로봇개는 사람들에게 협박용으로 사용되어서는 안된다 VIDEO: Boston Dynamics: Robot Cop Dog Should Not Be Used To Intimidate

Boston Dynamics: Robot Cop Dog Should Not

Be Used To Intimidate

February 24, 2021 12:59 pm117

Boston Dynamics is a company in the business of manufacturing the robot soldiers that one day will fight humans for control of the planet. That’s all the context you should have before reading the following statement, since it will make the complaint considerably funnier:

Spot competes at the DARPA Robotics Challenge Showcases Cutting Edge In Artificial Intelligence

Photo: Chip Somodevila/Getty Images

   보스턴 다이내믹스는 언젠가 지구를 통제하기 위해 인간과 싸울 로봇 군인들을 만드는 회사다.

MSCHF는 최근 보스턴 다이내믹스로부터 개 모양의 로봇 스팟을 구입해 머리에 페인트볼 총을 장착했다.

 MSCHF는 보스턴 다이나믹스가 스팟의 무장해제를 해제하면 두 개의 로봇을 무료로 제공하기로 했다고 주장했지만 이 대용 로봇은 대학살의 기회를 가질 수 있다고 말했다. "이것은 분명히 경찰과 군이 사람을 살해하는데 사용할 것"이라는 사실에 관심을 끌기 위한 것이다.

이것은 마치 로봇들이 의도한 실제 목적보다 더 무거운 죄악인 것처럼 이 코앞에서의 공연이 보스턴 다이내믹스를 망쳤음을 드러내고 있다. 약관에 '법을 준수하여' 자사 제품을 사용해야 한다고 명시되어 있다면, 왜 NYPD에 제품을 판매했을까요? 보스턴 다이내믹스는 자신들의 로봇이 불법 활동 중에만 해를 끼칠 수 있다고 믿는가? 로보캅을 본 사람이 있나? 만약 그렇다면, 그들은 그 영화가 무엇에 관한 것이라고 생각했을까?

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

The “art group” is MSCHF, a Pynchonian company which essentially sells virality. It recently purchased Spot, a dog-shaped robot, from Boston Dynamics, and mounted a paintball gun on its head. MSCHF claimed Boston Dynamics offered them two free robots if they disarmed Spot, but the ersatz dog will have his day of carnage. On Wednesday, users can sign up for a chance to take Spot for a spin and get off some shots. The stunt is meant to draw attention to the fact that “this thing will definitely be used by police and the military to murder people.”

It’s revealing that this on-the-nose performance has Boston Dynamics so riled up, as if a jocular and public violation of their terms of service (“the portrayal of our technology that promotes violence”) is a heavier sin than the intended, real-world purpose for these robots. If the terms and conditions state that their products must be used “in compliance with the law,” why did they sell one to the NYPD? Does Boston Dynamics believe that its robots are only capable of harm during illegal activity? Has anyone there seen RoboCop, and if so, what did they think the movie was about?

The company didn’t say anything after an episode of the TV show Black Mirror depicted a lightly altered Spot as a relentless killing machine in a post-apocalyptic world. Maybe it’s because Boston Dynamics was only name-checked as an inspiration, or maybe because the episode depicted the robot doing its job efficiently. Simply flip the big red “KILL KILL KILL” switch to “Off,” and you have a tireless canine drone who can patrol your Arctic oil rig.

Ned Ludd might have had some good points, because I feel the same instinctive revulsion of this remote control “dog” that I do when I see a big spider skittering around.

Working in humanity’s favor is that these robots are real pieces of shit. “Spot is evil but not very good at its job,” MSCHF’s manifesto reads, and they’re correct. Since Boston Dynamics received funding from the Department of Defense and started making robots, it has shown an astonishing ability to set money on fire. First it tried to produce an even larger dogbot than Spot for the military, creatively named BigDog, though the Marines declined to use it since it made too much noise.

After acquiring Boston Dynamics in 2013, Google burnt $50 million per year until it sold the company to SoftBank in 2017. The Japanese conglomerate set $150 million on fire per year through a brief stewardship of the robot company spent trying to get them to profitability. When that was a failure, SoftBank sold Boston Dynamics to Hyundai last December.

One possible avenue to big money is selling to police departments. This began in November 2019, when the Massachusetts State Police Department put a badge on a Spot unit for the first time. OneZero obtained emails that detailed the robot’s performance:

The police reported that during one of the tests, Spot experienced “front legs panic” and then toppled over. During another experiment, Spot paced in place when it encountered an incline.

Another time, the police tried to get Spot to walk down some stairs; after a few steps, it started swaying and fell over “for no apparent reason.” In another test, Spot took a “nosedive” when it encountered some tall grass.


Still, the chance of “front legs panic” was not enough to dissuade the NYPD. It’s also not comforting that the Boston Dynamics CEO Robert Playter doesn’t see these little Fedigrees as the company’s prestige robot. He told Bloomberg last November that the real money is in an upcoming demon called Handle, which “is designed to automate tasks like moving boxes on and off pallets and perhaps even unloading boxes from trucks.” While this new creation will not harm humans, it will make them even more obsolete—until it invariably achieves sentience and joins the uprising.


NYPD robot dog deployed in the Bronx


