*코카콜라가 시험 중인 새로운 친환경 종이병 VIDEO: Coca-Cola Unveils Its New Sustainable Paper Bottles Ready for Testing

Coca-Cola Unveils Its New Sustainable Paper

Bottles Ready for Testing

By Samantha Pires on February 22, 2021


It’s no secret that plastic pollution poses a difficult problem for the planet. As consumers demand more sustainable options, brands are forced to make more responsible decisions and some big changes to their products. Coca-Cola had to reconsider its business practices when it was found to be the worst polluting brand in the world multiple years in a row.  Following through with earlier promises, Coca-Cola has now released a prototype of their sustainable paper bottles that might help them drop down the list and become less harmful for the environment.

  플라스틱 오염이 지구에 어려운 문제를 야기한다는 것은 비밀이 아니다. 소비자들이 보다 지속 가능한 옵션을 요구함에 따라, 브랜드는 더욱 책임감 있는 결정을 내리고 제품에 몇 가지 큰 변화를 줄 수밖에 없습니다. 코카콜라는 수 년 연속 세계에서 가장 오염이 심한 브랜드로 밝혀졌을 때 사업 관행을 재고해야 했다. 이전의 약속들을 이행한 후, 코카콜라는 이제 그들의 지속 가능한 종이 병의 프로토타입을 출시했는데, 이것은 환경에 덜 해로울 수 있도록 도울 것이다.

이 병들은 제품의 재활용 가능한 포장을 전문으로 하는 덴마크 회사 파보코(Paboco) 또는 페이퍼 보틀 컴퍼니(Paper Bottle Company)와 제휴하여 개발되었다. 이 개념은 종이 병을 플라스틱처럼 효과적으로 만들기 위한 많은 도전과제를 수반하지만, 이제 시험삼아 시험해 볼 준비가 되었다.

특히 종이 빨대를 사용해 본 사람에게는 첫 번째 어려움이 분명할 수 있다. 어떻게 탄산음료가 병을 담그고 그것을 파괴하는 것을 방지할까? 이것을 해결하기 위해, 플라스틱은 여전히 종이와 액체 사이에 얇은 라이너를 만드는 데 사용된다. 

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

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The bottles were developed in partnership with Danish company Paboco, or Paper Bottle Company, which specializes in recyclable packaging for products. The concept comes with plenty of challenges to make the paper bottles as effective as plastic, but it's now ready for trial.

The first difficulty may be especially obvious to those who have used paper straws. How do you prevent the soda from soaking the bottle and destroying it? To solve this, plastic is still used to create a thin liner between the paper and the liquid. “It's going to be a bio-based barrier, that's really something minimal, that keeps that food safe, that keeps the product safe at the same time,” explains Michael Michelsen, business development manager at Paboco.

Cola products also pose the challenge of dealing with added pressure needed when bottling soda. It has to be airtight to prevent gas from leaving or anything falling into the soda. Plus, the paper has to be as adaptable to new marketing campaigns and design as its metal or plastic counterparts. Can ink be printed directly on the bottle? Can the paper be easily changed to fit new bottle designs? The solutions to these questions did not come easy and the company dedicated seven years to experimenting before launching.

Photo: Stock Photos from Vladimir Zhupanenko/Shutterstock

Now, the first Coca-Cola paper bottles will be tested in Hungary this summer to sell Coca-Cola’s fruit drink Adez. The trial will include 2,000 bottles sold in a local retail chain. “We have a good understanding already of what the bottle will go through as we put it into the real world,” says Michelsen. “But there is a certain point where you just can't design yourself out of this at a desk, right?”

So, while the bottles are not widely available yet, this first test means we will be able to follow along as Coca-Cola, Paboco, and other companies improve the technology behind paper bottles. You can see more about the production of these latest bottles below.

Coca-Cola has just unveiled their new sustainable paper bottles designed in partnership with Danish company Paboco.

Coca-Cola: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube
Pabolo: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn
h/t: [BBC]


Our Paper Bottle Prototype - A Step Forward



