최적의 잠자리 만들어 주는 똑똑한 AI 매트리스 VIDEO: AI MATTRESS uses 360 motion sensors to detect movement and readjusts to ensure you're in the most comfortable position
Never wake up on the wrong side of bed again! AI MATTRESS uses 360 motion sensors to detect movement and readjusts to ensure you're in the most comfortable position
The Emma Motion mattress moulds to the sleeper's body during a night's sleep
It's described as the 'most advanced smart mattress' with built-in AI technology
Emma Motion uses network of 360 motion sensors to sense changes in pressure
PUBLISHED: 14:40 GMT, 4 February 2021 | UPDATED: 12:19 GMT, 5 February 2021
아주 작은 압력도 감지
잠자는 사람 몸에 맞춰 반응
한 수면기술 회사가 밤새 사용자가 가장 편안한 위치에 있도록 재조정할 수 있는 AI 매트리스를 출시했다.
엠마 모션이라고 불리는 이 침대는 360개의 동작 센서를 사용하여 아주 작은 압력도 감지하고 잠자는 사람의 몸에 주형을 만들어 반응합니다.
엠마모션은 '최대의 편안함과 궁극의 인체공학'을 제공하기 위해 몸을 뒤척이는 정도에 상관없이 누구나 사용할 수 있으며, 열전도성 수면을 통해 사용자의 열을 식혀주는 것이 특징이다.
이 매트리스는 이달 프랑스와 벨기에에서 2499유로(약 2200파운드, 약 3천불)에 출시됐으며 올해 말 영국에서 출시될 예정이다
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
A sleep tech firm has launched an AI mattress that can readjust to ensure the user is in the most comfortable position throughout the night.
Called Emma Motion, the bed uses 360 motion sensors to detect even the smallest amount of pressure and reacts by moulding to the sleeper's body.
Emma Motion works for anyone regardless of how much they toss and turn to provide 'maximum comfort and ultimate ergonomics' and also features a heat-conducting sleep that keeps users cool.
The mattress has been launched in France and Belgium this month for 2,499 euros (about £2,200) and will be released in the UK later this year.
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The world’s most advanced smart mattress has been launched by sleep tech brand Emma, set to help address sleep problems
The smart mattress has been created by German sleep tech brand Emma.
'Our mission at Emma is to help improve people's lives by changing the way that they sleep, as more and more studies show just how much sleep impacts our overall health,' said Manuel Mueller, CEO at Emma.
'We invest heavily in researching and developing products which help people sleep smarter, and this means that the technology in the Emma Motion will truly innovate how the world sleeps; a revolution which we're proud to lead.'
The top layer contains heat-conducting graphite particles in the foam. The mattress uses all the data it detects to enlarge or reduce the foam layer by means of air both smoothly and silently to fit different sleeping positions
mma Motion connects to a power source via a cable but it operates silently during the night.
The top of the mattress is covered in a layer of foam, but directly below this is an Infinite AI Sensor, which is effectively a 'dense grid of motion senors'.
Infinite AI Sensor is responsible for perceiving and responding to changing sleep positions.
As the body moves during sleep, the sensors detect even the slightest pressure and processes this as data in real time.
'With the help of AI, the data is translated into your current sleeping positions,' the firm says.
Emma trained a neural network with several terabytes of data to ensure accurate interpretation of the data.
The mattress uses all the data it detects to enlarge or reduce the foam layer by means of air both smoothly and silently to fit different sleeping positions.
Emma says the Motion 'completely moulds to your body as you rest and provides a fully customisable experience that is set to revolutionise the way we sleep'
'This active adjustment throughout the night supports that your spine is balanced and aligned,' Emma says.
Lastly, additional built-in 'Diamond Degree' technology makes sure the user will never be hot and bothered throughout the night.
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Emma - The Sleep Company presents the Emma Motion, world's most advanced smart mattress