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E-Bikes for Everyone!
Why shouldn’t the government help Americans get electric bicycles?
FEB 25, 20211:21 PM
While flying taxis, autonomous vehicles, and the hyperloop all have their skeptics, there is one emerging transportation technology that everyone seems to love: the electric bicycle. Its fandom comes in many forms. Policy wonks celebrate e-bikes as an environmentally friendly alternative to driving, health advocates applaud the outdoor exercise they enable, and a growing number of converts simply think they’re a hell of a lot of fun. As one self-described e-bike stan put it in Gizmodo: “Hills? No problem when your bike has a battery boost. Sweat? See ya never.”
A man rides an e-bike as he delivers food.
If the Dutch can do it, so can we. Robin van Lonkhuijsen/Getty Images
하늘을 나는 택시, 자율주행차, 하이퍼루프 모두 회의적인 시각을 갖고 있지만, 모두가 좋아하는 것 같은 하나의 떠오르는 교통기술, 즉 전기자전거가 있다. 정책 입안자들은 e-bike를 운전에 대한 환경 친화적인 대안으로 축하하고, 건강 옹호자들은 그들이 할 수 있는 야외 운동에 박수를 보내며, 점점 더 많은 수의 개종자들이 단순히 그들이 아주 재미있다고 생각한다.
"언덕? 자전거에 배터리가 충전되어 있으면 문제 없다. 땀? 절대 안나."
미국에서는 e-bike 시장이 빠르게 확대되고 있으며, 2020년에는 50만 대가 수입되어 전년 대비 두 배가 되었다. 캘리포니아의 Jimmy Panetta와 오리건 주의 Earl Blumenauer는 이번 달에 "E-Bike Act" 또는 "E-Bike Act"라는 이름의 전기 자전거 인센티브 킥스타트 법안을 발표했습니다. 만약 현재의 형태로 통과된다면, 이 법안은 미국인들에게 1,500달러로 제한되는 새로운 e-bike 구매 가격의 30%에 해당하는 환불 가능한 세금 공제혜택를 제공할 것이다. 이는 8,000달러 미만의 e-bike 또는 e-cargo 자전거에 해당된다. 실제로, 3,000달러를 주고 새 e-bike를 구입하는 사람은 다음 해의 세금 환급에 대해 900달러를 청구할 수 있다(그리고 3년 후에 다른 것을 사면 다시 청구할 수 있다).
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
via youtube
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The e-bike market is expanding quickly in the United States; half a million were imported in 2020, double from the year before. But that’s not fast enough for Democratic Reps. Jimmy Panetta of California and Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, who introduced a bill this month named the “Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment Act,” or—brace yourself—the “E-BIKE Act.” If passed in its current form, the bill would offer Americans a refundable tax credit worth 30 percent of a new e-bike’s purchase price, capped at $1,500. Any e-bike or e-cargo bike costing less than $8,000 would be eligible. In practice, a purchaser of a new e-bike for $3,000 could claim a $900 credit on her following year’s tax return (and she could do so again if she buys another one three years later).
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Why underwrite electric bikes? Panetta says he’s motivated by a desire to fight climate change: “This bill can lower the financial barrier to biking, and e-bikes can lower our carbon footprint,” he told me. He cites a recent study that found that a 15 percent e-bike mode share (the portion of a person’s total travel that occurs on an e-bike) would translate to a 12 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from passenger transportation. The congressman is on firm ground here: An e-bike’s per-mile emissions are a fraction of those from even an electric automobile, and the e-bike’s extra pedal power makes it an appealing substitute for a car on trips that might be too distant or unpleasant for a pedal bike. The bill itself isn’t perfect, particularly because e-bike suppliers will need time to catch up to a sudden, government-prodded spike in demand. But would its passage be a big step forward for urban transportation? Yes.
It’s worth looking across the Atlantic to understand how governments can help turn drivers into cyclists. Starting with Great Britain’s Cyclescheme employee benefit program two decades ago, many European countries now leverage their tax codes to lower the cost of cycling and get people out of cars. In Germanym more than 30,000 employers take part in the government’s JobRad program, which allows workers to obtain a bike or e-bike a reduced cost. In 2018 Sweden launched a wildly popular initiative providing residents a 25 percent e-bike subsidy. And then came the coronavirus pandemic, which prompted climate-conscious policymakers in France, Italy, Portugal, and Madrid to offer a rebate worth hundreds of euros to those buying a new ride. The subsidies both encouraged a socially distanced form of exercise and nudged people away from driving.
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But even proponents of these policies agree that subsidies are not a panacea, since even a cheap e-bike isn’t very appealing if you lack a safe place to cycle or a secure spot to stash it. Asked what governments should do first to encourage cycling, Kevin Mayne, the chief executive of the trade group Cycling Industries Europe, answers, “infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure.” Buyer rebates, he says, “are not a magic bullet. You have to think about the entire bicycle journey experience. Where are you going to ride? Where are you going to store it?” That would indicate a lower ceiling for e-bike adoption in the United States, since European streets and roads are traditionally more accommodating to cyclists. That gap has only widened during the pandemic, as leaders in places like Milan, Paris, and London have scrambled to create new places to ride, while American cities have sent mixed messages.
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