이제 문신도 로봇으로..VIDEO: World's first remote tattoo: 5G-powered robot inks woman's forearm as artist operates it from completely different location
World's first remote tattoo: 5G-powered robot inks woman's forearm as artist operates it from completely different location
To promote T-Mobile's high-speed connection, an artist inked a client long distance using a robotic arm
The system's low latency meant the 'Impossible Tattoo' was inked in real-time
Developers tested their new tech by tattooing squashes and tomatoes
Dutch actress Stijn Fransen chose an abstract symbol on her forearm
PUBLISHED: 16:25 GMT, 15 March 2021 | UPDATED: 19:13 GMT, 15 March 2021
세계 최초의 원격 문신은 작은 바늘이 장착된 5G 동력 로봇 팔에 의해 완성되었다.
타투 예술가 웨스 토마스는 마네킹 팔에 디자인을 그렸고 다른 장소에 있는 로봇은 네덜란드 여배우 슈틴 프란센의 손목에 그의 동작을 따라했다.
마지막 결과는 'Impossible Tattoo'로 불리는 야외에서 프란센의 사랑을 기리는 'minimalist' 디자인이다.
이 절차는 T모바일의 의뢰를 받아 3분 분량의 다큐멘터리로 촬영된 초고속 네트워크의 속도와 신뢰성을 과시했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
The world's first remote tattoo was completed by a 5G-powered robotic arm fitted with a tiny needle.
Tattoo artist Wes Thomas drew the design on a mannequin arm while a robot in another location copied his motions on Dutch actress Stijn Fransen's wrist.
The final result is a 'minimalist' design that honors Fransen's love out the outdoors that has been dubbed the 'Impossible Tattoo.'
The procedure was commissioned by T-Mobile to show off the speed and reliability of its high-speed network, which was filmed for a three-minute documentary.
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'This project, when they came to me, was super-exciting,' said London technologist Noel Drew, who developed the robotic arm with his team at The Mill. 'We've got real-time human hand tracking, we've got precise control over a robot, we've got tattooing, and we've got 5G — the amount of data alone we need to transfer from one end to the other.'
Over a period of about six weeks during lockdown, The Mill developed the technology for the first-ever long-distance tattoo, much of it generated specifically for the task from 3D printers.
'This definitely wasn't stuff we had in hand,' Drew told PC Magazine. 'Every part of the build was considered and either purchased specifically or designed, developed, and fabricated in house from the ground up.'
Thomas was closely involved in the process, educating the engineers about the uniqueness of dealing with human skin as a medium.