인천국제공항공사, 인니 항나딤바탐 공항 확장공사 참여 S. Korea to participate in 600 bln-won Indonesian airport project

S. Korea to participate in 600 bln-won Indonesian airport project

SEOUL, March 21 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's main airport operator said Sunday it will participate in a 600 billion-won (US$530 million) airport development project in Indonesia.


The Incheon International Airport Corp. (IIAC) has formed a consortium with Indonesia's state-run airport operator PT Angkasa Pura 1 (AP1) and local construction firm PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) to expand the Hang Nadim Batam airport by 2024, the IIAC said in a statement.


바탐공항 개발조감도 /사진=인천국제공항공사 머니투데이

6,000억원 규모


  한국의 인천공항공사는 인도네시아에서 6,000억 원 규모의 공항 개발 프로젝트에 참여한다.


인천국제공항공사(IIAC)가 인도네시아 국영 공항운영사 PT앙카사 푸라1(AP1) 및 현지 건설사 PT 위자야 카리아 트브크(WIKA)와 컨소시엄을 구성해 2024년까지 항나딤바탐 공항을 확대한다고 IIAC가 밝혔다.


IIAC는 이날 전화통화에서 "(인천공항은) 인도네시아 정부와의 계약에 따라 6,000억원 규모의 공항 프로젝트에 30%의 지분을 투자하고 25년간 공항을 운영할 것"이라고 밝혔다.


"이번 계약은 한국 최초의 해외 공항 개발 및 운영 계약"이라고 그는 말했다.


바탐 공항은 2019년 450만 명의 승객을 처리했으며, 가루다 인도네시아, 라이언에어 등 8개 항공사가 현재 공항을 통해 23개 노선을 제공하고 있다



황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 


edited by kcontents


"(Incheon airport) will invest in a 30 percent stake in the 600 billion-won airport project and operate the airport for 25 years under the deal with the Indonesian government," an IIAC spokesman said over the phone.


위치도 google map edited by kcontents

The deal is South Korea's first overseas airport development and operation deal, he said.


The Batam airport handled 4.5 million passengers in 2019, and eight airlines such as Garuda Indonesia and Ryanair currently offer 23 routes through the airport, the statement said.



The IIAC has received $227 million worth of deals to operate overseas airports and offer consulting services in 15 countries, it said.


This graphic image, provided by Incheon International Airport Corp. (IIAC) on March 21, 2021, shows the planned 600 billion-won (US$530 million) expansion of Hang Nadim Batam airport in Indonesia, in which the IIAC will participate in a consortium with Indonesia's state-run airport operator PT Angkasa Pura 1 and local construction firm PT Wijaya Karya Tbk. The IIAC will operate the expansion for 25 years under a deal with the Indonesian government. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)




