UAE 바라카 원전 2호기 운전허가 승인 VIDEO:License Issued for Barakah Nuclear Unit 2

카테고리 없음|2021. 3. 11. 12:46

License Issued for Barakah Nuclear Unit 2

The Arab world’s first nuclear power plant has received an operating license for its second unit, and the facility’s timeline still calls for commercial start-up of the first unit later this year.


The Barakah nuclear power station, in the Al Dhafrah region of Abu Dhabi, will include four units with 5,600 MW of generating capacity when complete. It is being built by Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO) and will feature four APR-1400 pressurized water reactors. The plant is expected to supply about one-quarter of the peak power demand for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), according to government officials.



UAE가 바라카 원전 2호기의 운전 허가를 승인했다고 로이터 통신이 3.9일 보도했다.

로이터는 UAE의 FANR(Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation)의 관계자를 인용해 이같이 전했다.


바라카 원전사업은 한국형 차세대 원전 APR1400 4기(총발전용량 5,600㎿)를 UAE 수도 아부다비에서 서쪽으로 270㎞ 떨어진 바라카 지역에 건설하는 프로젝트이다. 한국전력은 2009.12월 이 사업을 수주해 2012.7월 착공했다.



지난해 2월 운전 허가를 받은 바라카 원전 1호기는 올해 안에 상업운전을 시작할 것이라고 FANR 관계자는 전했다.


하마드 알카비 IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agenc) 주재 UAE 대표는 현재 건설 중인 바라카 원전 3·4호기는 각각 94%와 87%의 공정률을 보인다고 말했다.


바라카 원전 4기가 모두 완성되면 UAE 전체 전력 수요의 약 25%를 충당하게 될 것이라고 로이터는 전했다.

< 출처: Reuters (2021.3.9.) >

한-UAE인프라협력센터 김정태 (Tel. 02-3406-1194),



A Long Road to Completion

The UAE’s nuclear regulator on March 9 announced the operational license for Unit 2. Unit 1 was connected to the UAE’s national power grid in August of last year, and in December 2020 reached 100% of reactor power capacity during testing. Hamad Al-Kaabi, deputy chairman of Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) and the UAE’s representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in a media briefing Tuesday said construction of Unit 3 is 94% complete, with Unit 4 at 87% complete (Figure 1).



1. Construction of all four units of the Barakah nuclear power station is nearing completion. Unit 1 at the plant is scheduled to begin commercial operation later in 2021. Courtesy: Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp.

“Today’s announcement represents a milestone in the UAE’s journey and realization of the vision of the wise leadership. It is considered a strategic achievement that culminates in the efforts exerted over the past 13 years,” Al-Kaabi said.


Construction of Unit 1 at Barakah began in 2012, with an original start-up date of 2017. There have been several delays associated with the project, including the need to train staff as the UAE builds its nuclear industry from scratch. The UAE has said the plant is critical to its ambition to move away from power generation that has been almost entirely supplied by the emirate’s vast supply of natural gas.


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KEPCO E&C's APR1400 Nuclear Power Plant PR video


