자하 하디드의 주하이 진완 시빅 아트 센터 VIDEO: Zaha Hadid Architects’ Stunning New Civic Art Center Is Now Under Construction in China

Zaha Hadid Architects’ Stunning New Civic Art Center Is Now Under Construction in China

By Samantha Pires on March 21, 2021


The Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), is currently taking shape in southern China. The project is designed as a massive cultural center that will serve the region by introducing incredible new civic programs. Each of the four wings of the art center houses unique building programs. They include an art museum, a science center, a 500-seat hall for various events, and a 1,200-seat theater. These four community amenities are joined together by a central public space and connected by bridges on either side of the waterfront.


   자하 하디드 ZHA(Zaha Hadid Architects)가 설계한 주하이 진완 시빅 아트 센터는 현재 중국 남부에서 건설되고 있다. 이 프로젝트는 새로운 시민 프로그램을 도입함으로써 이 지역에 봉사할 거대한 문화 중심지로 고안되었다. 아트센터의 네 날개는 각각 독특한 건축 프로그램을 갖추고 있다. 미술관, 과학관, 500석 규모의 각종 행사를 위한 홀, 1,200석 규모의 극장이 있다. 이 네 곳의 지역 편의시설은 중앙의 공공 공간으로 연결되어 있고, 수변 양쪽에 있는 다리로 연결되어 있다.



거대한 구조를 위해 통일된 시각적 언어를 창조하면서 각각의 새로운 매력을 축하하는 것이 중요했다. ZHA는 "중국 남부 상공에서 대형으로 날아다니는 철새의 시브론 패턴을 메아리 삼아 장소마다 겹치는 철제 카노피가 반복, 대칭, 규모 변형을 통해 구성됐다"며 "각 건물의 다양한 기능 요건에 대응하는 관련 요소 구성이 가능하다"고 설명한다.


설계 언어는 프로젝트를 인식할 수 있는 랜드마크로 만들고 건축 프로그램의 기술적 요구 사항을 충족시키는 동시에 건설 과정을 더 쉽게 만든다. "지붕의 모든 빌딩 모듈은 자립적이고 안정적이다."라고 이 회사는 설명한다. "모듈의 반복은 조립 전, 조립 전, 모듈 구조의 사용을 최적화한다."


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

It was important to celebrate each of these new attractions while creating a unified visual language for the massive structure. “Echoing the chevron patterns of migratory birds flying in formation over southern China, the latticed steel canopies over each venue are configured through repetition, symmetry, and scale variation,” ZHA explains, “resulting in a composition of related elements that respond to the different functional requirements of each building.”



The design language makes the project a recognizable landmark and meets the technical requirements of the building program while also making the construction process easier. “Every building-module of the roof is self-supporting and self-stabilizing,” describes the firm. “The repetition of the modules optimizes pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and the use of modular construction.”


Connectedness and openness are an important part of the project’s aesthetic, from staggeringly tall glass facades to futuristic bridges that welcome you into the site. The soaring form is an abstraction of birds migrating across the country. This is an apt comparison considering this building acts as a center for innovation and connectivity. Its position in the heart of Jinwan District’s ecological new development unites the project to transit centers like the new Zhuhai Airport Intercity Railway, which links passengers from other major cities in China.


The building includes some “green” considerations that allow the Art Center to be more environmentally friendly. Its envelope is designed with double-insulated glazing and is protected by the cantilevering roof which helps minimize the amount of sun entering the project and thus minimizes the amount of energy needed to cool the building. Panels are also carefully designed with the same consideration towards solar heat gain. Other environmentally conscious design features include plans to reuse rainwater with natural filtration systems and to limit water use through advanced soil-moisture sensors.


To see more incredible projects by Zaha Hadid Architects and to learn about the “Queen of the Curve” herself, you can read our biography on Hadid and our favorite projects by ZHA.


New images have been released of Zaha Hadid Architects' stunning Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre, which is currently under construction.

Each of the four wings of the art center houses unique building programs including an art museum, a science center, a 500-seat hall for various events, and a 1,200-seat theater.


The soaring wings of the building represent the migration of birds, an apt comparison for the super connected and transparent cultural hub.



Zaha Hadid Architects: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Minmud: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Vimeo

Methanoia: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Vimeo 

Slashcube: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Vimeo

h/t: [designboom]

All images via Zaha Hadid Architects, Minmud, Methanoia, and Slashcube.



Zaha Hadid Architects Reveals Images of Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre, in China



