재활용 3D 프린팅 주택 그리고 폐기물도 제로 This 3D-Printed House Is Made From Recyclable Materials and Will Be Zero Waste

This 3D-Printed House Is Made From Recyclable Materials and Will Be Zero Waste

By Samantha Pires on February 9, 2021


Work is almost complete on a series of 3D-printed houses that push the boundaries of construction and fabrication. Called TECLA, this project features futuristic dome-shaped dwellings located near Bologna, Italy. The unusual forms and uniquely layered interiors make TECLA interesting enough on its own, but the style is not what makes this project so special.

   건축과 제작의 경계를 넓히는 일련의 3D 프린팅 주택에서 작업이 거의 완료되어간다. TECLA라 불리는 이 프로젝트는 이탈리아 볼로냐 근처에 위치한 미래형 돔 형태의 주거지를 특징으로 한다. 특이한 형태와 독특한 층을 이룬 인테리어는 TECLA를 그 자체로 충분히 흥미롭게 만들지만, 스타일이 이 프로젝트를 그렇게 특별하게 만드는 것은 아니다.

Mario Cucinella Architects가 설계하고 WASP가 제작하도록 계획한 TECLA는 3D 프린터를 통해 자연 및 국소 재료로 만든 점토 층에 기계적으로 레이어를 배치한다. 구조물에 조립된 모든 건축자재를 쉽게 재활용할 수 있어 폐기물이 전혀 없다. 완성되면 이번 제작 과정에서 이들 재료로 지은 첫 번째 집이 되고, 같은 구조에서 여러 대의 3D 프린터가 제작되는 첫 번째 집이 되기도 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

Designed by Mario Cucinella Architects and planned for fabrication by WASP­­, TECLA features 3D printers that mechanically place layers upon layers of clay made from natural and local materials. This means that the building is zero-waste because all construction materials assembled in the structure can easily be recycled. Once complete, it will be the first house to be built with these materials in this fabrication process, and it will also be the first to be produced by multiple 3D printers working on the same structure.

This design and the innovative construction process that made it possible is a serious response to some of the issues facing architects around the world. How do we accommodate a growing population and a lack of affordable housing? How do we meet these demands while reinventing the way we build in order to lessen our impact on the environment? Mario Cucinella explains, “The completion of the structure is an important milestone and shows that thanks to the design and technologies used, TECLA is no longer just a theoretical idea. It can be a real and achievable response to the needs of living today and the future.”

According to Cucinella and the design team, the so-far successful construction of TECLA means that this model may work for other environments as well. WASP has created a “maker economy starter kit” that will help others recreate this sustainable design—maybe even on a much larger scale like an entire city of zero-waste structures.

TECLA is expected to finish construction in Spring 2021. You can find more information about the design process on Mario Cucinella Architects' website and more news about the fabrication of TECLA and crane WASP here.

TECLA is a 3D printed house designed by Mario Cucinella Architects and engineered by 3D printer fabricators WASP.

This 3d-Printed House Is Made From Recyclable Materials and Will Be Zero Waste

Mario Cucinella Architects: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn
WASP: Website | Instagram | Flickr | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
h/t: [designboom]

All images via Mario Cucinella Architects and WASP.


