텍사스 강추위 속 바다거북 구출 작전 VIDEO: Sliding back into the wild! Hundreds of turtles rescued during Texas' deep freeze....

Sliding back into the wild! Hundreds of turtles rescued during Texas' deep freeze are released offshore by wildlife officials sending them down slides


Rehabilitated turtles are placed one at a time on a long slide, then zoom down and splash into the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico


Thousands of green sea turtles were rescued during last week's arctic blast

The cold can send the reptiles into shock, causing them to starve or drown

Wildlife officials rehabilitated the turtles, slowing brining up their temperature

Healthy turtles are being returned to the warm Gulf down rubber slides  





PUBLISHED: 19:47 GMT, 26 February 2021 | UPDATED: 20:36 GMT, 26 February 2021


  텍사스에 기록적인 추위와 눈이 내려 이 주의 주민들이 피해를 본 것이 아니라, 멸종위기에 처한 바다거북의 개체수를 위협했다.


자원봉사자들은 지난 주 걸프 지역 전역에서 멸종 위기에 처한 수천 마리의 양서류들을 구조했는데, 이 양서류는 추운 날씨로 인해 사실상 마비되어 먹거나 물 위에 있는 채로 있는 것을 막았다.


야생동물 관계자들은 최근 수백 마리의 바다거북을 바다로 돌려보냈고 야생으로 돌려보내기 위해 미끄럼틀을 사용했다.


이 점잖은 거북들은 한 번에 한 마리씩 젖은 미끄럼틀 위에 놓여져 다시 물속으로 확대된 다음 헤엄쳐 떠났다.



텍사스 씰라이프 센터는 월요일과 화요일에만 200마리 이상의 바다거북을 방류했다고 밝혔다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 





edited by kcontents


The record cold and snow in Texas didn't just catch the state's human inhabitants off-guard, it threatened its endangered sea turtle population.


Arctic weather in south Texas last week caused the water temperature to dip below 50 degrees, sending thousands of sea turtles into shock. Pictured: Turtles at the convention center on South Padre Island


Volunteers rescued thousands of the endangered amphibians across the Gulf region last week that were effectively paralyzed by the freezing temperatures,  preventing them from eating or keeping their heads above water.


Wildlife officials in Corpus Christi recently returned hundreds of sea turtles to the ocean and used slides to return them to the wild.


The gentle creatures were placed one at a time on a wet slide, zoomed back into the water and then swam away.


The Texas Sealife Center says it released more than 200 sea turtles on Monday and Tuesday alone.


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Residents across South Texas worked to rescue the cold-blooded creatures, which can succumb to 'cold stun' in arctic weather.



A green sea turtle takes its final swim test before being returned to the ocean


Cold stun is a condition in which extremely low temperatures cause hypothermia, paralyzing the turtles and preventing them from eating or keeping their heads above water.


It can also make them more susceptible to predators and boat propellers.


'If water temperatures drop below approximately 50°F, sea turtles become lethargic and are unable to swim. They float up to the surface and become vulnerable to boat strikes or wash ashore and become stranded,' according to the National Park Service. 


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Thousands of 'cold-stunned' sea turtles rescued from freezing waters in Texas




