Italy, in February. Photograph: Cesare Abbate/EPA  dailymail.co.uk

“Those 15 minutes inside that infernal cloud must have been interminable. The inhabitants could not have imagined what was happening. The Pompeiians lived with earthquakes, but not with eruptions, so they were taken by surprise and swept away by that incandescent cloud of ash.”



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Vesuvius wiped out all life in Pompeii in 15 minutes study suggests




