자하 하디드의 중국 주하이 진완 시민예술센터 zhuhai jinwan civic art centre by zaha hadid architects takes shape in china

zhuhai jinwan civic art centre by zaha hadid architects takes shape in china

construction work is progressing in china at the site of the ‘zhuhai jinwan civic art centre’ — a major new cultural venue designed by zaha hadid architects (ZHA). the project involves the integration of four distinct institutions: a 1,200-seat grand theater; a 500-seat multi-functional hall, a science center; and an art museum. arranged symmetrically, the venues are connected by a central plaza that serves as a shared external foyer surrounded by glazed walls that promote transparency and a sense of openness.

zhuhai jinwan civic art centre by zaha hadid architects takes shape in chinaimage by minmud (also main image)

자하 하디드의 주하이 진완 시민 예술 센터(Zhaijinwan civil art center)

   중국 주하이 진완 시민 예술 센터(Zhaijinwan civil art center)는 현재 건설공사가 진행 중이다. 이 프로젝트는 1,200석 규모의 대극장, 500석 규모의 복합관, 과학관, 미술관 등 4개 기관의 통합을 포함한다. 대칭적으로 배열된 장소들은 투명성과 개방감을 증진시키는 유리 벽으로 둘러싸인 공유 외부 층 역할을 하는 중앙 광장으로 연결되어 있다.

현대적 창의력의 중심지로 설계된 이 프로젝트는 진완 구 서부 생태신도시의 중심부에 위치하고 있으며, 신주하이 공항 시외철도는 물론 광저우, 선전, 마카오, 홍콩의 대도시와도 직접 연결된다. 그 센터의 독특한 지붕 구조물은 네 개의 건물 위로 치솟는 퇴각 포탄의 네트워크 아래에서 서로 다른 장소들을 통합한다.

'중국 남부 상공에서 날아다니는 철새들의 셰브론 패턴을 따라, 각 장소의 위트 있는 강철 카노피는 반복, 대칭, 규모 변화를 통해 구성되며, 각 건물의 다양한 기능 요건에 대응하는 관련 요소들의 구성을 이룬다'고 ZHA는 설명한다. '지붕의 모든 건물들은 자급자족하고 자급자족한다. 모듈의 반복은 조립 전, 조립 전, 모듈 구성의 사용을 최적화한다.'

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

designed as a hub of contemporary creativity, the project is located at the heart of jinwan district’s western ecological new town where the new zhuhai airport intercity railway provides direct connections with zhuhai’s city center — as well as the metropolises of guangzhou, shenzhen, macau, and hong kong. the center’s distinctive roof structure unites the different venues under a network of reticulated shells soaring above the four buildings.

‘echoing the chevron patterns of migratory birds flying in formation over southern china, the latticed steel canopies over each venue are configured through repetition, symmetry and scale variation; resulting in a composition of related elements that respond to the different functional requirements of each building,’ ZHA explains. ‘every building-module of the roof is self-supporting and self-stabilizing. the repetition of the modules optimizes pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and the use of modular construction.’


meanwhile, the public plaza is defined by interconnecting bridges and voids that present views across the site. ramps invite visitors to the rooftop piazza where footbridges and stairs connect through a central void to each venue. elsewhere, an external amphitheater on the west side of the center allows for outdoor performances and activities. the design optimizes natural light in all public areas and enhances connectivity — creating engaging civic spaces for people to enjoy throughout the day.

the architects say that the project’s landscaping and surrounding lake are designed as integral elements within zhuhai’s ‘sponge city’ initiative that targets the natural permeation, storage, and re-use of at least 70% of the city’s rainwater — using aquatic flora and fauna to naturally filter contaminants. in addition, humidity and soil-moisture sensors within the irrigation system will control and reduce water consumption.

optimized for thermal performance, the double-insulated glazing of the building’s envelope is protected by the latticed roof canopy which incorporates perforated aluminum panels to provide external solar shading. the perforations within the panels vary in size to allow differing degrees of sunlight within the interior spaces in accordance to their programming requirements, solar gain, and orientation.

energy consumption and indoor air quality monitoring systems will automatically adjust interior environments for optimal comfort and energy reduction, while waste heat recovery will be used to meet hot water demand with water-saving appliances connected to the project’s water recycling system. as of february 2021, the steel structure of the lattice roof canopy has been installed over two of the center’s four cultural venues.

zhuhai jinwan civic art centre by zaha hadid architects takes shape in chinathe steel structure has been installed over two of the centre’s four cultural venues

project info:

name: zhuhai jinwan civic art centre

location: zhuhai, china

architect: zaha hadid architects

design: zaha hadid and patrik schumacher

project directors: satoshi ohashi, charles walker

project senior associate: lydia kim

project architects: mei-ling lin, aurora santana (SD)

package leads: mei-ling lin, elena scripelliti

project team: armando bussey, marius cernica, grace chung, nelli denisova, xuexin duan, kaloyan erevinov, nassim eshaghi, kate hunter, yang jingwen, reza karimi, ben kikkawa, lydia kim, julian lin, mei-ling lin, valeria mazzilli, sareh mirseyed nazari, massimo napoleoni, yevgeniya pozigun, cao qi, qiuyu zhao, aurora santana, hannes schafelner, michael sims, patrik schumacher, sharan sundar, maria touloupou, chao wei, charles walker

competition team: armando bussey, clara martins, cristiano ceccato, charles walker, ed gaskin, filippo nassetti, jinqi huang, juan liu, lydia kim, julian lin, satoshi ohashi, paulo flores, harry spraiter, patrick schumacher, houzhe xu, simon yu

LDI: beijing institute of architecture & design south china centre

consultants —

landscape consultant: beijing institute of architecture & design (south china centre)

acoustic consultant: east china architectural design & research institute (acoustic & theatre special design & research division)

façade consultant: zhuhai city honghai curtain wall

interior consultant: shenzhen Z&F culture construction

amplify consultant: radio, film & TV design and research institute

signage consultant: W&T design

lighting consultant: shenzhen global lighting technology

theater consultant: shanghai DeYi engineering technology

BIM consultant: beijing BIMtechnologie

green building consultant: guangdong JORJUN green building technology



