*하이브리드 플라잉카 현실에 한 걸음 더 VIDEO: The future is here! World’s first flying car that travels 100mph at altitudes of 10,000ft is cleared for takeoff by the FAA and a full air-road hybrid is set for 2022
The future is here! World’s first flying car that travels 100mph at altitudes of 10,000ft is cleared for takeoff by the FAA and a full air-road hybrid is set for 2022
The company received a Special Light-Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate from the FAA
It has a 27-foot wingspan with wings that fold up to fit in a one-car garage
Pilots can now purchase flight-only models, which run on gas or airplane fuel
A full air-road hybrid model of the two-seater is planned for 2022
Transition owners will need both a driver's license and a sport pilot's certificate
PUBLISHED: 19:55 GMT, 15 February 2021 | UPDATED: 19:56 GMT, 15 February 2021
연방항공청(FAA)이 시속 100마일(160KM)의 속도로 급상승할 수 있는 하이브리드 플라잉카에 대한 승인을 내린 후, 하늘을 나는 자동차의 꿈은 현실에 한 걸음 더 가까워졌다.
테라푸지아 전환기는 기관으로부터 특수경량스포츠항공기 내공성 인증서를 받아 이륙 허가를 받았다.
비행 전용 기종은 현재 조종사와 비행학교에 제공되고 있지만, 자동차 구성품이 '거리 합법화'되기까지는 1년 정도 더 걸릴 것이며, 여전히 도로 안전 기준을 충족해야 한다.
궁극적으로, 운전자들은 작은 공항이나 고속도로에서 이착륙하면서 1분 이내에 비행에서 운전으로 전환할 수 있을 것이다.
테라푸지아는 2022년 2인승 하이브리드에 대한 생산과 승인이 완료되기를 희망하고 있지만, 하이브리드 차량 제작에 관심이 있는 사람들은 운전면허증과 스포츠 파일럿 인증서가 모두 필요할 것이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
via youtube
edited by kcontents
The dream of a flying car just got one step closer to reality, after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted approval to a hybrid ground-air vehicle that can soar at speeds of 100 mph.
The Terrafugia Transition received a Special Light-Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate from the agency, giving it the green light for takeoff.
A flight-only version of the craft is now available to pilots and flight schools, though it will be another year or so before its car components are 'street legal' - it still needs to meet road safety standards.
Ultimately, drivers will be able to convert from flying to driving in less than a minute, taking off and landing in small airports or the highway.
Terrafugia hopes to have production and approvals on the two-seat hybrid complete for 2022, but those interested in taking it for a spin will need both a driver's license and a sport pilot's certificate.
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The FAA has given approval to Terrafugia's Transition, a 'flying car' that can fly at speeds of 100 mph and an altitude of 10,000 feet. Flight-only models are now available, with full air-land version expected in 2022
Chinese-owned Terrafugia has been overly optimistic about delivering a 'roadable aircraft,' a small plane with retractable wings that can both drive on roads and take to the open sky.
It first promised the Transition would be for sale in 2015, then 2018 and then 2019.
But Terrafugia general manager Kevin Colburn praised his team's efforts during 'an extremely challenging pandemic year.'
'Our team remained focused, improved our quality system, completed the critical aspects of the design, built the vehicle, completed 80 days of flight testing, delivered 150 technical documents and successfully passed the FAA audit,' Colburn said.
The Transition has a 27-foot-wide wingspan, but its wings fold up for easy story in a one-car garage. Terrafugia envisions owners landing at a small airport or a stretch of highway and then driving their vehicle home
'This is a major accomplishment that builds momentum in executing our mission to deliver the world's first practical flying car.'
Powered by a 100-hp Rotax 912iS Sport fuel-injected engine, the Transition has a max flight speed of 100 mph and a range of about 400 miles, with an altitude of 10,000 feet.
The plane engine can run on either premium gasoline or 100LL airplane fuel, while the car is powered by a hybrid-electric motor.
Standard features include four-wheel hydraulic disc brakes, a rigid carbon fiber safety cage and an airframe parachute.
The vehicle weighs roughly 1,300 pounds and has fixed landing gear and a 27-foot-wide wingspan.
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