코마쓰 립헬의 새로운 친환경적 건설장비 VIDEO: Battery-Powered Construction Equipment From Komatsu & Liebherr

Battery-Powered Construction Equipment From Komatsu & Liebherr

February 1st, 2021 by Steve Hanley 

The fight against global heating involves finding replacements for gasoline and diesel engines. In the transportation sector, the transition to electric cars and trucks is proceeding apace but there are other sectors that still rely on diesel engines such as the construction industry where the battery electric changeover is just getting started. There are some battery powered mining trucks in a copper mine in Sweden and Swedish mining equipment manufacturer Epiroc already has electric mine vehicles in operation with more coming. Now comes news that Proterra is working with Komatsu to bring electric diggers to market and Liebherr is building battery electric cranes for the construction industry.

Proterra And Komatsu Partnership Credit: Proterra

코마쓰와 립헬의 친환경 건설장비 

코마쓰 프로테라(Proterra)

건설장비 분야에서 지구 온난화에 맞서는 싸움은 가솔린과 디젤 엔진의 대체품을 찾는 것을 의미한다.

교통 분야에서는 전기차·트럭으로의 전환이 빠르게 진행되고 있지만, 배터리 전기 전환이 막 시작되는 건설업 등 디젤 엔진에 여전히 의존하는 분야도 있다. 스웨덴의 한 구리 광산에 배터리 구동식 채굴트럭이 일부 있고 스웨덴의 광산장비 제조업체인 에피록은 이미 전기 광산 차량을 가동하고 있으며, 더 많은 차량이 운행되고 있다. 이제 프로테라가 코마츠와 손잡고 전기파쇄기를 시장에 내놓고 리베르가 건설업을 위해 배터리 전기크레인 등을 만들고 있다는 소식이 들려온다.

오늘날 모든 건설 프로젝트에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 수압적으로 작동하는 장비인 굴착기가 있다. 그들은 참호를 파고, 흙과 바위 더미를 옮기고, 나무 그루터기를 뿌리째 뽑아서 도로와 모든 종류의 건물과 건물을 청소한다. 그것들은 건설 산업의 필수적인 부분이고 오늘날, 사실상 모든 사람들이 디젤 엔진을 탑재한 굉음과 오염을 내뿜고 있다.

프로테라는 최첨단 탄소섬유 전기버스를 만드는 것으로 유명하지만 버스용 배터리 제작기술로 별도의 사업으로 만들었다. Thomas와 VanHool의 스쿨버스와 코치, FCC의 전기 배달 트럭, Optimal의 전기 셔틀에 전원을 공급하는 배터리를 공급한다. 배터리 팩은 어떤 응용 프로그램에도 맞춤 제작이 가능하며, 새로운 영역에 대한 최근의 시도다.

World Construction Today

립헬 LR 1250.1 크레인

프랑스 중장비 제조업체인 립헬이 LR 1250.1 크레인(크롤러 크레인)을 출시했다. 코마츠 굴착기와 마찬가지로 배터리 구동 방식이며, 이 배터리들은 기계가 무거운 짐을 들어올리는 동안 균형을 잡을 수 있는 방식이다. 중량이 최대 250톤에 달한다. SpaceX 팬들은 Lieberr에 대해 잘 알고 있을 것이다. 탱크질라 크레인은 우주선의 로켓을 발사대로 옮기는 데 사용되기도 한다.

LR 1250.1의 독특한 특징은 케이블을 통해 현장 전기 공급원에 의해 전력을 공급받거나 최대 4시간 동안 배터리 전원만으로 작동할 수 있다는 것이다.  립헬은 700V DC에서 작동하는 196kWh 배터리 팩을 가지고 있다. 배터리는 3상 AC 전기 64암페어 또는 3상 AC 전기 125암페어 80kW로 충전할 수 있다. 완전히 방전된 배터리를 충전하는 데는 약 4.5시간이 걸린다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Older readers may call them steam shovels but today they are known as diggers or excavators — the tracked, hydraulically operated devices that are a common sight at construction projects everywhere. They dig trenches, move piles of dirt and rocks, and uproot tree stumps to clear the land for roadways and buildings of every type and description. They are an essential part of the construction industry and today, virtually every one of them has a roaring, snorting, pollution spewing diesel engine on board.

Proterra is known for making state of the art carbon fiber electric buses but it has taken what it knows about building batteries for buses and turned that into a separate business. Today it supplies the batteries that power school buses and coaches from Thomas and VanHool, electric delivery trucks from FCCC, and electric shuttles from Optimal. Its battery packs are customizable for just about any application and its latest foray into new areas is a partnership with Komatsu.

Together, the two companies will develop a line of medium size electric excavators that combine Komatsu’s experience as a manufacturer of heavy equipment with Proterra’s expertise at building batteries. “Komatsu will utilize Proterra’s high-performance battery systems for the development of a proof-of-concept electric excavator in 2021 before expected commercial production in 2023 to 2024. The Proterra battery system powering the electric excavator will feature high energy density and fast charging technology,” Proterra says in a press release.

According to Construction Equipment Guide, the packaging flexibility of Proterra’s battery platform will make it possible to place the batteries within the chassis of the  medium size excavation equipment and eliminate the need for the normal counterweights used to balance the excavator’s hydraulic arm movements. This is one instance in which the weight of the batteries is an advantage.

“As more communities embrace a zero-emission future, Proterra is excited to partner with Komatsu to develop battery-electric construction equipment,” says Proterra CEO Jack Allen. ”Proterra’s best-in-class battery technology has been proven in 16 million miles driven by our fleet of transit vehicles. What’s working in our battery-electric transit vehicles on roads across North America can work off-road, too. We look forward to collaborating with Komatsu to deliver the benefits of emissions free, quiet Proterra Powered vehicles to more communities around the world.”

Liebherr Unplugged Crawler Crane

French heavy equipment manufacturer Liebherr has just introduced its LR 1250.1 crawler crane. Like the Komatsu excavator, it it battery powered and once again those batteries are placed in such a way as to counterbalance the machine while it is lifting heavy loads — up to 250 tons. SpaceX fans may be familiar with Liebherr. Its “Tankzilla” crane is used to move Starship rockets to the launch pad.

The unique feature of the LR 1250.1 is that it can be powered by an onsite electrical source via a cable or operate exclusively on battery power for up to 4 hours. According to CleanTechnica reader Alexandre Moleiro, Liebherr has a 196 kWh battery pack that operates on 700 volt DC. The batteries can be charged at 40 kW using 64 amps of 3 phase AC electricity or 80kW using 125 amps of 3-phase AC electricity. Charging fully depleted batteries takes about 4.5 hours.

“Electrify everything” is the mantra of climate advocates. Now even the world of heavy construction equipment is paying attention. 


Liebherr – World Premiere 2020

