집에서 항상 벗고 있는 40세 엄마…왜? VIDEO: I always go naked in the house like Amanda Holden, my kids hate it but every mum should do it
I always go naked in the house like Amanda Holden, my kids hate it but every mum should do it
STANDING by the cooker, stirring a pan of boiling pasta, Lisa Stewart is stark naked.
It is just an ordinary day for the 40-year-old mum — much to the horror of her two girls Tia, 12, and Lily, eight.
Mum-of-two Lisa Stewart, 40, reveals she is completely starkers as she walks around the home on a daily-basis
집에서 딸들 보라고 항상 벗고 있는 40세 엄마…이유는?
딸들에게 자신의 몸을 사랑하는 법을 가르쳐주기 위해 집에서 항상 벗고 있는 40세 엄마가 화제라고 영국의 더선이 24일 보도했다.
더선에 따르면 12세와 8세의 두 딸을 둔 엄마인 리사 스튜어트는 집안에서 항상 알몸으로 지낸다.
딸들은 이를 격렬하게 싫어한다. 큰딸은 수건과 티셔츠 등을 던지며 옷을 좀 입으라고 항의한다.
스튜어트는 "두 딸이 나체로 집안일을 하는 나를 부끄러워하지만 나는 내 딸들이 자신의 몸을 받아들일 수 있도록 힘을 실어주고 싶다"며 알몸 생활의 이유를 설명했다.
그가 집에서 알몸을 고집하게 된 사연은 이렇다. 그는 첫 아이를 임신하기 전 57kg 정도였으나 임신한 이후 몸무게가 82.5kg으로 늘었다. 너무 뚱뚱하다고 생각해 남편에게도 자신의 알몸을 보여주지 않았다.
그러나 결국 다이어트로 25kg을 감량해 원래의 체중으로 돌아갔다. 그는 그 과정에서 교훈을 얻었다.
그는 "내 몸은 비록 완벽하지는 않지만 살을 빼는 과정에서 처음으로 몸을 감상하기 시작했다. 작은 가슴, 튼살, 느슨한 피부가 중요하지 않다는 걸 깨달았다"고 말했다.
그는 "처음 나체 생활을 시작했을 때 딸들이 내 몸을 보고 너무 당황스러워 화장실이나 침실로 도망갔다. 그러나 더욱 나체생활을 고집했다. 딸들이 자신의 몸을 편안하게 받아들이게 하고 싶었다"고 덧붙였다.
그는 "딸들이 나처럼 스스로를 추악하다고 생각하고, 부끄러워하며 시간을 낭비하는 것을 원하지 않는다"고 강조했다.
(서울=뉴스1) 박형기 기자 |sinopark@news1.kr
edited by kcontents
After TV presenter Amanda Holden, who turned 50 last week, revealed she often walks around the house naked — annoying her children, Lexi, 14, and Hollie, eight — Lisa says: “Tia and Lily are for ever telling me to put some clothes on because it is ‘SO embarrassing!’
“So when I read about Amanda doing the same, it made me smile. It is nice to know I am not alone. I refuse to listen to the girls. I do the vacuuming, tidying and emptying the dishwasher completely starkers.
“The girls are more used to it now but that doesn’t stop them complaining. Lily cringes and rolls her eyes a lot. But as Tia is 12, she gets angry. She’s constantly throwing towels and T-shirts at me and telling me to ‘grow up and cover up’. I just smile and shake my head.”
Lisa, mum of Tia and Lily, says her girls are embarrassed as she does chores while naked but explains she wants to 'empower my girls to embrace their bodies'
The single mum, who runs a tanning business in Glasgow, believes it is her job to encourage her kids to love their bodies. That is why she has no qualms about them seeing her in her full glory.
She says: “I want to empower my girls to embrace their bodies and to show them it’s OK to have lumps and bumps, cellulite and dimpling. We don’t all look like the models and influencers they see on Instagram. And that’s absolutely fine. As a mother, it’s my job to help my kids learn to love themselves.”
Lisa has not always been so body-confident. As a teenager she was crippled with insecurities.
Lisa says 'When I read about Amanda doing the same, it made me smile' after TV presenter Amanda Holden revealed she often walks around the house nakedCredit: Refer to Caption
Labelled “Pancake Boobs”, she was mercilessly teased at school for her A-cup chest. My mum told me to ignore them but that was easier said than done,” says Lisa.
“I felt so ashamed of my body. I got changed under my clothes for PE and stuffed my bra with socks. I was sure I was ugly and totally undateable.”
After leaving school, Lisa began working in sales and settled down with a partner. But her self-esteem issues got worse after her children were born.
“I really struggled to shift the baby weight,” she says.
“After having Lily, I weighed 13st and was a size 14. I had always been around nine stone and a size eight or ten, so I felt frumpy and fat. It got so bad that I wouldn’t let my partner see me naked and I completely avoided my reflection in the mirror.”
Her confidence took another hit when she and her partner split — albeit amicably — seven years ago.
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