무인항공기 포트에서 멋진 식사와 여행을...The height of fine dining? How driverless air taxis could whisk tourists to restaurants..

The height of fine dining? How driverless air taxis could whisk tourists to restaurants on 100ft eco-towers overlooking the Italian wilderness

Chinese drone firm EHang Holdings is teaming up with the Rome-based Giancarlo Zema Design Group

Each so-called 'vertiport' tower will have landing pads, a large panoramic restaurant and a waiting room

The towers will be powered by non-slip solar panels built directly into the roof-top terrace/landing port

After a sumptuous meal, the automated taxis will take tourists on a scenic flight back to their hotels



PUBLISHED: 11:38 GMT, 19 March 2021 | UPDATED: 12:22 GMT, 19 March 2021



  이태리의 멋진 풍광이 내려다보이는 30m 높이의 에코타워에서 놀라운 신개념으로 관광객들은 호화로운 식사를 즐기기 위해 날으는 택시에 탑승할 수 있다.


무인항공기 업체 EHang Holdings와 로마에 본부를 둔 지안카를로 제마 디자인 그룹의 설계자들이 협업한 결과다.


운전자가 없는 항공기가 수직으로 지붕에 착륙할 수 있도록 하기 때문에 '베티포트'라고 불리는 각각의 타워는 친환경적이며 녹색 에너지로 작동된다.


호화로운 식사를 하고 전경을 감상한 후, 이 플라잉 카들은 방문객들을 그들의 가까운 호텔로 돌아가는 중간에 경치 좋은 작은 여행을 시켜줄 것이다.


설계자에 따르면, 수직 포트 타워의 독특한 디자인은 아프리카 토착의 장수 나무인 바오밥에서 영감을 얻었으며, 라미네이트 목재와 강철의 조합으로 지어질 것이라고 한다.


각 타워 내부에는 중앙 리프트를 이용해 출입할 수 있는 카페와 대합실, 2,153㎡(200평) 규모의 파노라마 레스토랑이 들어선다


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

Tourists could be whisked by flying taxi to enjoy a luxury dining experience on 100ft eco-towers overlooking the wilderness of Italy in a stunning new concept.


It is the result of a collaboration between unmanned aircraft company EHang Holdings and architects at the Rome-based Giancarlo Zema Design Group. 


Each of the towers — dubbed  'vertiports', as they will allow the driverless aircraft to land vertically on their rooves — will be eco-friendly and powered by green energy.


After consuming a sumptuous meal and taking in the panoramic views, the flying cars will take visitors on a scenic flight back to their nearby hotels.


Scroll down for video


Tourists could soon be whisked by flying taxi off to a luxury dining experience atop 100-feet-tall landing towers overlooking the wilderness of Italy (as depicted), plans have revealed

The concept is the result of a collaboration between unmanned aircraft company EHang Holdings and architects at the Giancarlo Zema Design Group. Pictured: one of the flying taxis
Each tower — dubbed 'vertiports', as they will allow the autonomous aircraft to land vertically on their rooves, as depicted — will be eco-friendly and powered by green energy

According to the designers, the unique design of the vertiport towers has been inspired by the Baobab — a long-lived tree that is native to Africa — and will be constructed out of a combination of laminated wood and steel.


Inside each tower will be a café, a waiting room and a 2,153 square foot (200 sq. m) panoramic restaurant which can be accessed by means of a central lift.


After consuming a sumptuous meal and taking in the panoramic views, the flying cars will take visitors on a scenic flight back to their nearby hotels. Pictured: the vertiport design
Each of the EH216 passenger autonomous aerial vehicles is built like an oversized commercial drone, with eight dual rotors surrounding the central passenger cockpit, as pictured




