*덴마크의 건축가 비야케 잉겔스 독특한 빌딩 디자인 VIDEO:10 Amazing Buildings Designed by Bjarke Ingels Group

10 Amazing Buildings Designed by Bjarke Ingels


By Samantha Pires on February 19, 2021

Left to right: The Mountain, 8 House, CopenHill, LEGO House, MÉCA, Superkilen, VIA 57 West, Toyota Woven City

   덴마크의 건축가 비야케 잉겔스(Bjarke Ingels)는 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 현대 건축가 중 한 명이다. 

BIG로 더 잘 알려진 그의 회사인 Bjarke Ingels Group은 장난스러운 계획과 이해하기 쉬운 아키텍처 제스처로 유명하다. BIG은 또한 많은 상징적인 프로젝트를 만드는 데 있어 논리적이지만 대담한 디자인 움직임을 보여주는 깔끔한 디자인 다이어그램으로 유명하다. 잉겔스는 "건축은 세상을 우리의 꿈과 조금 더 비슷하게 만들기 위해 노력하는 것"이라고 믿는다.

지속가능성에 대한 BIG의 입장은 그들의 작업 조직에서도 분명하게 드러난다. 환경적 건축요소가 사후적 사고가 아니라 다른 건축 프로그램과 긴밀하게 얽혀야 한다는 점을 시사하는 쾌락주의적 지속가능성이라고 표현했다. 이 생각은 아마도 지금까지 만들어진 가장 독특한 녹색 건물들 중 하나인 스키 리조트를 발전소로 바꾼 코펜힐에서 가장 분명할 것이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

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Danish architect Bjarke Ingels is one of the most popular contemporary architects in the world. His firm, Bjarke Ingels Group—better known simply as BIG—is famous for its playful schemes and easy-to-understand architectural gestures. BIG is also known for its clean design diagrams, which demonstrate the logical but bold design moves that go into creating many of its iconic projects. Ingels believes that “architecture is about trying to make the world a little more like our dreams.”

BIG’s stance on sustainability is also clearly apparent in their body of work. It is described as hedonistic sustainability, which suggests that environmental building elements should not be afterthoughts but should be closely intertwined with other building program. This idea is probably most apparent in Copenhill, a power plant turned ski resort that is one of the most unique green buildings ever created.

Ingels’ mentor, legendary architect Rem Koolhaas of OMA, best summarized what makes the architect—and the firm—so unique: “Bjarke is the first major architect who disconnected the profession completely from angst. He threw out the ballast and soared. With that, he is completely in tune with the thinkers of Silicon Valley, who want to make the world a better place without the existential hand-wringing that previous generations felt was crucial to earn utopianist credibility.”

Read on to see 10 of our favorite BIG projects by Bjarke Ingels Group.

Amazing Architecture by Bjarke Ingels Group


Toyota Woven City in Susono, Shizuoka, Japan (Photo: Bjarke Ingels Group)

BIG designs more than single buildings. Their most recent large-scale project, Toyota Woven City, is a plan for an urban development focused on the advancement of mobility located near Mt. Fuji, Japan. The “living laboratory” is designed for all workers researching to improve future technologies for the benefit of mankind.

The urban incubator is supported by multiple scales of transit including three elements along each typical road. Traditional vehicular traffic, micro-mobility—including scooters, bikes, and other small personal transport vehicles—and a linear park for pedestrians and park elements are all woven together to create a 3×3 city block module which is repeated throughout the plan.


CopenHill/Amager Bakke in Copenhagen, Denmark (Photo: Stock Photos from Oliver Foerstner/Shutterstock)

Officially opened in 2019, CopenHill (or Amager Bakke) is a new brand of green architecture. Ingels explains, “CopenHill is a blatant architectural expression of something that would otherwise have remained invisible: that it is the cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in the world.” It is also a great example of BIG’s mission of hedonistic sustainability—a practice that involves implementing green ideas throughout the building design instead of creating separate, metric-based goals.

Aside from the 440,000 tons of waste that will be converted into energy each year, the building includes many other public services including the tallest artificial climbing wall in the world, an education facility, and a snowless ski slope.


MÉCA in Bordeaux, France (Photo: Stock Photos from JeanLuclchard/Shutterstock)

MÉCA, or Maison de l’Économie Créative et de la Culture en Aquitaine, is a cultural institution designed for Bordeaux, France. The building design is closely tied to the modern landscape and waterfront as a way to activate the area and create a “celebration of contemporary art, film, and performances.”

To do this, a generous ramp “leads into the urban living room” to guide passersby into the space. Visual connections are designed to draw those into the lively activity and celebration of art. The exterior is also designed for flexibility in order to host a wide range of events.


The Twist in Jevnaker, Norway (Photo: Stock Photos from tufo/Shutterstock)

The Twist is a great example of how BIG’s architecture is defined by an easily accessible design move that results in a unique space. This bridge museum is created by twisting a simple rectilinear box as it spans the Ranselva river. The interesting interior space is simply the result of this gesture. The move is also highlighted as the simple exterior ribbing and large glass façade remain continuous as they are distorted to complete the central twist. The building is part of the Kistefos Sculpture Park in Jevnaker, Norway.


LEGO House in Billund, Denmark (Photo: Stock Photos from Peter Helge Petersen/Shutterstock)

LEGO House is one of BIG’s most recognizable projects. The cleverly stacked boxes create a playful collection of toys when viewed from above but an elegant cultural center when one approaches the building. Even though the literal building blocks are designed to look like LEGO blocks, it does not detract the clean and elegant aesthetic expected of a museum. The colorful tops of each module create a picture-perfect field of color and a truly unique public space.

“LEGO house is a literal manifestation of the infinite possibilities of the LEGO brick,” Ingels explains. “Through systematic creativity, children of all ages are empowered with the tools to create their own worlds and to inhabit them through play. At its finest, that is what architecture—and LEGO play—is all about: enabling people to imagine new worlds that are more exciting and expressive than the status quo, and to provide them with the skills to make them reality. This is what children do every day with LEGO bricks; and this is what we have done today at LEGO House with actual bricks, taking Billund a step closer towards becoming the Capital for Children.”


VIA 57 West in New York, USA (Photo: Stock Photos from Osugi/Shutterstock)

This project has now become an important addition to the New York skyline. Via 57 West takes inspiration for its unique form from two existing building types: the European perimeter block—like in Barcelona—and the Manhattan high-rise. The courtyard gives extra access to light and air, improving the quality of many units; while the high-rise accommodates the high density needed for this urban environment. The dynamic form also means that the building has a unique identity from each vantage point. In addition to the visual connection, the shifting height means the unusual building can still meet existing context and preserve views from other towers.

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