*완판 태양광전기차 압테라..도대체 어떤 차길래 VIDEO:Aptera’s 1,000-Mile EV Moves Closer to Production With Millions in Preorders and New Funding

Aptera’s 1,000-Mile EV Moves Closer to Production With Millions in Preorders and New Funding

The San Diego-based startup accepted over $4 million during its Series A funding round.


Aptera’s 1,000-mile solar EV is closer to reality than ever before thanks to interest from investors and drivers.

Aptera ParadigmAperta

'충전 No' 태양광전기차 압테라, 하루만에 330대 완판…2천만원대

  기존 전기차보다 한 단계 진보한 충전이 필요없는 태양광 전기차가 올해말 나올 전망이다.

워싱턴포스트는 최근 미국 자동차 스타트업 압테라(Aptera)가 연말 최초의 양산형 태양광 전기차를 출시할 예정이라고 보도했다.

이 자동차의 특징은 말 그대로 태양광으로 움직이는 전기차다. 현재 상용화 된 전기차와 달리 별도의 충전이 필요없다는 의미다.

압테라가 공개한 전기차의 외관은 마치 소형 비행기처럼 보인다. 바퀴도 3개인 3륜차다.

워싱턴포스트에 따르면 압테라의 태양광 전기차는 곡선형 디자인으로 항력 계수를 0.13까지 낮췄다.

자동차 프레임은 초경량 탄소 합성물과 유리섬유로 만들어 무게를 대폭 줄였다.

3륜 구동 모델 기준 제로백은 3.5초, 최고 속도는 160km/h다.

무엇보다 가장 큰 특징은 지붕에 있는 3.16㎡ 넓이의 태양광 발전 패널이다. 이 패널로 태양광을 충전한다

가격은 2만5900달러(약 2900만원)부터다.

회사 측은 "지난해 12월 선주문을 받기 시작했는데 330대가 24시간만에 매진됐고 7500명이 주문의사를 밝혔다"며 "이 차는 효율성이 매우 뛰어나 일반 충전 15분만에 150 마일을 주행 할 수 있다"고 말했다. 이어 "태양광으로 충전한 전력으로 하루에 최대 40마일(64km)를 달릴 수 있다"고 강조했다.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 boyondal@mk.co.kr] 매일경제


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edited by kcontents

The San Diego-based startup behind the intriguing battery-powered three-wheeler, the Paradigm, recently announced that it accepted $4 million during its round of Series A funding. While that may not be a lot of money for some automakers, it does move the company closer to production which is scheduled to start later this year.

Following the round of funding, Aptera says it is now backed by crowd funders, private investors and automotive leaders, including Sandy Munro of Munro & Associates, Inc. “The industry needs more creative engineering like this to progress ahead,” the automotive engineering expert said in a statement. “I’m happy to be assisting Aptera as they move into production and beyond.”

But the company isn’t just seeing interest from investors. The same press release reveals that the company has garnered over 7,000 reservations for the standard Paradigm (which starts at $29,900) and the top-of-the-line Paradigm Plus ($46,900) since the EV made its official public debut back in December. Though a breakdown of models was not revealed, the company said that preorders total over $250,000,000.

Aptera Paradigm EV 

It’s easy to see why people are so intrigued by the futuristic trike. Although it only has room for two, the EV looks like something from the Jetsons and is powered by a battery setup that makes the Tesla Model S Long Range Plus and Lucid Air look inefficient. A combination of 100-kWh battery and integrated solar panels will allow the Paradigm Plus to go up to 1,000 miles on a single charge. Even better, the vehicle can travel up to 45 miles a day (and 11,000 miles a year) on solar power alone, so you won’t even have to worry about charging it some days.

Aptera also announced that it has moved into a new production facility in the Sorrento Valley neighborhood of San Diego. It’s here that production of the Paradigm and Paradigm Plus is scheduled to begin later this year. The startup hopes to have 10,000 examples on the road by next year. You can reserve yours now through the Aptera website.

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Aptera Updates for February


