정말!? 머리 뒤에 또 다른 눈이 달렸다고? VIDEO: Now you really can have eyes on the back of your head

Now you really can have eyes on the back of your head! Olympic athlete develops £199 cycling glasses that allow riders to see BEHIND them

Edinburgh-based inventors Callum Skinner and physicist Alex Macdonald developed the specs from early sketches after raising more than £100,000 on Kickstarter

The team behind the glasses raised over £100,000 in a Kickstarter campaign 

This allowed them to turn the sunglasses from a sketch into a real product

It was inspired by the need for cyclists to see what is happening around them 

Developers say it can also help athletes become more aerodynamic as they will no longer have to look around them and turn their head to see what is coming 


PUBLISHED: 08:04 GMT, 24 February 2021 | UPDATED: 16:50 GMT, 24 February 2021

  올림픽 금메달을 딴 사이클리스트와 물리학자는 자전거 선수들이 머리를 움직이지 않고 자신의 뒤를 볼 수 있도록 도와주는 안경을 개발했다.

에든버러에 본부를 둔 발명가 캘럼 스키너와 물리학자 알렉스 맥도널드는 킥스타터에 10만 파운드 이상을 모금한 후 초기 스케치에서 스펙을 개발했다.

그들은 자전거를 타는 사람들이 머리를 돌리기 보다는 초점을 이동시킴으로써 앞뒤를 볼 수 있도록 해주며, 이것은 속도와 공기역학을 향상시키는데 도움이 된다고 연구팀은 말한다.

이 회사인 HindSight는 반투명 거울이 달린 2부 앵글 렌즈를 사용하여 안경을 제작하는데, 엔트리 레벨 모델의 경우 £199부터 가격이 책정되었다.

이 두 사람은 안경을 쓰면 아마추어 사이클이 더 안전해지고, 주자나 노 젓는 선수 같은 다른 선수들이 고개를 돌릴 필요가 없어 경기력이 향상되기를 바라고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

An Olympic gold medal winning cyclist and a physicist have developed a pair of glasses that can help cyclists see behind them without moving their head. 

Edinburgh-based inventors Callum Skinner and physicist Alex Macdonald developed the specs from early sketches after raising more than £100,000 on Kickstarter.

They allow cyclists to see forwards and backwards by shifting focus rather turning their head - which helps to also improve speed and aerodynamics, the team say.

The company, HindSight, use two-part angled lenses with semi-transparent mirrors to produce the glasses, which cost from £199 for the entry level model.

The pair hope their glasses will make amateur cycling safer and give other athletes such as runners and rowers a performance edge by not having to turn their heads.


An Olympic gold medal winning cyclist and a physicist have developed a pair of glasses that can help cyclists see behind them without moving their head

Mr Skinner, who won gold and silver at the 2016 Summer Olympics said: 'As a passionate cyclist, I'm acutely aware of the importance of road safety.'

But beyond road safety improvements, the original inspiration for the glasses, Skinner sees a competitive future for the frames. 

'I'm also struck by the potential of HindSight glasses to help professional cyclists reach their peak performance,' the athlete said.

'Managing aerodynamic profile is essential for any elite cyclist and, by turning back to look over your shoulder, you can easily lose efficiencies in your speed and performance.

'I believe HindSight glasses provide the answer to this and will change the norm as we know it.' 

Mr Macdonald, a former European inventor of the year, said said being able to look behind you as a cyclist lets you make smarter decision. 

The concept came from Macdonald having one close pass and near miss too many with traffic in London, with the physicist adding that it is 'a situation any cyclist will have experienced, with the wing mirror nearly clipping your elbow.'

Mr Skinner, who won gold and silver at the 2016 Summer Olympics said: 'As a passionate cyclist, I'm acutely aware of the importance of road safety'

The concept came from Macdonald having one close pass and near miss too many with traffic in London, with the physicist adding that it is 'a situation any cyclist will have experienced, with the wing mirror nearly clipping your elbow'

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Olympic athlete develops £199 cycling glasses that allow riders to see BEHIND them


