웹사이트 순위 트래픽 감소 진단 및 조치 How to Diagnose Page Ranking Declines: Ask An SEO

How to Diagnose Page Ranking Declines: Ask An SEO

Look at the Big Picture

What Are the Losses?

Check Your Links

Bottom Line

Even the most experienced SEO professionals can struggle to diagnose declines in a website's rank and traffic. Here are a few factors to check out.

“My website is losing home page rankings but internal pages are ranking well. What could be the reason for this?”

   경험이 풍부한 SEO 전문가들도 웹사이트의 순위와 트래픽의 감소를 진단하기 위해 고군분투할 수 있다. 다음은 몇 가지 체크 아웃해야 할 요인이다.

홈페이지는 순위가 떨어지고 있지만 내부 페이지는 순위가 높다. 그 이유는 뭘까?

사이트의 페이지가 중요한 순위나 트래픽을 잃기 시작하면 통상 왜 그런지 여기에 집중해야 한다.

대부분의 SEO 전문가들이 취하는 첫 번째 단계는 페이지가 감소하는 이유에 대한 분석이다.

문제는 한 페이지가 감소하는 것을 볼 수 있는 수천 가지 이유가 글자 그대로 존재한다는 것이다. 

그리고 심지어 가장 경험이 많고 똑똑한 SEO 프로도 때때로 정확히 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 진단하는데 어려움을 겪는다.

이 프로세스는 사이트의 일부 페이지가 감소하는 반면 다른 페이지는 증가하는 페이지를 볼 때 훨씬 더 좌절감을 줄 수 있다.

Look at the Big Picture 큰 그림을 봐라

What Are the Losses? 손실의 원인은 무엇인가

Check Your Links 링크의 검토

Bottom Line 내부 페이지의 검토

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

When a page on a site starts to lose significant rankings or traffic, it’s typically all hands on deck.

The first step most SEO professionals take is an analysis of why a page is seeing declines.

The problem is that there are literally thousands of reasons a page can see declines, and even the most experienced, smartest SEO pro sometimes has trouble diagnosing exactly what’s happening.

This process can be even more frustrating when some pages of a site are seeing declines, while others are seeing increases.

SEO Trench

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Look at the Big Picture

It’s important to understand the big picture of your SEO efforts, especially when your site is in flux.

If your homepage is seeing declines, but your interior pages are seeing increases – this may not be a big deal if your overall leads and traffic are steadily increasing.

Understand your site’s goals and objectives when it comes to SEO.

If you don’t have overall goals, you can get pulled down rabbit trails trying to fix things that aren’t broken, which will harm your site overall in the long run.

What Are the Losses?

Even you can’t identify the cause of a page’s decline, you should be able to see where the decline is coming from.

If you’ve been tracking rankings and have analytics set up, you should be able to see what keywords are experiencing ranking declines.

If you can’t see any ranking declines for your home page, you need to look at the types of traffic that are declining.

Sometimes a page can have technical issues that cause it to decline in the SERPs.

This is particularly true when it comes to the mobile version of a site.

Also, searcher behavior can have an impact on traffic to specific pages.

If your page is targeting keywords that are seeing a decline in overall search volume, the traffic is going to be down.

The best thing you can do when search volume is down is work to create overall interest, which isn’t necessarily done in the search engine result pages.

Check Your Links

For most websites, the home page is where most of the links from other websites are pointed to.

But sometimes, internal pages – particularly pages of interest – can garner more links than the homepage.


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In these cases, it isn’t uncommon for an interior page or blog post to outrank a home page for many terms.

There isn’t anything wrong with interior pages outranking a home page.

In fact, it can be quite beneficial for some businesses.

The key is to make sure that the interior pages have a clear path to conversion for visitors that are initially exposed to your site through them.

Work to make your interior pages relevant for new visitors, and make it easy for those visitors to convert.

Bottom Line

There are many reasons why an interior page might outrank a home page.

But in the end, it may not matter.

If you are worried about lost rankings, check your links, content, technical SEO, and competition to see why they are ranking instead of you.

If you are just seeing an audience behavior shift to interior pages – adapt and make your interior pages convert.



