*MS, 아바타로 다른 사용자와 협업 가능한 새 혼합현실 메쉬 플랫폼 출시 VIDEO: Beam me up Microsoft! Firm launches new Mesh platform where users can create...

Beam me up Microsoft! Firm launches new Mesh platform where users can create an avatar that can be beamed anywhere in the world, allowing them to collaborate with other users

Microsoft announced its new Mesh platform at a live streamed event

The application is a mix-reality system that uses the firm's HoloLens headset 

Users can 'teleport' into an office to sit in on a meeting or display 3D content

Other users in the experience can also interact with the AR content

Microsoft Mesh comes as millions are using videoconferencing apps


PUBLISHED: 20:17 GMT, 2 March 2021 | UPDATED: 21:12 GMT, 2 March 2021

   지난해 코로나바이러스로 인해 화상회의는 전세계적인 유행이 됐지만 마이크로소프트는 사실상 같은 방으로 사람들을 불러들이는 새로운 플랫폼을 공개했다.

마이크로소프트 메쉬로 불리는 이 애플리케이션은 이 회사의 홀로렌즈 헤드셋을 사용하는 혼합현실 시스템으로, 서로 다른 위치에 있는 사용자들이 홀로그램으로 다른 경험을 할 수 있게 한다.

사용자는 사무실에 '텔레포트'를 하여 회의에 참석하거나 증강현실에서 다른 사람이 반복할 수 있는 3D 콘텐츠를 증강현실에 표시할 수 있습니다.

Microsoft Mesh는 이 회사의 Ignite 디지털 컨퍼런스에서 발표되었는데, 이 컨퍼런스에서 Microsoft 기술 동료인 Alex Kipman은 '이것은 처음부터 혼합 현실의 꿈이었다'고 말했다.

'여러분은 실제로 여러분이 컨텐츠를 공유하는 누군가와 같은 장소에 있는 것처럼 느낄 수도 있고, 여러분이 물리적으로 함께 있지 않을 때에도 다른 혼합된 현실 장치로부터 순간이동하고 사람들과 함께 있을 수도 있습니다.'

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Video conferencing has become a worldwide staple in the last year due to the coronavirus forcing millions into their homes, but Microsoft has unveiled a new platform that brings people into the same room – even if just virtually.

Called Microsoft Mesh, the application is a mix-reality system that uses the firm's HoloLens headset, enabling users in different locations to 'beam' themselves as a hologram into other experiences.

Users can 'teleport' into an office to sit in on a meeting or display 3D content in augmented reality that others can iterate in augmented reality.

Microsoft Mesh was announced during the firm's Ignite digital conference, where Microsoft Technical Fellow Alex Kipman, said: 'This has been the dream for mixed reality, the idea from the very beginning.'

'You can actually feel like you're in the same place with someone sharing content or you can teleport from different mixed reality devices and be present with people even when you're not physically together.'

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Microsoft Mesh, the application is a mix-reality system that uses the firm’s HoloLens headset, enabling users in different locations to ‘beam’ themselves as a hologram into other experiences

During the presentation, Kipman appeared on a virtual stage as a 'fully realized holoporation' of himself in real-time.

He stood on the stage, narrating the show, while beams of light simulated his physical body.

Microsoft Mesh comes at a time when millions are using videoconferencing platforms, like Zoom, to keep in contact with loved ones, along with complete  daily work tasks.

But the tech company's platform brings the world closer by allowing people to transport themselves digitally.

'Microsoft Mesh will also enable geographically distributed teams to have more collaborative meetings, conduct virtual design sessions, assist others, learn together and host virtual social meetups,' the company said.

Microsoft Technical Fellow Alex Kipman announced the new platform at the firm's Ignite event where he appeared on a virtual stage as a 'fully realized holoporation' of himself in real-time. He stood on the stage, narrating the show, while beams of light simulated his physical body

'People will initially be able to express themselves as avatars in these shared virtual experiences and over time use holoportation to project themselves as their most lifelike, photorealistic selves.'

Microsoft Mesh is the result of the research and development team spending years on advancing hand and eye tracking with the HoloLens, along with developing persistent holograms and AI models for avatars.

The system is built on Azure, Microsoft's computing platform, and uses its 'enterprise-grade security and privacy features, as well as its vast computational resources, data, AI and mixed reality services,' according to Microsoft.

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Introducing Microsoft Mesh


